what key statesmen were in Europe
adams and jefferson
The Spirit of Laws
baron de montesquieu, people with power tend to abuse it
the prince
machiavelli, said we need a government that tells people what to do.
social contract
jean jacques rousseau, government has certain responsibilities to the people and people have certain responsibilities to the government
wealth of nations
adam smith (father of capitalism) government should have 3 roles: protect citizens from invasion, protect citizens from eachother, educate the citizens
two treaties of government
john locke, people have the right to rebel and overthrow the government if it becomes to powerful
what were the basic economic views of the founding fathers
capitalistic and lassiez faire
what were the things that delegates agreed upon at the convention; disagreed upon
franklin had to be there, washington in charge, articles not good enough, seperation of power, republican, keep on D.L.; structure of the govt.
virginia plan
legislature should be picked according to population; bigger states should have more representatives, "big state plan"
new jersey plan
"small state plan", wanted it to be equal all the way across legislature branch.
connecticut/great comprimise
- called for bi-cameral (two houses) legislation
- two houses:
- -one picked according to pop. ( House of Rep.) 435, 1 for every 575,000
- -one picked equal (senate) 100, every state has 2
bi-cameral legislation
2 legislative or parliamentary chambers
who are the two united states senators
sherrod brown and rob portman
who is my U.S. representative, district
- steve austria, district 7
- district 3- mike turner
- district 8-john boenher
3/5's comprimise
count slaves as 3/5 of a person so southern states could have more power
commerce/slave trade comprimise
20 years there would be a tariff allowing slaves to be imported, but after that 20 years is up slave importation would be banned and the tariff would have to be re-examined
7 articles with description
- art. 1-legislative-make the laws
- art. 2-executive-enforce the laws
- art. 3-judicial-what does the law say
- art. 4-relations among states
- art. 5-amending the constitution
- art. 6-national supremacy
- art. 7-ratification
what were the two political parties taht were born during the ratification period?
Anti-federalist-henry, sam adams, john hancock, clinton and federalist-jay, hamilton, franklin, washington
what was the federalist/federalist papers? who were the authors?
85 letters written by madison, jay, hamilton; defended the constitution
how can the constitution be changed
through an amendment
how many times has the constituion been changed
27..27 amendments
what states fought ratification? who were the most important?
delaware,pennsylvania, new jersey, georgia, connecticut, massachusetts, maryland, south carolina, new hampshire, virginia, new york, north carolina, and rhode island; new york and virginia
bill of rights
gives us our freedoms and our rights, all passed in 1791; thomas jefferson would not support constitution until these rights were passed
6 basic priniciples of the constitution
- checks and balances- each branch of the government keeps an eye on the other branches to makesure they dont abuse their powers
- limitied government- government should not intrude on the rights of the individuals and the rights of the states
- popular sovereignty- popular decision, the power is in the citizens
- seperation of powers- the constitution gives certain powers to the president, certain powers to congress, and certain powers to the courts, each are equal.
- federalism- power is shared between each branch of government
- judicial review- power of courts is to decide if what the govt. has done is in accordance with the constitution