Mother assessment strategy
- General Impression
- wash hands/glove up
- VS
- Head
- Chest
- Abdomen & Bladder
- Fundus
- Perineum/Lochia
- Lower Extremities
- Psyche
- Education
- Discharge Plan
Mother General Impression
- appearance
- General color
- non-verbal expression
- Clear speech
- pain/effectiveness of tx
- priority needs/concerns
Mother VS
- skin Characteristics,
- color
- nail bed
- capillary refill
- Turger
- T/BP/P/RR/Pain
Mother Head
- H/A or VisualChanges
- Hair clean and “done”
- Features symmetrical
- unusual features
- Eyes are clear
- Lips/mucus membranes moist
- Neck full ROM
mother Chest
- Hx of SOB/cough?
- Characteristics of Respiration
- Symmetrical Anatomy
- Upper Extremities full ROM
- Heart sounds (pt lift breast PRN)
- Lung sounds (not through clothing)
- Breasts/Nipples Density/Skin Integrity, colostrum/milk
Mother Abdomen & Bladder
- Assess for constipation & voiding
- Visual appearance
- Auscultate BS
- Palpate abdomen/bladder
- Abd Dressing PRN
Mother Fundus
- Orientation to umbilicus
- Midline, L/R to midline, above or below umbilicus in cm
- (ex U -2 M/L)
- Consistency: firm, firm w/massage, boggy, full bladder effect assessment
- Massage fundus prn
Mother Perineum/Lochia
- Visual appearance of Perineum
- swelling, redness, bleeding
- skin/sutures intact
- Assess amount/characteristic of lochia
- Assess for hematoma
- Turns pt to fully examine Perineum
- Assess for hemorrhoids
- Epidural insertion site prn
- lung sounds
- back of legs color/temp/viens
Mother Lower Extremities
- Assess color, skin temperature, veins
- Edema
- Pedal Pulses/capillary refill
- Assess for pain when pt dorsiflexes foot,stands or walks
Mother Psyche
- Assess Mood
- Assess parent/infant bonding
Mother Education
- Readiness to learn
- Prior teaching/understanding
- Learning priorities for patient/family
Mother Discharge Plan
- Patient needs/expectation
- Maternal Plan of care
- Newborn Plan of care
Newborn Assessment strategy
- General Impression
- wash hands/glove up
- VS
- Head
- Chest & CV system
- Abdomen
- Genitalia
- Musculo-Skeletal
- Neuro
- Safety
- Discharge Plan
Newborn General Impression
- Knowledge prenatal/delivery history
- obvious anomalies
- skin color
- tone
- Posture
- alertness
Newborn VS
- Take HR/RR before Temp/physical
- -lung/heart sounds/murmurs
- -femoral/brachial pulses
- Deviations: bruising,
- petechiae, milia, Mongolian
- spot, port wine stain, rash, meconium staining, “birth marks”, Jaundice
Newborn rash
texture: smooth, peeling, dry
Spinal column/vertebral closing, dimple or tuft of hair along spine (Pilonidal dimple, Nevus pilosis (hairy nevus))
Planter creases
Newborn Head
- Shape: Hematoma or Caput?
- puncture from FSE,
- Fontanels
Ears: Skin tags/Hearing test completed?
Nose: Symmetrical/midline
Nares: Patent, w/o flaring
ROM of Neck
- ROOTING REFLEX (cheek is touched or stroked
- along the side of the mouth to turn the head toward the stimulated side and
- begin to suck.)
Mouth, (usually left until last)Midline, symmetrical lip movement,
Mucus membranes: color/dryness Palate inspected for cleft
Newborn Chest & CV system
Respiratory Rate
Retractions, nasal flaring, Grunting
Breath sounds
Newborn Abdomen
Bowel sounds
Soft to palpate
Stool pattern
- Umbilical cord: 2 arteries/
- 1 vein/Clamp?
Newborn Musculo-Skeletal
Symmetry – brachial plexus?
Fused digits
symmetry of gluteal folds
Clubbing of feet
Newborn Genitalia
Normal for GA
Testes (male)
Urethral meatus (male)
Hydrocele (male)
Newborn Neuro
- Moro: elicited sudden loud noise or raising the head slightly and allowing it to drop. response consists of flexion of the legs, an embracing posture of the
- arms, and usually a brief cry.
Wink: automatic closure of the eyelids inresponse to an appropriate stimulus.
- Grasp: stroking the palm or sole with the
- result that the fingers or toes flex in a grasping motion
Babinski: dorsiflexion of the big toe with extension and fanning of the other toes elicited by firmly stroking the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot
Plantar: firmly stroking the outer surface of the sole from heel to toes, characterized by flexion of the toes
Newborn Safety
ID Band
Security Disc
Bulb syringe in crib
“Back to sleep”
Newborn Discharge Plan
Maternal/Family readiness to learn