Ch 44

  1. Ventalation
  2. Oxygen content
    Air is 21%
  3. Partial pressure
    %O2*760mm Hg
  4. Ficks law
    Rate of diffussion= k(constant)* A( area of gas exchange) * (P2-P1/ D (thickness of barrier)
  5. Aquatic animals have no repitory organs
    small enough surface are for diffussion
  6. Counter current flow
    • GIlls
    • Maximizes O2 diffussion
  7. Trachae
    system of tubules that bring oxygen to the body
  8. Trachae
    muscles need to move to breath
  9. Posotive pressure breathing
    • swallowing air
    • frog breathing
  10. Diaphram contract
    • flat
    • inhale
  11. Diaphram expand
    • Sharp dome
    • exhale
  12. Lungs are covered in a thing layer of...
  13. Molecule that makes lungs contract
  14. Surfractin
    breaks hydrogen bongs around lungs
  15. Tidal volume
    • amount inhaled/exhaled at rest
    • aprox 1/2 liters
  16. Vital capacity
    • maximum volume to be inhaled/exhaled
    • Femal is leass than male (3800,4800)
  17. Residual volume
    amount in lungs that cannot be forced out of lungs
  18. WInd knocked out of you
    diaphram cannot contract properly
  19. Reptiles
    • have no diaphram
    • cannot move an breath
  20. Gastralium (alligator)
    attatched to the diaphramtic muscles that pulls the rib cage away from the lungs expandin the thorasic cavity
  21. Parabronchi (bird)
    • equililant of alveoli
    • one way flow
    • don't need to exhale
  22. lipid escort
    keep fats from attatching to vascular wall
  23. Immunogloblin
    mark biological invaders
  24. Buffers
    moniter ph levels
  25. Erythrocytes
    • helogloblin
    • no nuclei
    • no mitochondrian
  26. Leucocytes (white blood cells)
    Found in lymph nodes
  27. Platelets
    cause clotting
  28. Hem
    1 iron molecule
  29. Hemoglobin
    • 4 sub units
    • each bind with 1 O2 unit
  30. Plasma contains____
    Minute oxygen (<1%)
  31. Bonding of Hemoglobin
    more receptive to O2
  32. Cooperative binding
    • more=more
    • less=less
  33. Hemoglobin releases O2
    more likely to loose O2
  34. CO2+H2O=H2CO3=H+ +HCO3-
  35. Increase of H+ ions
    Ph goes down
  36. Lowe ph causes
    release of more O2 from hemeoglobin
  37. CO2 Transport
    • 7% plasma
    • 23% hemoglobin
    • 70% Bicarbonate (HCO3-)
  38. Carbonic Anhydrase
    catalyst to bicarbonate
  39. Chlorine
    Antiporter to Bicarbonate
  40. Open Circulatory system
    • Hemolyph (blood subsitute)
    • Ex: Clams
    • Very low pressure
  41. Blood goes through heart twice
    more sophisticated animals
  42. mygenic
    can cause contraction withou stimulus
  43. SA
    Sino Atria node
  44. AV
    atrio Venticular node
  45. Pressure low in
  46. Pressure high in
  47. Baroceptors
    • pressure sensing nerve calls
    • locate in haert and major arteries
  48. Speed of blood slow in
Card Set
Ch 44
Biology II