Cardiac Output is determined by....
- Stroke Volume (blood volume
- Heart Rate
- Contractility
- venous return
- peripheral resistance
Steps for treating Hypertension...
- 1. lifestyle changes- stop smoking, low fat diet, close to idea body weight, exercise
- 2. continue with lifestyle changes and add one or more drugs (start with milder agens first and then increase)
- Drug selection determined by co-morbid conditions and patient response (heart failure, diabetes, chronic pulmonary condiitons)
- Thiazides- decrease arterial resistance, don't work well with glomular filtration problems, hypokalemia
- Loop Diuretics- are stronger, glomelular filtration not a problem
- Potassium Sparing- risk for hyperkalemia, don't use with ACE and ARBs, weaker than others
Beta Blockers
- slow the HR and cardiac contractility
- decreased CO
- suppresses reflex tachycardia
- reduces renin
- reduces peripheral vascular resistance
- would not use in chronic pulmonary conditions or Sick Sinus Syndrome
- mask hypoglycemia
- -OLOL ending
- SE: depression, impotence, sleep disorders
- beta blocker
- non-selective beta 1 adrenergic antagonist
- good for antianxiety to slow down HR
- beta blocker
- selective beta 1 adrenergic antagonist
- affects HR more than lungs
- EMERGENCY USE- BP is sky high
- Alpha/Beta blocking agent
- blocks beta 1- supresses hear rate and contractility
- blocks beta 2- broncho constriction
- blocks alpha1- causes peripheral vasodialation, causes ortho hypotention
- beta 1 blockade suppresses release of renin
- alpha 1 only cause severe hypotension and not used for treating BP normally
- Centrally Acting Alpha Agonist
- orally or patch
- decreases HR, BP, vasoconstriction, and renal vascular resistance
- inhibits sympathetic nervous system response and reduces sympathetic outflow from the CNS
- SE: causes sedation because centrally acting
- Controls withdrawl symptoms from abuse substrances b/c of sympatholytic effect
- Centrally Acting Alpha Agonist
- displaces norepinephrine from storage sides decreasing BP
- Drug of choice for pregnant women doesn't decrease CO or renal blood flow
- can cause hemolytic anemia (decreased Hgb and Hmt)- would do direct coomb's test in pregnancy
- AST, ALT, billirubin to look at liver function
- Calcium Channel Blocker
- inhibits movement of calcium ions across the cardiac and arterial muscle cell membranes
- dilates coronary arteris and peripheral arterioles decreasing after load and peripheral resistance
- inhibits calcium ion influx, reduce afterload
- inhibit coronary artery spasm
what does verapamil and diltiazem have incommon?
- they both affect SA and AV node conduction, slowing the HR
- also used for angina because decrease oxygen demand
- concerned with bradycardia, and vagal stimulation with constipation
- Calcium Channel Blocker
- inhibits clacium ion influx
- vasodilation affects on coronary and peripheral arterioles- causes reflex tachycardia
DOES NOT slow SA node or prolong AV node conduction
what does nifedipine have that verampamil and diltiazem don't?
Dihydropyridine-> decrease cardiac work and energy consumption, increases O2 delivery to myocardium
- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor
- blocks conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II
- prevents sodium and water retention
- decreases peripheral vascular resistance
- shouldn't be used with potassium sparing diuretics b/c can cause hyperkalemia
- SIDE EFFECTS: Chronic cough, first dose hypotension, Angiodema (swelling of lips and tongue that will cause need for trach)
- CONTRAINDICATED in 2nd and 3rd trimesters
- Angiotensin Receptor Blocker
- Prevents angiotensin II from binding to receptors in many tissues, thus blocking the vasoconstriction and aldosterone secreting effects of angiotensin II
- peripheral resistance reduced->lower BP and afterload
- Upper Respiratory Infections are common
- No chronic cough
- contraindicated in pregnancy
- risk for hyperkalemia
Direct Acting Vasodilators
- promote dilation or arterioles- postural hypotension risk is low
- Problems: reflex tachycardia, renin release, fluid retention
- direct acting vasodilator
- decreases peripheral resistance and arterial BP
- given with beta blockers or clonidine to prevent reflex tachycardia
- given with diuretics to offset fluid retention from increased production of angiotensin II
- SE: Systemic Lupus Erythema (SLE) lupus like syndrome
- Given IV
- used to treat HYPOTENSIVE CRISIS (>210/120)
- directly relaxes vascular smooth muscle; dilates veins more than arteries, thus decreasing preload and aftterload; lowers BP dramatically
- ***Hardcore ICU drug***
- given IV
- cyanide poisoningis possible because of metabolite
- HYPOTENTION treatment (Vasopressor)
- stimulation of alpha 1 and beta 1 and dopamine receptors
- catecholamine and a precursor to NE
- vasopressor used in treating shock
- will NOT WORK if hypovolemic- administer isotonic fluids to replace volume first
- IV administration in acute settings
- Vesicant- need central access