Amplitude of pulse is described on a scale what are the numbers and what they represent
- 0-Absent
- 1-dimished barley palpable
- 2-Expected
- 3-full, increased
- 4-bounding
bounding palpable pulse is represented by what number
Expected palpable pulses are represented by what number
Aplitude of pulse exaddurartly decreases on inspiration due to COPD, Pulmonary effusion constructive perocarditis, pericardial effusion
Pulsus Paradox
A murmur of Ventricular Septal defect typically presents
- High Pitched holosystolic
- heard on left sternal border 3-5 IC space
Blood pressure falls to its lowest point when
During Diastole
A period of silence that occurs between phase 1 and 2 of the korocoft sounds then reapears 10-15mmhg later, can cause underestimation of systolic or over estimation of diastolic pressure
Auscultatory gap
Edema that has a noticiable deep pit, last more than a minute and dependent extremity looks fuller and swollen
Edema scale 3+
Edema pits more than 1, no readily decetable distortion, disappears in 10-15 secs
2+ Edema
Very deep pitting, 2-5 min, dependent extremity grossly distorted
Murmer grading scale
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3-Moderate loud
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6
Murmur that is quiet but clearly audible
Grade 2
Modertly loud murmur
Grade 3
Loud murmur associated with a thrill
Grade 4
Very Loud murmur, Thrill easily palpable
Grade 5
Very Loud, without stethascope in contact with chest, thrill palpable and visible
Grade 6
Listening to the pulmonic valve and issues to it would be where
2 and 3 left intercostal space at left sternal border
Mitral valve sounds are auscultated at
Apex, 5th left intercostal space mid clavicular line