
  1. Normal Adult respirations
    12 to 20 breaths per min (pg 150).

    Below 8 or above 24 = critical (pg 221)
  2. Normal Child respirations
    15 to 30 breaths per min (pg 150)
  3. Normal Infant respirations
    25 to 50 breaths per min (pg 150)
  4. Normal Adult pulse (heart rate)
    60 to 100 beats per min (pg 121)
  5. Normal Child pulse (heart rate)
    70 to 150 beats per min (pg 121)
  6. Normal Infant pulse (heart rate)
    100 to 160 beats per min (pg 121)
  7. Normal Adult Systolic blood pressure
    90 to 140 (pg 160)
  8. Normal child Systolic blood pressure (1 to 8 years old)
    80 to 110 systolic (pg 160)
  9. Normal infant Systolic blood pressure (newborn to 1 year)
    50 to 95 systolic (pg 160)
  10. How often should you reassess and record vital signs (pg 162)
    At least every 15 min for stable patient and at least every 5 min for unstable patient
  11. What are BVM ventilation rates for apnec patients with a pulse (pg 242)
    • Adult: 1 breath per 5 to 6 sec
    • Child: 1 breath per 3 to 5 sec
    • Infant: 1 breath per 3 to 5 sec
  12. What are the 5 Vital Signs
    • 1: Pupils
    • 2: Blood Pressure
    • 3: Pulse
    • 4: Respirations
    • 5: Skin
Card Set
Normal Vital Signs