anat lect 21

  1. Liver:
    • diaphragmatic (anterior) and visceral (posterior) surfaces
    • right, left, quadrate and caudate lobes
    • peritoneum:
    • falciform ligament: round ligament
    • coronary ligament: bare area
    • lesser omentum
  2. lecture notes
    • largest lobe is the right lobe
    • quadrate is anterior, caudate is posterior
    • coronary ligament- connects liver to diaphragm
    • round ligament/ligamentum teres,- the obliterated umbilacral cord
  3. porta hepatis (hilus):
    • portal (hepatic) triad:
    • hepatic artery (proper): branch of celiac artery----carries oxygenated blood to the liver tissues
    • (hepatic) portal vein: carries nutrient‑rich venous blood from the digestive tract
    • bile duct: carries bile from the liver
  4. lecture notes
    • porta hepatis- where major things enter or leave liver
    • 2/3 of the blood going to the liver is from the portal vein
    • hepatic veins empty into the inferior vena cava (can be embedded in the liver)
    • gall bladder attatched anteriorly
  5. histology
  6. lecture notes
    • is divided into lobules
    • triads are found at the perferee of the lobules (artery, veins and duct)
    • hepadocytes (liver cells) are arranged in chords and at the center is a vein and on the out side are the triads
    • arteries and veins give blood to the sinusoids (leaky capillaries) which leak into the peri sinusoidal space which is then absorbed by the hepatic cells
    • in the wall of capillaries there a cooper cells which remove debris
  7. Biliary Ducts and Gall Bladder:
  8. lecture notes
  9. gall bladder
  10. histology
  11. Pancreas:
  12. lecture notes
  13. histology:
  14. lecture notes
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anat lect 21