radiology 1

  1. tungest filament is located in the anode

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false

    cathode does
  2. any body part exceeding this measurement requires the use of a grid to reduce scatter.

    C. 10cm
  3. the focal spot originates from the:

    C. tungsten target
  4. a low out output xray machine utilizes a stationary anode

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  5. during the developing process metallic silver is converted to silver halide crystals

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  6. radiographic ___ is the degree of blackness on a finished radiograph

    a. density
    b. contrast
    a. density
  7. a ___ scale of contrast generally produces a more diagnostic radiograph

    a. long
    b. short
    a. long
  8. the ___is most responsible for the quanity of xray produced and radiographic density, vs ___ is most responsible for the quality of the xray beam and the radiographic scale of contrast

    a. kVp;mAs
    b. mAs;kVp
    b. mAs;kVp
  9. the higher the grid ratio the moe effective the grid is at absorbing scatter

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  10. elctrons travel:

    A. toward the anode in the xray tube
  11. all of the following are types of somatic damage caused by radiation except

    B. gene mutation
  12. what is the maximum permissible dose of radiation that a person can receive according to state and federal regulation

    A. 0.05 sv/year
  13. if the cassette is not directly under the primary beam, how will the film look like?

    D. the part of the film not directly under the primary beam is white or unexposed
  14. the temperature of the filament is controlled by:

    B. mA setting
  15. an underexposed film appears___; to correct this___

    B. too light; increase kvp or ma
  16. how does kvp affect scatter radiation?

    D. as kvp increase, scatter radiation can increase
  17. you hae determined that the penetration is inadequate for a particular abdominal film and the film has an overall white apperance. what should you do next?

    C. increase kvp by 10-15%
  18. all of the following are necessary for xray production except

    D. all of the above
  19. which of the following ways to decrease your exposure to radiation

    D. all of the above
  20. all of the following could cause a radiograph to be too dark except

    B. xray tube failure
  21. the most common cause for a radiograph turning yellow is the devloper not being completely washed off before going into the fixer

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  22. used to measure the thickness of the area to be xrayed
  23. list the five subject densities from lowest density to highest density
    • 1. gas--jet black
    • 2. fat
    • 3. water
    • 4. bone
    • 5. metal--bright white
  24. is a non image forming radiation that moves in all directions and results from xrays bouncing off the objects
    scatter radiation
  25. is disortion of anatomic structures so that the image appears longer than actual size due to the xray beam not being directed perpendicular to the film
  26. is distortion of anatomic structures so that the image appears longer than the actual size due to the xray beam not being directed perpendicular to the film surface
  27. is distortion of anatomic structures when the image appears larger than normal
  28. the ___ refers to a decrease of xray intensity on the anode side of the xray beam caused by the anode target angle
    heel effect
  29. are devices used to monitor our exposure to radiation
  30. refers to the distance between the source of xray and the image receptors or film
    source image distance
  31. the cathode has a ___ charge
    the anoe has a ___ charge
    • negative
    • postive
Card Set
radiology 1
radiation safety, xray production, exposure factor, film processing, radiographic quality, film evaluation