What are the three primary cartilages of the larynx?
- Thyroid
- Cricoids
- Arytenoids
- Lowest cartilage
- Shaped like a signet ring
- Froms foundation
- Sits on top of the trachea
- Above cricoid
- Largest cartilage
- Similar to a shield
- Adam's Apple at front
- Four horns (superior=top; inferior=bottom)
How does the thyroid move?
- Rocks up and down
- Slides forward and back
- Synovial joint allows it to move
- Sit on the back of the cricoid
- Three pointed tips: muscular process in back, apex at top, vocal process in front
How do the arytenoids move?
- Side to Side
- Pivot
- Synovial joint allows movement
Cartilage keeps foor or liquid from entering the trachea and lungs.
Intrinsic Muscles
- Inside the larynx
- Vocal Folds
- External thyroarytenoid
- Cricothyroid
- Interarytenoid
- Cricoarytenoid
Vocal Folds
- Come together and Vibrate
- Multiple layers
- - internal thyroarytenoid (vocalis)
- - vocal ligament (covers conus elasticus)
- - Reinke's Space
External Thyroarytenoid
- Fills space between vocalis and walls of thryroid
- Helps close the vocal folds by pulling forward on the arytenoids when contracted
- Attached to the outer surface of the cricoid and inner surface of the thyroid
- When contracted, thyroid pulls forward and downward and pulls the cricoid backward, stretching vocal chords
Interarytenoid & Cricoarytenoids
- Open and close glottis (space between vocal chords)
- Inter.=pull the two arytenoids together
- Crico.=lateral closes; posterioir open
Closing of vocal chords
Opening of vocal chords
How do you fix phonation issues?
- Breath
- Resonance
- Phonation issues cannot be fixed by fixing "phonation"
Pitch/Tuning Issues
Imagination and sensation vocabulary needed to sing correct pitches
Sharp Pitches
Too little air
Flat Pitches
Excess breath flow of pressure
2 Aspects of Phonation
- How to smoothly transistion
- How to maintain once you get there
Modal Voice
- Blending of heavy & light
- Good modal voice is when you can build on one pitch
Glottal Pop
- Occurs when vocal chords are closed and then blown apart (on a vowel sound)
- Solution: begin on air
Insufficient Adduction
- Breathy, vocal chords are not together
- Solution: Additional breath & energy; staccato singing, nasal sound
Insufficient Abduction
- Vocal chords too closed
- Solution: silent inhale
Excessive Adduction
Additional breathiness & relaxation
Glottal Release
- Glottal noise at end os a phrase cause by stopping vocal chords before stopping breath
- Solution: difficult, release by stopping breath flow rather than closing valve
Good Onset
Better use of breath
- Trills, Scales, Melismas, Intervals
- Balance support with thin, but efficient chord function
Building Flexibility
- Pair notes
- Small distance & small rhythmic pattern
- Use various intervals
- Speed: 5-7 x/second
- Width: 1/2 step
- None: encourage flexibility and support
- Nervous Vibrato: bleat or tremelo, fast & uneven
Alto Passagio
D-flat at Middle C & the next D-flat 8va
Mezzo Passagio
E-flat at Middle C and the E-flat 8va
Soprano Passagio
G-flat at Middle C & the G-flat 8va
Bernoulli Effect
Air flow through a narrow section of tube creates a suction due to a drop in air pressure and results in increased air speed.