1. scapula
    no attachment to the posterior ribcage; it attaches to the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint
  2. trapezius muscle
    spans from the occipital portion of the skull to the twelfth thoracic vertebra. The lower portion of the trapezius depresses the scapulae.
  3. levator scapulae muscles
    elevate the scapulae
  4. rhomboid muscles
    retract the scapulae
  5. serratus anterior muscles
    both stabilize and draw the scapulae toward the front of the ribcage
  6. supraspinatus
    the muscle that makes up the superior portion of the musculotendinous cuff group, from the scapula to the top of the humerus, and which abducts the humerus
  7. subscapularis
    muscle that spans across the front of the scapula, from the vertebral border of the scapula to the anterior humerus, and which medially rotates the humerus
  8. infraspinatus
    muscle that spans from just below the spine of the scapula to the posterior humerus, which laterally rotates the humerus
  9. teres minor
    muscle that spans from the inferior corner of the scapula to the posterior humerus and also laterally rotates the humerus
  10. muscles participate in scapular
    (1) trapezius, (2) serratus anterior, (3) pectoralis minor, (4) rhomboid major, (5) rhomboid minor, (6) levator scapulae
  11. The muscles of the musculotendinous cuff are:
    (1) supraspinatus, (2) teres minor, (3) infraspinatus, (4) subscapularis
  12. five movements of the scapula:
    retraction, protraction, elevation, depression and upward rotation
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