Principles of Location
- Stay the same
- Have certain criteria they use to select a factory
- Maximize profit while using lower costs
- Spatial organization
Patterns of Economic Development
- Principles of location
- Economic interdependence
- Cumulative history
Geographical Path Dependence
- Historical relationship between present day activities and past experiences of a place
- Late starters vs early starters
Industrial Location Theory
- Use land to highest profit and utility
- Maximize interaction at lowest cost
- Classical economics, assumed rational economic actors
- Large companies, all activities taking place on US soil
- Firms seek point of least transport cost
- Some materials are ubiquitous (everywhere)
- Most materials are localized, and so must be transported
Maximize interaction at lowest cost
Maximize with consumers/markets/suppliers
Classical economics, assumed rational economic actors
- Every economic action is rationale
- Maximize utilities, happiness
- 100% are full of information
Firms seek point of least transport cost
- Firms activities happen in national boundaries
- Transport cost a function of distance and weight
- -Heavier things stay in close areas
- -Lighter things are cheaper to ship
- Material Index
Material Index
- Weight of localized material inputs Weight of finished product
- If less than 1, firm locates near MARKET
- If more than 1, firm locates near (HEAVIEST) RAW MATERIALS
Some materials are ubiquitous (everywhere)
- Sand, air, water
- Don’t need to “transport” them
Most materials are localized, and so must be transported
A real factor for corporations
Weight Gaining Industries
- Products are breakable, perishable, or heavier than their inputs (raw materials)
- High costs of land and labor in market regions, are tolerable because of advantage (cost savings) of market proximity
- -Higher tolerance for cost
Examples of Weight Gaining Industries
- Bottling industries (weight gaining, using ubiquitous resource)
- Auto assembly plants (weight gaining)
- Dairy farms (perishability)
- Petrochemicals
Market Oriented Industries
- Weight-gaining
- Weight-losing, bulk industries
- Seek to use land to maximize profit and utility
- Maximize interaction at lowest cost
- Material inputs
- Labor
- Energy
- Transportation
- Government policies
Material Inputs
- Petroleum
- Ethylene
- Salt
- Water
- Other
- Quantity
- Cost
- Combination of energy and minerals needed for economic development is unevenly distributed
- Inputs (Raw materials)
- Outputs (Access to markets)
Transportation in New Orleans
- Trains close to water
- -Easier to move from one type to another
- -Easier to get to water
Government Policies
- Tax incentives
- Environmental regulations
- Always intervening
Government Policies in Louisiana
Offer tax breaks to companies that want to move here
Weight-Losing, Bulk Industries
- Expensive transport of raw materials, so manufacturing occurs near the raw materials
- Primary activities (or extractive industries) are material oriented
Examples of Weight-Losing Industries
- Copper and steel production
- Timber mills
- Furniture manufacture
- Most agricultural activities (sugar)
Labor Oriented Industries
- Primary production concern is labor (quality or cost)
- Require cheap unskilled labor
- -Garment industry, retail
- Require highly skilled professionals
- -High tech firms
Use land to highest profit and utility
Maximize interaction at lowest cost
Petrochemical Firms Seek to...
Economic Interdependence
- Backward and forward linkages
- Ancillary activities
Backward Linkages
- Input
- Relationship with supplier
- Material flows from material suppliers to steel production plant
- Flows of information flows back and forth from material suppliers to steel production plant
Forward Linkages
- Output
- Relationship with company
- Material flows from steel production plant to market
- Flows of information flows back and forth from steel production plant to market
Ancillary Services
- Service providers
- -Lawyers
- -Consultants
- -Advertising agencies
- Subcontractors
- -Maintenance firm
- -Haulage firm
A concentration of economic sector that drives the economy
Agglomeration effects
External economies
Localization economies
Regional Economic Cores Derive From...
Agglomeration Effects
- The proximity of functionally related activities
- -Beneficial to a firm, closer to other firms
- -Can do business more efficiently
External Economies
Circumstance beyond a firm’s organization (labor, markets, fixed capital, etc)
Localization Economies
- Clustering together at specific location- within 1 industry, forming basis for continuing growth
- Reputation: Silicon Valley, LA, Detroit, Chemical Alley
Processes reinforce uneven-ness (core periphery contrast)
- Cumulative causation
- Backwash effects
Cumulative Causation
- Initial local advantage tends to be reinforced by principles of agglomeration and localization
- A spiral buildup of advantages that occurs in specific geographic settings as a result of the development of external economies, agglomeration effects, and localization economies
Backwash Effects
- Negative impacts on a region due to the economic growth of some other region
- Can take many forms- brain drain, dumping site
- Hope Scholarship- we don’t want students to leave the state
Processes with Moderate Uneveness
- Special effects
- Import substitution
- Agglomeration diseconomies
- Deindustrialization
Special Effects
Positive effects on a region as a result of economic growth of another region
Import Substitution
- Previously imported goods are replaced by domestic goods and services
- Government subsidizes production, protects through tariffs
- Japan- textiles, autos electronics
Agglomeration Diseconomies
Negative economic effects of urbanization and local concentration of industry
It is geographical uneven
Patterns and processes
What is single most important geographical feature of economic development?
Purchasing power
Basic conditions of life
Economic Development is Measured in
Gross Domestic Product
Estimate of total value of all materials, foodstuffs, goods, and services produced by a country in a year
Gross National Product
GDP + income from abroad
Distribution of known resources
Changing technology systems
Economic structure
Growth of world-system of trade & politics
Factors in Unevenness for Processes
Dutch Guiana
- Created a plantation economy (sugar, coffee, cocoa) with enslaved labor force from West Africa
- Never invested heavily in this colony
- -With end of slavery, plantations declined in productivity as labor costs rose
Cocoa, coffee, and sugar
Rice, bananas, and citrus fruits replaced
- America firm began mining bauxite and processing it
- into alumina
- During World War II, more than 75% of U.S. bauxite imports came from Dutch Guiana
- Manufactured first pull-tab aluminum can
- -Demand for aluminum soared
Became an autonomous part of Kingdom of Netherlands
Afobaka Dam
- Completed across Suriname River to produce hydro electric power for alumina production
- Impounds the 600-square-mile (1,550-square-km) W.J. van Blommestein Lake
- -Largest impounded lake on the planet.
- Has potential for tourism, boasting rainforests, abundant wildlife and colonial architecture in the capital
- The sector is undeveloped, hampered by the inaccessibility of the interior and the lack of infrastructure
- Depends heavily on mining and processing its declining reserves of bauxite and is vulnerable to falls in commodity prices
Distribution of Known Resources
Discovery of bauxite
Changing Technology Systems
- Enable: Ability to create alumina and aluminum from bauxite on industrial scale
- Compel: WWI
- Clusters of inter-related energy, transportation and production technologies that dominate economic activity for several decades at a time
- Favor different regions at different times
- Rewrite geography of economic development
Economic Structure
- Primary sector
- Extraction of natural resources agriculture, mining, forestry, fishing
Growth of World-System of Trade and Politics
Peripheral country
Per Capita
A way to standardize economy
Operation Gwamba
Thousands of animals were moved to build a dam in Suriname
Steam Age
- 1790-1840
- Water power, steam engines, cotton textiles, ironworking, river, canals, turnpikes
Fall Line
- The shift from the piedmont to the coastal plane
- Creates waterfalls (creates energy)
- Doesn't extend to West Virginia and Kentucky because of mountains
Cotton and Iron
What were big investments during the industrial revolution?
Lowell, Massachusetts
One of the first to use water as energy
Railroad Systems
- Started off by the HOMES because of the water
- Used from Chicago to Great lakes to Eerie canal then to Europe
- Trains carried a lot of grain from Chicago
Using more than one type of transportation
Railroad Era
- 1840-1890
- Coal-powered steam engines, steel, machine tools, railroads, world shipping
Focused around the areas where trains met water to transport
Center of Density for Railroads
Metal Works
- 1890-1950
- Opened up new places to go
- Oil, plastics, heavy engineering, automobiles, aircraft, radio, telecommunications
Aerospace Era
- 1950-1990
- Nuclear power, aerospace, petrochemicals, electronics, highways, air routes
Louisiana, Texas, and New Jersey
Biggest Petroleum Producers
- 1990-Present
- Solar, robotics, microelectronics, biotechnology, information technology
Silicon Valley in 1950
Was nothing but fields
Cayman Islands in 1950
- Rise of off-shore finance
- Was nothing but poor islands
Secondary Structure
Manufacturing Process, transform, fabricate, assemble raw materials or reassemble, refinish, package manufactured goods
Tertiary Structure
Sale or exchange of goods & services
Quaternary Structure
- Handling and processing knowledge & information
- Silicon Valley
- Cayman Islands
Growth of world-system of trade & politics
Geographical divisions of labor national, regional or local economic specializations evolved with this
Traditional Society
- Limited technology
- Static society
Preconditions for Take-Off
Commercial exploitation of agriculture and extractive industry
Traditional Society to Preconditions for Take-Off
Transition triggered by external influences, interests, or markets
Development of a manufacturing system
Preconditions for Take-Off to Take-Off
Installation of physical infrastructure (roads, railways, etc.) and emergence of social/political elite
Drive to Maturity
Development of wider industrial and commercial base
Take-Off to Drive to Maturity
Investment in manufacturing exceeds 10% of national income; development of modern, social, economic, and political institutions
Drive to Maturity to High Mass Consumption
Exploitation of comparative advantages in international trade
Places and regions follow parallel development
Ethnic Religions
- Appeal primarily to one group living in one place or region
- Judaism
- Shaped by dispora
The spatial diffusion of a religion that was just in one space
Universalizing Religions
Trade is used to seeking religion
Migration and Religion
May leave and never come back
Empire and Religion
Spreads right up to roman empire, but no farther
- A member of powerful Arab tribe Mecca a thriving mercantile city emerging from nomadic culture
- Converts messages to the people
- Went from mercantilism to nomadic
- Found a “politically viable [and] spiritually illuminating” solution
- (Recitatations) came to Muhammad in pieces over 23 years
- Word of God as relayed by Archangel Gabriel Masterpiece of Arab prose and poetry
- Surrender of entire being to Allah justice, equity and compassion
- Submission to God's will
Build socially just community orthopraxy over orthodoxy (practice over speculation)
- Submission to Allah's Will
- Practice is personal – not mediated by priest
- Imam devout leader - calls to prayer and sermons
5 Pillars of of Islam
- Shahadah
- Salah
- Zakah
- Sawm
- Hajj
- Profession of faith
- There is no god but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God
- Prayer 5 times a day
- Facing Mecca
- Simple, personal, communal
- Religious tax
- Enshrines social responsibility to community and less fortunate
- Fast during Ramadan
- Deeply personal worship “greater needs than bread”
- Pilgrimage to Mecca
- Peak of religious life
- Kabah the focus of lifetime of prayer
- Religious Pilgrimage
- Long distances travelled likened it to migration in effects of cultural diffusion
Cultural Diffusion of Hajj
- Pilgrimages to Mecca from across growing Islamic world contributed significantly to spread of religious, culinary, and other cultural practices
- Coffee was introduced to Yemen so people could prolong prayer at night
Coffe was spread by..
Spread of Islam- Migration and Empire
- Limited resources in Arabian desert
- Could not steal from members of the ummah
- As the ummah grew, ghazu conducted further afield
Spread of Islam- Empire, Conversion, Migration
- Succession of Islamic leaders dealt with expansion differently
- Garrison towns, no mixing of populations, no conversion
- Later desegregation, mixing, conversion
- Increasingly hard to control expanding territory
Abbasid Period
Quran urges Muslims to acquire knowledge - one of highest religious activities
Golden Age of Islam Knowledges
- Science
- Technology
- Literature
- History
- Biography (of Prophet)
- Mathematics
- Astronomy
- Chemistry
- Hydraulics
- Translations of Scriptures
Seljuk Empire
Seljuk Turks in Central Asia convert to Islam “unparalleled cross-fertilization of once isolated intellectual traditions”
Golden Age of Ottoman Empire
- Ottoman fleet a major Mediterranean naval power
- Conquered Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Iraq
- With control of Islam’s holy places sultan took title of Caliph, ruler of all Muslims
- Controlled all Middle Eastern trade routes
- Expanded into Europe
- Built many mosques and public works in ancient cities of Islam
- Spread out in all directions
Fall of Ottoman Empire
- Agrarian empires outgrew themselves
- Confronted economic and military competition from modernizing Europe
- Whole new context for decline
- West penetrating Islamdom for centuries
- -13th c. Venetian trading posts in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon
- -1498 Vasco da Gama’s route around India undercut Mediterranean trade
Europe's Move Beyond Agrarian Society
- Scientific revolution led to greater control over environment
- Mercantilism pointed outward for enrichment
- Innovation in European core
- Efficiency – labor – education – markets -governance Secularization & democracy increasingly important to modern state
Sick Man of Europe
- European search for raw materials, markets, military bases & colonies penetrated most of Ottoman Empire
- Arab nationalism on the rise
- -Europe entered power vacuum created by Empire’s decline 1869 Suez Canal
- -1918 Palestine question
Effects on Isladom
- Intrusion of West raised deep religious questions
- Quran promised that a society submissive to God’s will could not fail
- Muslims faced constant challenge to build better world
- Humiliation of ummah a political and religious catastrophe
Monotheistic Common Narative
Adam to Abraham to Sarah Isaac (Jesus) and Hagar Ishmail (Mohammed)
The holy place for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
Dome of the Rock
Built at site in Jerusalem at which Mohammed ascended in to heaven
4000 years ago
2000 years ago
1400 years ago
- Judaism was founded..
- Christianity...
- Islam....
Western wall (2nd temple)
Stations of the cross
Christian Church
- Sanctified place of worship
- Congregational worship an important religious practice
Hindu Temple
- Not for congregational worship
- Shrines for particular gods
Buddhist Temple
- Not for congregational worship
- Shrines for relics of Buddha’s life
St. Gerard's Catholic Church
- Congregational churches follow population growth
- Built 1911 on growing East Side of city City booming with immigration German, Hungarian, Irish
- 1000s thousands of American churches have closed in areas with declining populations
- Major task of diocesan decision-making structure – which to close, what to do with closed churches
Buffalo Economic Base
- Railroad/ Great Lakes transhipment point Largest inland port
- 2nd only to Chicago as a rail center Steel, automobile parts, aircraft production
- 6th largest steel producer 8th largest manufacturing center
- Industrial decline accompanied by population decline
- Attempts to diversify regional economy include light manufacturing, high technology and service-sector
Increasing interconnectedness of parts of the world through common processes of economic, environmental, political and cultural change
Types of Globalization
- International agencies
- Global communication networks
- Standardized time
- International law
- Human rights and citizenship
- Increase in proportion of transnational activities
Rapid advances in Telecommunications
Agents of globalization & cultural homogenization include
Culture Imperialism
- Homogeneity
- Coca-Colonialism
- McDomination vs. French Culture Imperialism
- Disneyfication vs. French Culture Imperialism
Disneyfication vs. French Culture Imperialism
- EuroDisney
- “degenerate utopia” “will deform generations of French children
- French Minister of Culture calls for: “ a real crusade against...this financial and intellectual imperialism that no longer grabs territory...but grabs consciousness, ways of thinking, ways of living”
Cultural Nationalism
- Local distinctiveness
- Resistance
Language and Nationalism
- French suppression of regional languages polyglot - barrier to democracy and egalitarianism
- French protection of national/regional languages in face of EU
- Hebrew as national language of Israel (1947)
- 11 national languages of South Africa (1994)
Tools for studying the geography of language
- Starts at family then branch then group
- Communicating ideas or feelings by means of a conventionalized system of signs, gestures, marks, or articulate vocal sounds
English Language
- 2000 yrs ago – did not exist
- 1500 yrs ago – Englisc
- 400 yrs ago – native speech of 5-7 million
- Today - 750 million speakers, 1⁄2 as mother tongue Huge vocabulary
3 Invasions and a Cultural Revolution
How did such a dramatic change in the geography of English happen?
- Sir William Jones theorized their existence with discovery of Sanskrit words
- Location theorized through vocabulary
- -Snow, beech, bee, wolf, winter, horse
- -No word for sea (no where near a sea)
Invasion 1 and English Language
- AD 70- Julius Caesar Hadrian’s wall
- AD 449- English arrived “on the point of a sword”
- Jutes, Angles, Saxons defeated Britons
- Words: Frisian ko, lam, goes, boat, dong, rein
- -In kopke kofje
Invasion 2 and English Language
- AD 793- Viking invasions
- Alfred the Great uses English to foster national identity as force against Vikings
- Pidgin – ization along Danelaw
Cultural Revolution and English Language
- AD 597- St Augustine launches Christian conversion
- Greek & Latin Abstract thought
- -Angel, disciple, martyr, shrine
Invasion 3 and English Language
- 1066- Norman invaders defeat Saxons at Battle of Hastings
- Linguistic apartheid
- Latin – religion learning
- French – social & cultural prestige
- English – working people
Hundred Years War
Contributed to rise of English
Lingua Franca
- English became this with rise of British-Empire
- A language of international communication & commerce, used over wide area where it is not mother tongue
Pidgin Language
- Grammar rules and small vocabulary of lingua franca, mixed with elements of own language
- No native speakers – always spoken in addition to native tongue
Variant forms with mutual comprehension
Culture Examples
- Religion
- Language
- Sports
- Political styles
- Built environment
- Music
Shared set of meanings lived through material and symbolic practices of everyday life
Ways to Study Culture
- Regions
- Landscape
- Spatial diffusion
Cultural Region
- Area within which a particular cultural system prevails
- A geographical unit based on characteristics and functions of culture
The morphology of landscape
- Humans mediate environment through creation of landscapes
- Cultural geography became focused on cultural history of landscapes
- Explain landscape morphology (shape and character)
- -Domestication, cultivation, diffusion, hydraulics, fire ecology
- Descriptive in orientation
- Carl Sauer
Marston's Definition of Cultural Landscape
Landscape is “a comprehensive product of human action such that every landscape is a complex repository of society. It is a collection of evidence about our character and experience, our struggles and triumphs as humans
Landscape, Culture, and Power
- Dominant cultures
- Alternative cultures
Dominant Cultures
Plays strongest role
Alternative Cultures
- Play roles as well
- Includes:
- Residual cultures
- Emergent cultures
- Excluded cultures
Residual Cultures
Historic cultures that have disappeared or are in the process of fading away
Emergent Cultures
Those that are just now appearing
Excluded Cultures
Those that are actively or passively excluded by the dominant culture
Bamiyan, Afghanistan
- High valley (over 8000 ft), bounded by Hindu Kush (N.) and Koh-i-Baba (S.)
- Large Buddhist monasticcenter
Kushan's Dominant Culture
- 1st c A.D. - 10th c. A.D.- Prospered as middlemen between China, India and Rome
- Culture fused alternative cultures: Tribal traditions from Central Asia Hellenistic artistic conventions Buddhist imagery and practices
- Bamiyan a major Buddhist monastery
- Buddhas created in 3rd & 5th c. In western idiom: “provincial Roman” (residual culture)
New Dominant Culture in Kushan
970 A.D.- Ghazni rulers based to the south impose Islam
Excluded Culture in Kushan
- Buddhist statues tolerated by leadership
- 1221 A.D. Valley destroyed by Ghengis Khan
- Statues partially destroyed
- As dominant culture, re-shape
- landscape once again:
- Buddhas destroyed by them in 2001
3 Reasons for Taliban Takeover
- Long tradition of Muslim intolerance for Buddhism to uphold
- Bamiyan a base for Northern Alliance
- Taliban’s request for humanitarian aid refused because of Bin Laden
- 1992 – began listing Cultural Landscapes as World Heritage Sites
- Illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints and/or opportunities presented by their natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces, both external and internal
Cultural Diffusion
- With rapid developments in technology of communication or warfare
- Where an expansionist society comes in contact markedly less advanced societies (technologically)
- E.g. Colonialism a major source of cultural diffusion
Basic Geographic Issues
- Fossil fuels and other natural resources and mediating technologies
- -Supply is finite (for many)
- -Supply is unevenly distributed across globe
- -Consumption is unevenly distributed across globe
- -Consumption is unevenly regulated across globe
Climate Change
A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically for decades or longer. It refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity
Global Warming
- Average temperature rose 1 C in 20th C
- Projected to rise 5 C in 21st C
Greenhouse Effect
- Increased presence of gases within atmosphere prevent heat from escaping
- Gases produced:
- Increase in fossil fuels Use of inert gases for industrial use (e.g. fluorocarbons)
- Decrease in forests that absorb CO2
- 2010 stop carbon emissions
Effects of Greenhouse Gases
- Wet places wetter/Dry places dryer
- Some places may get cooler while rest of world gets warmer
- Rise in sea level
Impacts of Rise in Sea Level
- Caused by the melting ice caps
- Flooding in coastal zones
- Change in pattern of currents
- -Gulf coast is warm and Europe is cold
- Would flip
- Change in fishery conditions
- Saltwater and freshwater intrusion
Percent of Populations
- In US, 673 coastal counties of lower 48
- -17 % land area
- -53% population
- 14 of 20 largest cities on coast
- 17 of 20 fastest growing cities on coast
Move beyond the same political jurisdiction, involving a change of residence- either as emigration or immigration
Precautionary Principle
Environmental management rule that if a threat of serious or irreversible damage to the environment or human health exists, a lack of full scientific knowledge about the situation should not be allowed to delay containment or remedial steps if the balance of potential costs and benefits justifies enacting them. In other words, "prevention is better than cure"
Kyoto Protocol
- International agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for reducing GHG emissions by an average of five % against 1990 levels over the five-year period 2008-2012
Peak Oil
Refers to the point of maximum production of oil, after which oil supplies are expected to decline
Shape of Peak Oil Curve Varies...
- Contrary attitudes toward future ambiguity
- Methodology
- Based on models
- Based on data
- Bell shaped distribution
- Production would peak at approximately the half point of supply
- Peak would be reached in the 1970s
Government announced that “US was pumping oil at full tilt and there was no additional capacity that could be brought on stream to counteract rising prices”
Implications for the US for Peak Oil
- Changed the US’s relationship with the rest of the world
- Became a net importer of oil
- #1 most traded commodity
- -Price fluctuations are felt the world over
Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait
Saddam Hussein wanted a port
Libyan Domestic Politics
- Possibility of ore regional unrest and regime change
- May be more and more unrest
- U.S. became more involved in stabilizing key regimes
- State’s power to control space o territory and shape the foreign policy of individual states and international political relations
Libya's Output Cut in Half Concerns
- Supply disruption/price hike
- Inflation
- Slow recovery from recession
- BUT: Government stockpiles developed since 1970s create buffers
- -Saudia Arabia has spare capacity
Could Demand of Oil be Dramatically Cut?
Technologically- hydrogen or electric powered cars Politically- regulation in re climate change
Tar sands in Alberta
Heavy oils in Orinoco Basin
Would require intensification of oil production
Higher prices would justify cost of less efficient extraction
Non-Conventional Sources could turn Peak into Plateau
Market saturation
Improved efficiency
Fuel switching (ethanol, biodiesel)
Regulation of GHG emissions
Demand for oil falling since 2005 in OECD economies
Responses to Specter of Peak Oil
- Geopolitics
- -Intervene in affairs of major oil producers
- -Prioritize/stabilize “choke points”
- -Form regional blocs to protect sources
- Re-localization of economies
- -Firm behavior
- --Minimize transport costs
- --Local/regional agglomeration
- Eco-localization
- -Develop regional economic concentrations
- -Lower food miles
- -Lower dependence on fossil fuels
Columbian Exchange
Interaction between the Old World originating with the voyages of Columbus, and the New World
The view that natural resources should be used wisely and that society's effects on the natural world should represent stewardship and not exploitation
Cultural Ecology
Study of the relationship between a cultural group and its natural environment
The removal of trees from a forested area without adequate replanting
Demographic Colapse
Phenomenon of near genocide of native populations
The degradation of land cover and damage to the soil and water in grass lands and arid and semiarid lands
Ecological Imperialism
Introduction of exotic plants and animals into new ecosystems
Community of different species interacting with each other and with the larger physical environment that surrounds it
Environmental Justice
Movement reflecting a growing political consciousness, largely among the world's poor, that their immediate environs are far more toxic than those in wealthier neighborhoods
Global Change
Combination of political, economic, social, historical, and environmental problems at the world scale
Paleolithic Period
Period when chipped-stone tools first began to be used
Political Ecology
Approach to cultural geography that studies humans in their environment through the relationships of patterns of resource use to political and economic forces
Approach to nature advocating that certain habitats, species, and resources should remain off-limits to human use, regardless of whether the use maintains or depletes the resource in question
Philosophy that emphasizes interdependence and relatedness between humans and nature
Buildup of sand and clay in a natural or artificial waterway
Philosophy in which a person attempts to rise about nature and the limitations of the body to the point where the spirit dominates the flesh
Virgin Soil Epidemics
Conditions in which the population at risk has no natural immunity or previous exposure to the disease within the lifetime of the oldest member of the group
Cultural Complex
Combination of traits characteristic of a particular group
Cultural Geography
How space, place, and landscape shape culture at the same time that culture shapes space, place, and landscape
Cultural Hearths
The geographic origins or sources of innovations, ideas, or ideologies
Cultural Landscape
- A characteristic and tangible outcome of the complex interactions between a human group and a natural environment
- Natural environment
- Land form
- Vegetation
- Human group/activities
- Human interventions & structures
Cultural Nationalism
An effort to protect regional and national cultures from the homogenizing impacts of globalization especially from the penetrating influence of U.S. culture
Cultural System
A collection of interacting elements that taken together shape a group's collective identity
Cultural Trait
A single aspect of the complex of routine practices that constitute a particular cultural group
Socially created system of rules about who belongs and who does not belong to a particular group based upon actual or perceived commonality
Folk Culture
Traditional practices of small groups, especially rural people with a simple lifestyle who are seen to be homogeneous in their belief systems and practices
Social differences between men and women rather than the anatomical differences that are related to sex
Genre de Vie
Functionally organized way of life that is seen to be characteristic of a particular cultural group
Historical Geography
Geography of the past
Anticolonial, anti-imperial, and generally anticore political movement
Relationship based on blood, marriage, or adoption
Language Branch
Collection of languages that possess a definite common origin buy have split into individual languages
Language Family
Collection of individual languages believed to be related in their prehistorical origin
Language Group
Collection of several individual languages that are part of a language brach, share a common origin, and have similar grammar and vocabulary
Member of the Islamic community of believers whose duty is obedience and submission to God's will
Popular Culture
Practices and meaning systems produced by large groups of people whose norms and tastes are often heterogeneous and change frequently, often in response to commercial products
Problematic classification of human beings based on skin color and other physical characteristics
Practice of categorizing people according to race, or of imposing a racial character or context
Belief system and set of practices that recognize the existence of a power higher than humans
Rites of Passage
Ceremonial acts, customs, practices, or procedures that recognize key transitions in human life, such as birth, menstruation, and other markers of adulthood such as marriage
Set of practices and identities that a given culture considers related to each other and to those things it considers sexual acts and desires
Form of social identity created by groups who share a set of ideas about collective loyalty and political action
World Music
Musical genre defined largely in response to the sudden increase of non-English-language recordings released in the UK and the US in the 1980s
Landscape as Text
Idea that landscapes can be read and written by groups and individuals
Derelict Landscapes
Landscapes that have experienced abandonment, misuse, disinvestment, or vandalism
Specific attachment of individuals or peoples to a specific location or territory
Creative Destruction
The withdrawal of investments from activities (and regions) that yield low rates of profit in order to reinvest in new activities (and new places)
Debt Trap
Syndrome of always having to borrow in order to fund development
A relative decline in industrial employment in core regions
Elasticity of Demand
Degree to which levels of demand for a product or service change in response to changes in price
Export-Processing Zones
Small areas within which especially favorable investment and trading conditions are created by governments in order to attract export-oriented industries
Flexible Production Systems
Ability of manufacturers to shift quickly and efficiently from one level of output to another, or from one product configuration to another
Principles for mass production based on assembly-line techniques, scientific management, mass consumption based on higher wages, and sophisticated advertising techniques
Foreign Direct Investment
Total of overseas business investments made by private companies
Gross National Income
Similar to GDP, but also includes the value of income from abroad
Growth Poles
Economic activities that are deliberately organized around one or more high-growth industries
Increased supply of printed currency that leads to higher prices and international financial differentials
Underlying framework of services and amenities needed to facilitate productive activity
Initial Advantage
Critical importance of an early start in economic develoment
International Division of Labor
Specialization, by countries, in particular products for export
Just-in-Time Production
Manufacturing process in which daily or hourly delivery schedules of materials allow for minimal or zero inventories
Economic principles in which the logic of mass production coupled with mass consumption is modified by the addition of more flexible production, distribution, and marketing skills
Newly Industrializing Countries
Countries formerly peripheral within the world system that have acquired a significant industrial sector, usually through foreign direct investment
Offshore Financial Centers
Islands or micro-states that have become a specialized node in the geography of worldwide financial flows
Primary Activities
Economic activities that are concerned directly with natural resources of any kind
Spread Effects
Positive impacts on a region of the economic growth of some other region
Sustainable Development
Vision of development that seeks a balance among economic growth, environmental impacts, and social equity
Terms of Trade
Ratio of prices at which exports and imports are exchanged
Trading Blocs
Groups of countries with formalized systems of trading agreements
Transnational Corporations
Companies with investments and activities that span international boundaries and with subsidiary companies, factories, offices, or facilities in several countries
Vertical Disintergration
Evolution form large, functionally integrated firms within a given industry toward networks of specialized firms, subcontractors, and suppliers
Saccharin and Pregnancy
- Can cross the placenta and remain in fetal tissue
- Slow clearance
- Can avoid by careful label reading
Non-Nutritive Sweeteners and Pregnancy
- No change observed
- Fertility
- Size
- Body weight
- Growth
- Mortality
Sweeteners and Obesity
- High intakes of sweetened foods and beverages
- Possible association with increasing amount or overweight and obesity
- Surprisingly – little evidence supports a strong direct link of added sugars with obesity (when controlling for the increase in energy)
Fructose and Obesity
- May blunt circulating insulin and leptin levels
- Less feeling of satiety
- May result in increased energy intake
Obesity and Beverages
- “Liquids” with sucrose and fructose may promote weight gain because less satiating than solid foods
- Remember that HFCS is about 40%to 60% fructose, so effects may be similar to sucrose (50% each of fructose and glucose)
Obesity and Non-Nutritive Sweeteners
- Originally developed for people with diabetes
- Long term maintenance of body weight – need more data
- Rodent studies aren’t always the same in humans
In animals, they usually don’t promote weight gain (but sugars do because of calories!)
Do nonnutritive sweeteners maintain a highly sweet food environment and promote obesity?
- Sugars don’t appear to cause it
- Must control their TOTAL carbohydrate (not just their intake of “sugar”)
- Nonnutritive polyols have lower glycemic response; safe for those with diabetes
- Nonnutritive do not affect glycemic response, so OK to incorporate in the diet
Behavior and Non-Nutritive Sweeteners
- FDA mandates that behavioral tests be done for food additives, such as nonnutritive sweeteners
- No behavioral effects seen with ADI levels of intake
Aspartame and Behavior
- Headaches
- Seizure
- Hyperactivity
- Brain tumors