- is the study of developmental events during the prenatal period
- Prenatal Period: conception to delivery
- pre-embryonic development (period): fertilization, cleavage, implantation (weeks one and two), conceptus is called pre-embryo
- embryonic development (period): third week to eighth week after fertilization, conceptus called embryo, organogenesis
- fetal development (period): ninth week to delivery, maturation of the organ systems, conceptus is called a fetus
Pre-embryonic Development
- Fertilization:
- Cleavage:
- Implantation:
- sperm fusing with an egg
- capacitation
- fusion of sperm with egg
- egg penetration
- formation of male and female pronuclei
- zygote formation
- period of cell division of the zygote
- blastomere
- pre-embryo (two identical blastomeres)
- morula
- blastocyst
- blastocoele: trophoblast cells, inner cell mass
- trophoblast adheres to and embeds into the endometrium
- cellular trophoblast
- syncytiotrophoblast
Embryonic Development
Amniotic cavity
Formation of Embryonic Disc (Blastodisc)
- germ layers:
- ectoderm
- endoderm
- mesoderm
Extra-embryonic membranes:
- yolk sac
- amnion
- allantois
- chorion
Placentation and Organogenesis:
- Placentation:
- placenta
- umbilical cord
Fetal Development
- development and maturation of organs and systems
- cell differentiation
- rapid cell growth
Labor and Delivery
Stages of Labor: dilation, expulsion, placental
Premature Labor:
Neonatal Period
- birth to one month old
- transition from fetus to neonate
- physical status: heart rate, respiration, color, muscle tone, reflexes