
  1. What is the highest point on earth?
    Mount Everest
  2. What is the lowest point on earth
    Dead Sea
  3. What is the largest Peninsula?
    Arabian Peninsula
  4. What is the largest archipelago?
    Malay Archipelago
  5. What is the highest mountain range?
  6. What is the highest plateau?
  7. What is the coldest desert (outside Antarctica)?
    Gobi Desert
  8. What is the largest lake?
    Caspian Sea
  9. Dialect
    a regional language variation among people in a country
  10. Cradle of Civilization
    a name for the Fertile Crescent; the location of man’s first civilization after the flood
  11. Abraham
    the father of the Arab and Jewish people
  12. Kibbutz
    a communal society in Israel where people voluntarily live and work together for the good of the community
  13. PLO
    Palestinian Liberation Organization; a militant group that claims to represent Palestinian interests
  14. Wadi
    a temporary river in the desert which appears during occasional downpours
  15. Bedouinn
    nomads in the Middle East
  16. Caste
    the strict division of social classes in India
  17. Reincarnation
    a continuous process of rebirth believed by Hindus and Buddhists
  18. Marco Polo
    the man responsible for stirring medieval Europe’s interest in the Far East
  19. Dalai Lama
    the title of the chief priest of Lamaism who ruled Tibet
  20. Pacific Rim
    a name for the countries bordering the Pacific Ocean
  21. Pinyin system
    a system of spelling and pronunciation instituted to establish a standard form for the Chinese language
  22. Ring of Fire
    a narrow band of volcanoes which nearly encircles the Pacific Ocan
  23. What country are the Jews from?
  24. What country are the Arabs from?
  25. What country are the Pashtun people from?
  26. What country are the Hindi people from?
  27. What country are the Punjabis people from?
  28. What group of people are the Bengalis people from?
  29. What country are the Sinhalese people from?
    Sri Lanka
  30. What country are the Han people from?
  31. A large landmass which includes Europe and Asia
  32. A narrow strip of land in the Middle East which includes the nations of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq
    Fertile Crescent
  33. Important rivers in the eastern Fertile Crescent
    Tigris and Euphrates
  34. A fertile strip of land along the Jordan River which is occupied by Israel
    West Bank
  35. A legendary fortress built by King Herod the Great atop a mesa; became a base camp for Jewish zealots in the war against the Romans around A.D. 70
  36. An ancient city in Jordan, A once-mighty city in Iraq
    Petra, Babylon
  37. “the Empty Quarter”; a sea of sand covering over 250,000 square miles in the Arabian Peninsula
    Rub al Khali
  38. A dry, treeless region which occupies the peninsula of Asia Minor
    Anatolian Plateau
  39. The region named for the mighty Caucasus Mountains that separate Asia and Europe’ includes Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan
  40. Turkey’s largest city, Magnicicent cathedral built by Justinian the Great in Istanbul
    Istanbul, Hagia Sophia
  41. Capital of the Persian Empire in Iran
  42. Principal rivers in Southern Asia
    Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra
  43. A famous tomb in India resembling an Islamic Mosque
    Taj Mahal
  44. An important river in China, also known as the Hwang Ho or Yellow River
    Huang He
  45. An important river in China, formerly known as the Yangtze
    Chang Jiang
  46. The world’s longest fortification, built during the Ch’in dynasty in China
    Great Wall
  47. A walled place in Beijing where imperial dynasties once ruled China
    Forbidden City
  48. "Middle Country"; ancient name for China
  49. Japan’s highest peak
    Mount Fuji
  50. The old imperial capital of Japan where the mikado (emperor) once lived
  51. “land of the Free”; Thailand's official title
    Muang Thai
  52. A historical term for Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia before World War II
    French Indochina
  53. A name for Indonesia under the Dutch East India Company
    Dutch East Indies
  54. The world’s third largest island; located in Southeast Asia
  55. An Indonesian island which was the site of one of history’s most violent volcanic eruptions
  56. Main religion of Mongolia
  57. Main religion of Georgia
    Eastern Orthodoxy
  58. Main religion of Israel
  59. Main religion of Pakistan
  60. Main religion of Philippines
    Roman Catholicism
  61. Main religion of India
  62. Main religion of Japan
  63. Main religion of Indonesia
  64. What event markes the beginning of nations in world history?
    the dispersion from Babel
  65. Identify the structure that occupies the Temple Mount in Jerusalem today.
    Dome of the Rock
  66. Whick Middle Eastern countries do not have an Arab majority?
    Istael, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia
  67. List three characteristics that dominate the Arabian Peninsula.
    Desert, Islam, Oil
  68. What is the significance of Mount Ararat?
    In addition to being Turkey's highest point, it is where Noah's ark came to rest after the Flood
  69. Why is India called a subcontinent? Name the three major land areas of this region.
    India's geography is distinctly separated from the rest of the continent. Himalayan Mountain System, Northern Plains, Deccan Plateau
  70. Where did Indian civilization begin? Chinese civilization?
    Indus Valley; along the Huang He River
  71. What group of people established the largest empire in history?
  72. Who is remembered as the Father of Modern Missions?
    William Carey
  73. What modern empire ruled Central Asia for most of the 20th century?
    Soviet Union
  74. Which is the largest republic in Central Asia?
  75. What empire controlled most of Southern Asia at the turn of the 20th century?
    British Empire
  76. Explain the relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan and their connection to India.
    Bangladesh and Pakistan were originally one nation but were divided by British to provide a haven for Muslims in Hindu India. Ethnic differences led to a cival war, and with India's help, East pakistan broke away from West Pakistan, forming the new nation of Bangladesh
  77. Who colonized Hong Kong and Singapore? Macao?
    British; Portuguese
  78. What is the largest city (in population) in the world?
  79. What climate is Arabia?
  80. What climate is Indian subcontinents?
  81. What climates is Anatolian Plateau?
  82. What climate is Indonesia?
    Rain forest
  83. What climate is the Himalayas?
  84. What climate is the Korean Peninsula?
    Humid continental
  85. Why is the Middle East called the "Crossroads of the Ancient World"? Explain the significance of this region to the modern world.
    It is called the Crossroads of the Ancient World because of its central location at the intersection of the overland trade routes which connected Europe, Asia, and Africa. The region is important for several reasons: civilization began there; it is the birthplace of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; and it influences the world politically and economically
  86. What is the root of conflict in the Middle East? What other factors contribute to the tension in this area?
    The common ancestry of the Jews and Arabs through Abraham; disputes over religion, land, and water
  87. Discuss the importance of Mecca, Median, and Jerusalem to the Islamic people.
    Muslims consider these cities to be holy because they believe that Mecca is where Mohammed was born, Median is where he founded Islam, and Jerusalem is where he supposedly ascended to heaven
  88. How have Hinduism and the observance of cast hindered progress in India?
    Hinduism has fostered a spirit of resistance to change and progress, and the cast system has resigned people to accept poverty rather than work to better their condition.
  89. Contrast life in Communist countries like China and North Korea with liife in free countries like Taiwan and South Korea.
    Communist governments dictate every aspect of the lives of their people, while governments in free countries allow the people to make choices for themselves.
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Geography Chapter 2 Review