What are the 6 Non-pharmacologic pain management techniques?
- 1. Continous labor support
- 2. Hydrotherapy
- 3. Ambulation and position changes
- 4. Attention focusing and imagery
- 5. Therapeutic touch and massage
- 6. Breathing Techniques
What are the 5 Systemic Medications?
- 1. Synthetic Opiod agonist-antagonist - Stadol
- 2. Opiods- Morphine, Demerol
- 3. Ataractics- Hydroxyzine
- 4. Benzodiazepines - Diazepam
- 5. Barbituates - Pentobarbital
What are the advantages and disadvantages of an Epidural?
Advantages : Good Analgesia, Woman Awake, Contiuous Technique, and Dose can be adjusted
Disadvantages: Maternal hypotension (Mom will be hydrated with IV Bolus), Postdural puncture seizuress, Meningitis, Cardio Respiratory Arrest, Vergtigo, and onset may not occur for 30 Minutes.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Spinal Block?
Advantages: Immediate onset, smalled drug volume, easy administration, and maternal compartmentalization.
Disadvantages: High incidence of hypotension, fetal hypoxia, uterine tone is maintained, short acting, possible spinal headaches.
What should the nurse do before administration of Epidurals?
- 1. Assess maternal and fetal status
- 2. Assess labor progress
- 3. Start IV and administer preload
- 4. Help woman with chin to chest position.
What should the nurse do AFTER administration of Epidurals?
- 1. Monitor maternal and fetal vital signs
- 2. Assess for hypotension ( Fluids if she has hypotension)
- 3. Administer Antimetics
- 4. Monitor Respiratory rate
- 5. Assess bladder (catheterize, wont feel need to urinate.)
What are possible nursing diagnosis with the normal post partum family?
- 1. Ineffective Breastfeeding
- 2. Disturbed Sleep Paterns
- 3. Acute Pain
- 4. Risk for constipation
- 5. Risk for FVD
What are interventions and preventions?
What are Reva Rubin's 3 phases
- 1. Taking In- Centered on herself, Birth to 3 days.
- 2. Taking Hold- Independent will let it known shes tired
- 3. Letting Go- Reestablishes bonds with other people.
What is the nursing management during postpartum period?
- 1. Promoting activity, rest and kegal exercises
- 2. Assisting with self care measures.
- 3. Ensuring Safety