Art History

    • Image: Gold strip with Biblical Inscription
    • location/Culture: Anglo Saxon, England
    • 7th Century CE
    • Image: Bird fibula
    • Location: Sutton Hoo, England
    • Date: 7th Century
    • Image: Enameled Clasp
    • Location: Sutton Hoo ,England
    • Date: 7th Centry
    • Image: All saints church (plan and Exterior)
    • Location: Brixworth, England
    • Date: Before 870 CE
    • image: Stave Church
    • Location: Borgund , Norway
    • Date: C 1125 - 1150 CE.
    • image: Symbols of matthew, Book of Durrow
    • location: Probably Iona
    • Date: C 650- 700 CE.
    • Image : Eagle of St. Mark, book of Durrow
    • Location: Probably Iona
    • Date : 650- 700 CE
    • Image :Matthew Portrait, lindisfarne Gospels .
    • Location: Lindisfarne
    • Date: 715 CE
    • Image :Matthew Incipit, Lindisfarne Gospels
    • Location: Lindisfarne
    • Date: 715 ce
    • Image: Chi-Rho, Book of Kells
    • Location: Iona/Kells
    • Date : Late 8th- early 9th century.
    • Image: Arrest of Christ, Book of Kells
    • Location. Iona/ Kells
    • Date: Late 8th – early 9th century
    • Image: Omega Page, Leon Bible of 960
    • Location: Spain
    • Date: 960
    • Image: San Clemente (plan and exterior)
    • Location: Tahull, Spain
    • Date: 1123
    • Image: Christ in Glory, San Clemente
    • Location:Tahull, Spain
    • Date : 1123 CE
    • Image: Adoration of the Magi, San Clemente
    • Location: Tahull, Spain
    • Date: 1123 CE
    • Image: Temptation of Christ, San Baudelio
    • Location: Berlanga, Spain
    • Data. 1125 CE
    • Image: . Woman Clothed with the Sun, Morgan Beatus
    • Location: Spain
    • Dated.940-632
    • Image : Prophet’s House
    • Location: Medina
    • Date:c. 622-632
    • Image: Interior, Great Mosque
    • Location asll Cordoba, Spain
    • Dates/ 785-965
    • Image: Mihrab, Great Mosque
    • culture Location: Cordoba, Spain.
    • date 785-965
    • Image: Maqsura Dome, Great Mosque
    • Location: Cordoba, Spain
    • Data: 785-965
    • Image: Palatine Chapel (interior and plan)
    • Location: Aachen
    • date:792-805
    • Image: Golden Shrine of Charlemagne
    • Location: Germany
    • Date: 1215
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Art History