CogSci Test 2

  1. Which involves more Top-Down processes?

    A. perception for identification
  2. What types of Object/Form Recognition theories assume recognition of current perceived object depends on viewpoint?
    a. view-dependent theories
    b. view-independent theories
    a. view-dependent theories
  3. What types of Object/Form Recognition theories assume that the brain builds a representation of objects that incorporates information for multiple viewpoints?
    a. view-dependent theories
    b. view-independent theories
    b. view-independent theories
  4. What are the 4 basic classes of theory re: Object/Form recognition?

    B. structural, features, prototype, template
  5. Template models are:
    a. view-independent
    b. view-dependent
    b. view-dependent
  6. What is the main weakness of template models?

    E. a and b only
  7. What Object/Form Recognition theory is used by bar codes at a store?

    B. template
  8. The pandemonium model is what type of Object/Form Recognition theory?

    C. feature detection
  9. Feature models of Object/Form Recognition incorporate:

    D. bottom-up processing
  10. The Recognition by Components Theory is a:

    B. structural model
  11. Demons are part of what Object/Form Recognition theory?

    B. feature detection
  12. Structural models are:
    a. view-independent
    b. view-dependent
  13. Which Object/Form Recognition theory involves geons?

    B. recognition by components
  14. According to Recognition by Components Theory, what features of an object are critical?

    D. a and c
  15. What is the term for 2-D features combined into 3-D features?

    D. geons
  16. Structural Models (including Recognition by Components Theory) are:

    F. both good for man-made objects and bad for natural objects
  17. Structural Models (including Recognition by Components Theory) are particularly weak regarding:

    C. faces
  18. According to Configural/Prototype Models, new "prototypical" items are:

    A. verified more quickly than less-typical items
  19. Which of the following does NOT apply to Agnosic C.K.?

    B. saw an upside down face in a painting of vegetables
  20. Attention and consciousness are overlapping but not identical. What do they share?
    a. feeling of awareness
    b. content of awareness
    b. focus of attention
    c. preconscious attention processing
    b. focus of attention
  21. An instance of innattention blindness indicates all of the following about a particular scene except:

    C. lack of top-down processing while concentrating on the scene
  22. Which accurately describes Controlled Processes?

    B. performed by serial processing
  23. Which accurately describes Automatic Processes?

    A. operations not in sequential order
  24. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain..." from the Wizard of Oz, appeals to:

    C. selective attention
  25. Which best describes selective attention?

    D. all of the above
  26. The cognitive mechanisms that enable/enhance processing of sensory inputs, thoughts & actions while ignoring other events is:

    D. selective attention
  27. When selective attention operates early:

    C. both a and b
  28. When selective attention operates late:

    D. all of the above
  29. The shadowing (dichotic listening) task shows:

    D. a and b only
  30. The shadowing task and the flanker task both demonstrate:

    A. selective attention
  31. According to evidence, when does variable selection occur?

    C. at the point of perceptual recognition
  32. Which of the following are associated with earlier variable selection?

    D. sensory selection
  33. Which of the following are associated with later variable selection?

    D. categorical selection
  34. Why would a flashing light in the periphery cause increased speed in detecting a target?

    D. all of the above
  35. The Pilot/Dual Task Study shows what relationship between dual task methodology and attention capacity?:

    C. both a and b
  36. Pashler's Combined Theory shows what relationship between capacity and semantic analysis?

    C. both a and b
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CogSci Test 2
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