Pols second test

  1. Judiciary - Types of law
    • a. constitutional law
    • b. statutory law
    • c. administrative law
    • d. common law - case law
    • -1. develpoed in 13th century
    • -2. judge-made law - precedent
    • -3. interpretation of statutes
  2. Resolution of conflic through the judicial branch of government
    • A. Settle disputes in court
    • -1. Civil cases (someone complaining)
    • -2. Criminal cases (the state takes the initiative)
    • B. Norm enforcements
    • C. Provide for orderly transactions
    • D. Determine what the law is
  3. Civil Cases
    • A. Individual rights
    • B. Concept of responsibility, not guilt
    • C. Plaintiff - usually private person
    • D. Settled by "preponderance of evidence"
    • E. Remedy - relief or compensation
  4. Litigation and lawyers
    • A. U.S is the most litigious society in the world
    • B. Courts used for resolving conflicts
    • C. Driven by number of lawyers
  5. Lawyering of America
    • A. Expanded liability
    • B. Contingency fees
    • C. Third-Party suits(drunk driver - bartender- owner of the bar)
    • D. "Pain & suffering" and "punitive" awards
    • E. "joint & several" liability
    • F. Tort reform
    • G. Alternative dispute resolution
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Pols second test