Year 11 Semester 1 PE

  1. Define the term 'skill':
    An action or particular movement to achieve a desired outcome.
  2. What is 'Skill Acquisition'?
    is the study of how a person develops and acquires a skill.
  3. What are the 3 elements of skill?
    • 1. The objective of the movement is achieved consistently.
    • 2. The sequence of the movement is efficient and co-ordinated.
    • 3. Skill is a result of learning through practice.
  4. What is a motor skill?
    An act or task in which requires voluntary body movement to be properly performed.
  5. Define 'organisation of motor skills'
    Is the given name of a set of subroutines that make up a motor skill
  6. What is an open skill?
    peformed in an unpredictable ever changing environment and are externally paced.
  7. What is a closed skill?
    performed in a predictable environment and is self-paced.
  8. Define a gross motor skill:
    a movement that requires use of most of the body and large muscle groups
  9. Define a fine motor skill:
    a delicate and precise movement using smaller muscle groups
  10. Define a combined movement
    both gross and fine movements combined in one. Example: netball shot.
  11. Name the three types of movement:
    • 1. Discrete
    • 2. Continuous
    • 3. Serial
  12. Define a discrete movement:
    single movement with a discrete start and finish. Example: Golf swing, f/ball kick.
  13. Define a continuous movement:
    the performer determines start and finish. Example: swim, run, cycle
  14. Define a serial movement:
    several discrete skills performed in sequence. Example: Javelin, long jump.
  15. Define the 6 subroutines of a football kick:
    • - stance
    • - grip
    • - posture
    • - release ball
    • - kick
    • - follow-through
  16. Why is it easy to see if a performer is skilled or not when referring to the subroutines?
    A skilled performer will be able to perform the skill smoothly and with co-ordination with minimal errors.
  17. Which of the following are discrete skills, football kick, golf swing, bike ride?
    Football kick, golf swing.
  18. What is the idea or point of placing skills on an open/closed continuum?
    to get an idea of which skills have variables based on uncontrollable events.
  19. Name a serial skill in football:
    • Running & bouncing.
    • Running and marking.
  20. name a discrete skill in football:
    Football punt, h/ball, mark etc.
  21. Name a continuous skill movement in netball:
  22. What are the three stages of learning?
    • 1. Cognitive
    • 2. Associative
    • 3. Autonomous
  23. Define the cognitive stage of learning:
    The sport or skill is new to the learner, emphasis on understanding and steps to achieve a skilled performance.
  24. Define the associative stage of learning:
    • Directed at organising and practising a set of subroutines, moving & learning patterns.
    • Examples: learning to aim, experimenting height, distance etc.
  25. Define the Autonomous stage of learning:
    Means the skill can be produced automatically without thinking about the subroutines.
  26. What is one's motor ability?
    • 'Equipment' or attributes you are born with.
    • Examples: Co-ordination, balance, agility, strength.
  27. What is the difference between motor ability and motor skills?
    A motor ability you are born with, motor skill is something you learn.
  28. What are the fundamental motor skills?
    catching, kicking, vertical jump, overarm throw, ball bounce, leap, dodge, punt kick, forehand strike, two-hand side arm strike.
  29. What are the three ways to classify a motor skill?
    • 1. Muscular Effort - Fine/Gross?
    • 2. Type of Movement - Discrete/Continuous/Serial?
    • 3. Environment - Open/Closed?
  30. Define learning, in terms of learning a new motor skill:
    Permanent changes in behaviour that is reflected in a change of performance.
  31. What are the three steps in learning and what do they associate/mean?
    • 1. Cognitive - mental processes
    • 2. Affective - changes in attitude
    • 3. Effective - changes in physical actions
  32. Name four characteristics of a skilled performer:
    • - is accurate
    • - can vary speed
    • - able to anticipate movement
    • - doesn't need to think ahout movement
    • - movement is efficient
    • - movement is co-ordinated
  33. Name at least 4/8 factors that affect a leaner:
    • 1. age
    • 2. ability
    • 3. gender
    • 4. stage of learning
    • 5. physiological characteristics
    • 6. psychological characteristics
    • 7. Experience
    • 8. Sociological characteristics
  34. Name the three structures/types of practice:
    • 1. Whole Practice
    • 2. part Practice
    • 3. Progressive part practice
  35. What is meant by 'whole practice'?
    a whole skill is practised in full. Example kicking a football.
  36. What is meant by 'part practice'?
    parts of a skill are practised individually. Example: practising just the jumping motion in a football mark specifically.
  37. What is meant by progressive part practice?
    • related parts or subroutines of a skill are practised before being added to another related part.
    • Example: Practising football grip, then leg swing then point of contact whilst putting them together.
    • (Good for beginners)
  38. What is a motor program?
    The goal and sequencing of a motor skill
  39. Classify the following as closed/open, gross/fine/combined, discrete/continuous/serial:
    -B/ball set shot:
    Closed, combined, discrete.
  40. Classify the following as closed/open, gross/fine/combined, discrete/continuous/serial:
    Tennis Serve:
    Closed, combined, serial.
  41. What structure/type of practice would you recommend for an archery shot?
    Whole practice because there's not much to break down and easy to learn.
  42. What structure/type of practice would you recommend for a golf swing?
    Part Practice - because can do all parts, can break it down.
  43. What structure/type of practice would you recommend for freestyle for a beginner?
    Progressive part practice because you can practice different aspects and parts then add them together.
  44. What is the difference between random and blocked practice?
    Random you alternate between 2 or more skills, blocked practice is one skill practised repeatedly.
  45. Why is blocked practice recommended for beginners?
    because the learner only practises one skill continuously in a practice drill which is easier to do and learn.
  46. What is contexual interference?
    the amount of mental effort a learner is required to use when practising a skill.
  47. What is random practice?
    • learner alternates between two or more skills or skill variations in a practice drill.
    • - Produces better long-term results than blocked.
  48. What is blocked practice?
    • learner practices one skill continuously in a practice drill.
    • - low degree of contexual interference
    • - better for cognitive learners
    • - establish a basic movement pattern without interference
  49. Define Massed pracice:
    continuous practice without interruption or rest breaks
  50. What is distributed practice?
    short practice periods with rest or alternate activity.
  51. What is variability and specifity?
    Practice which is variable but is as specific to the task as possible.
  52. What is mental practice?
    practising a skill in your mind.
  53. What does kinesthetic mean?
    • means the way a movement feels to the body.
    • (Generally during mental practice)
  54. What 5 factors should be considered when organising a practice session?
    schedule, structure, length, intervals, timing of practice sessions.
Card Set
Year 11 Semester 1 PE
Flashcards for semester 1 Year 11 PE