Physiology - Vessels Lecture 4

  1. Regulation of Systemic Blood Pressure Learning Objectives
    • 1. Describe the activity of baroreceptors
    • 2. Explain the baroreceptor reflex to various stimuli
  2. regulation of systemic arterial pressure
  3. Components of the baroreceptor reflex:
    • stimulus: change in blood pressure
    • sensory receptor: carotid artery and the aortic baroreceptors
    • integrating center: medularry cardio vascular control center
    • efferent path: parasympathetic and sympathetic neural pathways
    • effector:
    • PARA: SA node
    • SYMP: SA node, ventricles, veins, arterioles
  4. The baroreceptor reflex: the response to increased blood pressure
    • stimulus: increase in blood pressure
    • receptor: firing of baro receptors in carotid arteries and aorta
    • afferent pathway: sensory neurons
    • integrating centre: cardiovascular control center in the medulla oblongata
    • efferent pathway: either decreased sympathetic out put or increased parasympathetic output
    • efferent pathway: either decreased sympathetic out put or increased parasympathetic output
    • tissue response: vaso dialation, decreased force of contraction, decreased heart rate
    • this all leads to decreased blood pressure
  5. The baroreceptor reflex: the response to orthostatic hypotension
    • stimulus: decreased mean arterial pressure upon standing
    • receptor: firing of carotid and aortic baroreceptors
    • afferent pathway: sensory neurons
    • integrating centre:cardiovascular control center in the medulla oblongata
    • efferent pathway: either increased sympathetic out put or decreased parasympathetic output
    • effector: articular smooth muscle, ventricular myocardium, SA node
    • tissue response: vasoconstriction, increased force of contraction, increased heart rate
    • system response: increased peripheral resistance, and increased cardiac out put
    • this all leads to increased blood pressure
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Physiology - Vessels Lecture 4
Regulation of Systemic Blood Pressure