Produces tender adenexal areas, patient guarding and cannot tolerate bimanual examination
Acute PID
Bilateral tenderness, irregular and fairly fixed adenexal area
Chronic PID
Inflamation or infection of the fallopian tubes often associated with PID, s/s Lower quadrant pain with tenderness on bimanual exam
results from weakening of the supporting structures of the pelvic floor, occuring concurently with cystocele and retocele
Uterine prolapse
Cervix is introitus
second degree uterine prolapse
Cervix and vagina drops outside the introitus
Third degree uterine prolapse
They are bright red, soft and fragile and usually arise from the endocervical canal or OS
Cervical polyps
These types of cyst may occur singly or multiple and often distort the shape of the cervix
Infected nabothian cysts
Homogenous thin white or gray discharge pH<4.5, no foul odor, itching or edema, discharge may have fishy odor
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- (gardnerella vaginalis)
Presents with watery discharge, foul odor, dysuria and dyspareunia with severe infection
Profuse frothy greenish discharge pH 5.0-6.6 red friable cervix with petechiae
Asymptomstic, partner with STI, Purelent discharge from cervix, skene/bartholin gland inflamation, cervix and vulva may be inflammed. These are signs of
This is often asymptomatic, partner with nongonoccal urethritis, may complain of spotting after intercourse, not always showing a discharge and cervis may or may not be red or friable
Hernial protrusion of the rectum through the posterior of the vaginal wall, observed and palpated when woman bears down
Hernial protrusion of the urniary bladder through the anterior wall of the vagina, sometimes exiting the introitous, buldging can be seen and felt when woman bears down
Can be acute or chronic, inflamation of these glands produce a hot, red, tender, fluctuant, swelling that may drain pus. (acute). Chronic may non tender cyst on the labium
Inflamation of the bartholin gland
Flat, round, oval papules covered by gray excudate, that are secondary lesions of syphillis appearing about 6-12 weeks after infection
Condyloma latum
Caused by poxivirus
incubatiuon 2-7 weeks
presents as white or flesh colored, dome shaped papules that are round or oval, central umbilication from which thick creamy core can be expressed
Dx based on clinical appearence
These warty lesions are generally flesh colored, whitish-pink to reddish brown, discrete, soft growths, occur singly or in clusters on the labia, perianal region
Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts)
Two innominte bones(eachconsisting of the illium, ischium, and pubis) the sacrum and coccyx
Bones of the pelvis
days 1-4 of the menstral cycle
Menstral phase
Preovulatory phase, days 5-12
Post menstral
days 13-14 of the menstral phase
Ovulation phase
Days 15-20 of the menstral phase
Secretory phase
Leuteal phase days 21-28 of menstral cycle
Premenstral phase
The symphysis pubis, the sacroccygeal, and two sacroiliac joints
the four pelvic joints
Lack of regular pap screenings
HPV infections
Sex bfor 16, multiple sex partners
Cigarette smoking
diets low in fruits
Invasice cancer higher in blacks
DES exposure
Oral contraceptives
Low Socioeconomic status
Risk factors for cervical cancer
List the risk factors for Ovarian cancer
- Increase with age
- Early menarche (before 12)
- infertility
- nulliparity
- first child after 30
- menopause after 50
- Use of fertility drugs
- Family HX
- BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene
- Personal Hx ofd Breast cancer or colon cancer
- Hormone replacement therapy
- high fat fiet
- Talcum piwder
Where would Contraceptive history fall under
Personnal and social history
When inserting the speculum what type of pressure should you maintain
Gently downward pressure, then sweep up till cervix comes into view
The durface of the cervix should be? and what could be around the circle of the os
- Smooth
- SYMMETRIC REDDENED squamous epithilium
Describe the size and shape of the OS of the nulliparous woman
Round and oval
Describe the shape of the os of a multiparous woman
May be irregular or stellate, horizontal slit
What tool is used for the papanicolaou smear
Brushes and brooms
What specimine are you collecting when using a dacron swab
DNA Probe for chlamydia and gonorrhea
How should the ovaries feel during palpation
- firm
- smooth
- ovid 3 by 2 by 1 cm
- slight;y tender to palpation