Chinese 101 - Ch. 3

  1. 九月
    jiu3 yue4 - September
  2. yue4 - month
  3. 十二
    shi2 er4 - twelve
  4. hao4 - measure word for numbers in a series; day of the month
  5. 星期
    xing1 qi1 - week
  6. 星期四
    xing1 qi1 si4 - Thursday
  7. tian1 - heaven; sky; day
  8. 生日
    sheng1 ri4 - birthday
  9. sheng1 - to give birth to; to be born
  10. ri4 - day; sun
  11. 今年
    jin1 nian2 - this year
  12. nian2 - year
  13. duo1 - how much/ how many; to what extent; many
  14. da4 - big; old
  15. 十八
    shi2 ba1 - 18
  16. sui4 - year (of age)
  17. chi1 - to eat
  18. fan4 - meal; (cooked rice)
  19. 怎么样
    zen3 me yang4 - Is it O.K.? How is that? How does that sound?
  20. 太 ... 了
    too; extremely
  21. 谢谢
    xie4 xie4 - to thank
  22. 喜欢
    xi3 huan1 - to like
  23. cai4 - dishes; cuisine
  24. 还是
    hai2 shi4 - or
  25. 可是
    ke3 shi4 - but
  26. 我们
    wo3 men2 - we
  27. dian3 - o'clock (lit: points on the clock)
  28. ban4 - half; half an hour
  29. 晚上
    wan3 shang4 - evening; night
  30. jian4 - to see
  31. 再见
    zai4 jian4 - goodbye; see you again
  32. zai4 - again
  33. 英国
    ying1 guo2 - Britain; England
  34. 现在
    xian4 zai4 - now
  35. ke4 - quarter (of an hour)
  36. 事儿
    shi4(r) - matter; affair; event
  37. 今天
    jin1 tian1 - today
  38. hen3 - very
  39. mang2 - busy
  40. 明天
    ming2 tian1 - tomorrow
  41. 晚饭
    wan3 fan4 - dinner; supper
  42. 为什么
    wei4 shen2 me - why
  43. wei4 - for
  44. 因为
    yin1 wei4 - because
  45. hai2 - also; too; as well; in addition
  46. 同学
    tong2 xue2 - classmate
  47. 认识
    ren4 shi - to be acquainted with; to recognize
  48. 朋友
    peng2 you - friend
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Chinese 101 - Ch. 3
Vocabulary from Chapter 3 in Beginning Chinese