degenerative disorders, sararaz

  1. exacerbation
    to make worse
  2. remission
    laying dormant, not active
  3. Avonex
    which disease
    • (Interferon beta-1a)
    • Given IM. 1-3xa week, store in refridgerator,teach
    • family to give. .5 ml dose. Before bed time.let it warm up to room temp before giving to prevent burning and irritation. Prefilled syringe. May have to put ice on site for sore and redness.
    • M.S.
  4. sandimune
    which disease
    • has to be in a glass container
    • M.G.
  5. cytoxin
    which disease
    • can make steryle
    • M.G.
  6. Parkinsons INTV of ambulation
    When walking hands folded behind back.
  7. Dysphagia NSG INTV
    chin to chest, double swallow
  8. giving immunosuppressive drugs INTV
  9. IV tensilion test
    which disease
    • short acting cholinesterase inhibitor, makes acetylcholine available to muscles, patient response evaluated.
    • M.G.
  10. Rilutek
    which disease
    • protects damaged motor neurons. Huge side effects. Adds 3 mo to life expectancy. Take with no food.
    • A.L.S.
  11. EMG
    what to do
  12. Baclofen
    which disease
    • decreased muscle spacity
    • M.S.
  13. valium
    which disease
    • decrease mucle spacity
    • M.S.
  14. huntingtons criteria for dx
    DNA, family hx, clinical hx
  15. parkinsons criteria for dx
    rule things out, 2/3 signs tremor rigidity, bradykinesia, positive response to antiparkinsons meds
  16. MG criteria for dx
    Tensilon test, look up for 2-3 min, serum testing, EMG
  17. early S&S of MS
    change in vision=double vision or black spots, complete loss in one eye.
  18. early S&S of Parkinsons
    mild tremor, change in handwriting, slight limp, decrease arm swinging
  19. early S&S of MG
    • ptosis=eyelid drooping
    • Diplopia= double vision.
  20. early S&S of ALS
    • muscle stiffness of cramping, speech problems,
    • fatigue, tripping , difficulty ambulating, twitching and spasms. Emotional incontinence- can’t stop crying or laughing.
  21. early S&S of huntingtons
    often mood swings, depression, irritability
  22. def of MS
    Chronic, progressive, noncontiguous(flairs up and goes away) degenerative disease of the CNS
  23. def of parkinsons
    depletion of dopamine that interferes with the inhibition of excitatory muscles
  24. def of MG
    Neuromuscular disease characterized by marked weakness and abnormal fatigue of voluntary muscles(autoimmune disease)
  25. def of ALS
    Progressive loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain
  26. def of huntingtons
    Over activity of the dopamine pathway
  27. triggers of MS
    fatigue, extreme heat or cold, emotional stress, physical illnesses.
  28. trigger of parkinsons
  29. triggers of MG
    URI, emotional tension, and menstruation
  30. triggers of ALS
    stress, fatigue
  31. triggers of hungtintons
    stress, fatigue
  32. tx of MS
    Corticosteroids,Immunosuppressive, antibiotics, anti-seizure meds, muscle relaxants
  33. tx of parkinsons
    • Symmetrel (amantadine hydrochloride)
    • Artane (trihexphendidyl hydrochloride)
    • Cogentin (benztropine mesylate)
    • Larodopa, Dopar (levodopa)-lot of drug interactions, may become aggressive.
    • Sinemet (carbidopa/levodopa)-tardive dyskinesia, extrapyramidals.
    • -Pallidotomy- destroys area
    • of brain that controls tremors. Helps ambulate better. Use if drugs no longer work.
    • -Fetal dopamine cell
    • transplant- help increase dopamine.
  34. tx of MG
    Anticholinesterase medications, Corticosteroids Immunosuppressive medications
  35. tx of ALS
    rilutek, or specialized hospital
  36. tx of huntingtons
    Palliative, treat physical symptoms, higher nutrition requirements
  37. diplopia
    double vision
  38. scotomata
    see spots
  39. nystagmus
    involuntary mvt of the eye
  40. ataxia
    diff with gait
  41. vertigo
    sensation of room moving around, dizzy
  42. muscle spacity
    uncontrolled spasm of a broup of muscles
  43. parasthesia
  44. dysphagia
    trouble swallowing
  45. dysarthria
    difficult speech(brain, jaw and tongue, brocas area)
  46. neurogenic bladder
    problem with bladder caused by the nervous sys
  47. plasmapheresis
    get rid of the antibidies in M.G. short term improvement.
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degenerative disorders, sararaz
degenerative disorders, LS2