Chem test

  1. Which choice is an example of ionic solid?
  2. Which statement about network solids is false?
    Graphite is an example of a three-dimensional network solid.
  3. Which are properties of all metals?
  4. Which statment is false?
    Molecular solids are held together by covalent bonds
  5. Elements most likely to be used for doping silicon in making semiconductors are
    Ga, As, B
  6. A diatomic element is a shiny purple solid at room temperature that sublimes upon gentle heating. It is slightly soluble in water and considerably more soluble in alcohol. It does not conduct electricity as a solid, liquid or solution. This solid can best be classified as
  7. Which statement is false?
    None of these choices are false
  8. Which choice is an example of a metallic solid?
  9. In an _____ semiconductor the charge carriers are the holes because _____.
  10. Ultrapure silicon for use in the semiconductor industry can be obtained by the process of
  11. According to band theory, a semiconductor is a material which has a(an) _____ valence band, a(an) _____ conduction band, and _____ between them.
    partially filled; empty; a narrow gap
  12. Three classifications of ceramics include those made from clay, called _____ ceramics; those made of alumina and magnesia, called _____ ceramics; and those made of nitrides and carbides, called _____ ceramics.
    silicate; oxide; nonoxide
  13. According to band theory, an insulator is a material which has a(an) _____ valence band, a(an) _____ conduction band, and a _____ gap between them.
    partially filled; empty; wide
  14. Which statement about optical fibers is false?
    Optical fibers are worse than copper wire in the transmission of voice data, such as telephone conversations, because the fibers have more interference.
  15. According to band theory, a good conductor is a material which has a(an) _____ valence band, a(an) _____ conduction band, and _____ between them.
    partially filled; empty; no gap
  16. Viscosity
    is the resistance to flow.
  17. Surface tension
    is the energy that requires to form a flat surface.
  18. Capillary action
    is the rise of liquid through small diameter tube without an external force.
  19. Meniscus
    is the shape of the liquid surface when it is inside a small diameter tube.
  20. Volatility
    is the tendency of a liquid to vaporize
  21. P = Vapor pressure
    R = Universal gas constant = 8.31 Jmol-1K-1
    = Molar enthalpy of vaporization vapH
    C = Clausius–Clapeyron Constant
  22. Energy band
    is a large group of orbitals whose energies are closely spaced and whose average energy is the same as the energy of the corresponding orbital in an individual atom.
  23. Valence band
    is a band containing the valence electrons.
  24. Conduction band
    contains high energy orbitals with an average energy above valance band.
  25. Conductor
    has an excellent electrical conductivity.
  26. Insulators
    do not conduct electricity.
  27. Superconductors
    offer zero resistance to electric conductivity.
  28. Semiconductor
    can act as either conductor or insulator depending on the external electric field.
  29. Composite
    • -Materials combining from the other three categories.
    • -Usually blend in a way that gives best of each component depending on the application.
Card Set
Chem test
Chem test question