MA 201 Eye and Ear C14U1

  1. Achromatic
    • Total color blindnes
    • Very rare

    C14 - U1 - P687
  2. Acuity
    Sharpness or clearness of vision / hearing

    C14 - U1 - P681
  3. Anesthetize
    To cause a loss of sensation

    C14 - U1 - P682
  4. Audiometer
    An instrument used to measure one's hearing

    C14 - U1 - P689
  5. Auditory
    Sense of hearing

    C14 - U1 - P689
  6. Cerumen
    Secretion of the ear (ear wax)

    C14 - U1 - P680
  7. Daltonism
    • Can't tell between Red and Green
    • Most common
    • Hereditary disorder

    C14 - U1 - P687
  8. Decibel
    Unit of measure to express degree of loudness of sound

    C14 - U1 - P689
  9. Deuteranopia
    • Trouble seeing verying shades of green and bluish reds
    • also neutral shades

    C14 - U1 - P687
  10. Instill
    To slowly drop liquid onto a surface / into a cavity

    C14 - U1 - P680
  11. Irrigate
    Wash out with liquid

    C14 - U1 - P676
  12. Ishihara
    Book of color plates used to screen for color blindness

    C14 - U1 - P687
  13. Jaeger Chart
    Common method of screening for near vision acuity

    C14 - U1 - P683
  14. Lavage
    Washing out of a cavity

    C14 - U1 - P676
  15. Occluder
    Used to block one eye while using other to read chart

    C14 - U1 - P686
  16. Ophthalmic
    About the eye

    C14 - U1 - P682
  17. Otic
    Pertaining to the ear

    C14 - U1 - P680
  18. Protanopia
    • Trouble seeing reds
    • Yellow and green are confused
    • Refered to as "Red Blindness"

    C14 - U1 - P687
  19. Snellen Chart
    Most common screening devise for distance vision acuity

    C14 - U1 - P683
  20. Big "E" Snellen Chart
    Used for distance vision acuity for children, illiterates, foreign members

    C14 - U1 - P683
  21. Tritanopia
    • Cannot see blue
    • Most rare

    C14 - U1 - P687
  22. Vertex
    Crown of the head

    C14 - U1 - P691
  23. Wick
    Cotton saturated with medication and placed in ear canal after meds instilled

    C14 - U1 - P681
Card Set
MA 201 Eye and Ear C14U1
Chapter 14 Unit 1