
  1. A social psychologist wants to study the effects of rewards on learning. She asks two groups of students to memorize a list of 35 words, 5 words at a time. There are 5 students in each group. After each set of 5 words is memorized, she gives one group a free movie ticket. The other group does not receive a reward for learning the words. The researcher carefully measures how long it takes the members of each group to memorize the word list. In this example, the dependent variable is _____.
    Correct Answer: the time it takes students to learn the word list

    -->The dependent variable is the one that the researcher measures. -->
  2. A social psychologist wants to study the effects of rewards on learning. She asks two groups of students to memorize a list of 35 words, 5 words at a time. There are 5 students in each group. After each set of 5 words is memorized, she gives one group a free movie ticket. The other group does not receive a reward for learning the words. The researcher carefully measures how long it takes the members of each group to memorize the word list. In this example, the independent variable is _____.
    Correct Answer: the free movie tickets

    -->The independent variable is the variable that is changed or varied in an experiment
  3. A formal experiment involves _____.
    • Correct Answer:
    • making a change to one variable and measuring any change that occurs in a different variable
    • -->By definition, an experiment involves making a change in one variable (the independent variable) to determine if it has an effect on a different variable (the dependent variable). -->
  4. A significant correlation between two variables indicates that _____.
    • Correct Answer:
    • two variables are related to each other in some way

    -->A correlation can only tell us that two variables are related. -->
  5. Negative correlations indicate that _____.
    • Correct Answer:
    • one variable increases as the other decreases

    -->The sign of a correlation indicates whether two variables change in the same direction or in opposite directions. -->
  6. One advantage of survey research is that _____.
    • Correct Answer:
    • surveys allow information to be collected from a very large number of people

    -->One of the most important advantages of survey research is that surveys allow us to collect information from very many people -->
  7. Naturalistic observation relies on _____.

    a) providing people with as much information as possible before they decide whether to participate in the study

    b) systematic observation that occurs in natural settings

    c) asking a large number of people to answer questions about their attitudes or behavior

    d) generalizing the results of laboratory research to real-life social situations

    e) the manipulation of one variable to see what effect it has on another variable
    • Correct Answer:
    • b) systematic observation that occurs in natural settings

    -->Systematic observation involves carefully observation of behavior as it occurs, accurate measurement of the behavior, and recording the results of the observation in a systematic way. Naturalistic observation involves systematic observation that takes place in natural, non-contrived settings. -->
  8. We decide whether an individual belongs to one social group or another through _____.

    a) social categorization
    b) debriefing
    c) systematic observation
    d) experimenter effects
    e) stereotypes
    • Correct Answer:
    • a) social categorization

    -->Social categorization is the basis for our initial assignment of group membership to others. -->
  9. Professor Smithwyck is studying the short-term mating strategies of teenagers and young adults. The professor’s research most likely falls in the realm of _____.

    C) evolutionary psychology
  10. The ideal self is _____.

    a) A physical representation of the kind of person we would like to mate with.

    b) A mental representation of the kind of person we actually are.

    c) A mental representation of the kind of person we would like to meet in the future.

    d) A physical representation of the kind of person we would like our partner to become.

    e) A mental representation of the kind of person we would like to be
    • Correct Answer:
    • e) A mental representation of the kind of person we would like to be

    -->The ideal self is one example of the mental representations we use to make sense of the world and ourselves
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Social Psycology Chapter 1 to 3