1. Runway slope?
  2. Max T/O and landing tailwind component?
    • 15 knots
    • 10 knots (YK007)
  3. Max operating altitude?
    41,000 ft
  4. Max T/O and landing altitude?
    8,400 ft
  5. Maximum flight operating latitude?
    82 North and 82 South

    • Between 80W-130W: 70 North
    • Between 120E-160E: 60 South
  6. Installation of handle covers on the overwing exits must be verified prior to departure whenever passengers are carried. T/F?
  7. Verify thet an operational check of the flight deck door access system has been accomplished according to approved procedures once each flight day. T/F?
  8. Maximum demonstrated T/O and landing crosswind?
    • 33 knots
    • 36 knots (YK007,YL352,YL353)
  9. On revenue flights, the escape slide retention bar (girt bar) must be installed during taxi, takeoff and landing. T/F?
  10. Do not operate HF radios during refueling operations. T/F?
  11. Does STBY altimeter meet RVSM standards?
  12. Max allowable in-flight difference between Captain and FO altitude displays for RVSM operations?
    200 ft
  13. Max allowable altitude display difference (for RVSM operations) between Captain and FO on the ground?
    • SL to 5,000ft elevation - 50 ft
    • 5,001 to 10,000 ft elevation - 60 ft
  14. Max allowable altitude display difference between Captain or FO and Field Elevation on the ground?
    75 ft
  15. Max taxi weight?
    • 62,224 kgs
    • 63,225 kgs
    • 70,306 kgs
    • 77,110 kgs
    • 79,227 kgs
    • 79,242 kgs
    • 85,366 kgs
  16. Max T/O weight?
    • 61,998 kgs
    • 62,998 kgs
    • 70,080 kgs
    • 76,883 kgs
    • 79,000 kgs
    • 79,015 kgs
    • 85,139 kgs
  17. Max landing weight?
    • 58,059 kgs
    • 66,088 kgs
    • 66,360 kgs
    • 71,350 kgs
  18. Max zero fuel weight?
    • 54,657 kgs
    • 62,459 kgs
    • 62,731 kgs
    • 67,721 kgs
  19. Max cabin differential pressure?
    9.1 psi
  20. With engine bleed air switches on, do not operate the air conditioning packs in ...... for T/O, approach or landing.

    (The fire protection non-normal checklist overrides this limitation)
  21. Engine TAI must be on when icing conditions exist or anticipated, except during climb and cruise below .......*C SAT.
  22. Use of aileron trim with the autopilot engaged is prohibited. True/False?
  23. Do not engage autopilot for T/O below ...... ft AGL.
    400 ft AGL
  24. For single channel operation during approach, the autopilot shall not remain engaged below ..... ft AGL.
    • 50 ft AGL (FAA)
    • 50 ft below MDA unless it is coupled to an ILS G/S & Localizer or in the go-around mode.
    • 140 ft AGL (JAA)
    • 158 ft AGL (JAA)
    • 140 ft AGL (JAA)
  25. Do not use HDG SEL or CWS north of ........ latitude or south of ......... latitude.
    • 89 degrees 30 minutes
    • 89 degrees 30 minutes
  26. Maximum allowable wind speeds for autoland operations:
    • FAA
    • Headwind 25 kts
    • Crosswind 20 kts
    • Tailwind 15 kts
    • JAA
    • Crosswind 20/25 kts
    • Tailwind 10/12/15 kts
  27. Max and min G/S angles for autoland?
    • 3.25 degrees
    • 2.5 degrees
  28. Autoland capability may only be used with flaps ..... or ..... and both engines .......... .
    30, 40, operative

    For airplanes operating under JAA Rules: Autoland capability may only be used with flaps 30 with the one engine operative and only for DH at or above 50 feet.
  29. Do not use IAN FAC or G/P guidance under either of the following conditions:
    - The flight crew has entered an AT or AT/BELOW altitude constraint for a FAF, or for waypoints between a FAF and a runway
    - Any altitude constraint specified by the approach procedure for a FAF, or waypoints between a FAF and a runway, has been modified by the flight crew, after the aircraft has passed the IAF. T/F?
  30. Do not use VHF-3 for ATC communications with ACARS operational. T/F?
  31. Flights predicated on the use of following frequencies (MHz) are prohibited.
    29.490 and 29.489
  32. Flights predicated on the use of the following HF frequencies are prohibited:
    - 11.133Mhz
    - 22.434Mhz
    - 22.683Mhz
    - 22.766Mhz
  33. The ACARS is limited to the transmission and receipt of messages that will not create an unsafe condition if the message is improperly received, such as the following conditions:
    • the message or parts of the message are delayed or not received,
    • the message is delivered to the wrong recipient, or
    • the message content may be frequently corrupted.
    However, Pre-Departure Clearance, Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service, Oceanic Clearances, Weight and Balance and Takeoff Data messages can be transmitted and received over ACARS if they are verified per approved operational procedures. T/F?
  34. Use the VHF radio connected to the ..... of fuselage antenna for primary ATC communications on the ground.
  35. The use of Flight Deck Auxiliary Power outlets in the flight deck requires operational regulatory approval. T/F?
  36. Engine ignition must be on for:
    • T/O
    • Landing
    • Operation in heavy rain
    • Anti-ice operation
  37. Intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight is ........... .
  38. Inflight - APU bleed + electrical load: max altitude?
    10,000 ft
  39. Ground only - APU bleed + electrical load: max altitude?
    15,000 ft
  40. APU bleed max altitude?
    17,000 ft
  41. APU electrical load max altitude?
    41,000 ft
  42. APU bleed valve must be closed when:
    • Gnd air connected and isolation valve open
    • Eng#1 bleed valve open
    • Isolation and eng#2 bleed valves open

    APU bleed valve may be open during engine start, but avoid engine power above idle.
  43. No cargo may be carried in the cargo compartment if the corresponding cargo fire protection equipment is not operational. T/F?
  44. Max flap extension altitude?
    20,000 ft
  45. Holding in icing conditions with flaps extended is prohibited. T/F?
  46. Do not deploy S/B in flight at radio altitudes less than ..... ft.
    1,000 ft AGL
  47. In flight, do not extend S/B lever beyond ........... .
  48. Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, as they may result in structural failure at any speed, including below VA. T/F?
  49. Airplanes operating under JAA rules: Flaps 15 normal landings are prohibited. A Flaps 15 landing may be performed when required by a non-normal procedure. T/F?
  50. Alternate flap duty cycle for flap position:
    Release-reengage: ......seconds pause
    0-15-0 cycle: .......minutes off
    • 15 seconds
    • 5 minutes
  51. ADIRU alignment must not be attempted at latitudes greater than ......... degrees ....... minutes.
    78 degrees 15 minutes
  52. QFE operations are prohibited if the option for QFE altitude reference selection is not installed in the Flight Management System (FMS). T/F?
  53. The use of Look-Ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions with the altimeters referenced to QFE is prohibited. T/F?
  54. The use of VNAV or LNAV with the altimeters referenced to QFE is prohibited. T/F?
  55. Do not use terrain display for navigation. T/F?
  56. Do not use look-ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions within 15 nm of T/O, approach or landing at an airport not contained in the GPWS terrain database. T/F?
  57. Do not operate weather radar in hangar or ..... ft of any personnel or fuel spill. (Does not apply with weather test mode)
    50 ft

    Note:The hangar and personnel restrictions do not apply to the weather radar test mode.
  58. Do not use RAAS callouts or alerts for navigation. T/F?
  59. Do not use RAAS callouts or alerts as a substitute for NOTAM or ATIS information. T/F?
  60. Maximum tank fuel temperature?
  61. Minimum tank fuel temperature prior to takeoff and inflight?
    3*C above the freezing point of the fuel being used or -43*C, whichever is higher

    Note:The use of Fuel System Icing Inhibitor additives does not change the minimum fuel tank temperature limit.
  62. Intentional running of a center tank fuel pump (low pressure light illuminated) is prohibited. T/F?
  63. Engaging the auxiliary fuel maintenance (MAINT) sw in flight is prohibited. T/F?
  64. The center tank should be used until all aux fuel has been transferred. T/F?
  65. Lateral imbalance between main tanks 1 and 2 must be scheduled to be ...... .
  66. Random fuel imbalance must not exceed ....... kgs for taxi, T/O, flight or landing.
    453 kgs
  67. Main tanks 1 and 2 must be full if center tank contains more than ........ kgs.
    453 kgs
  68. The center and main fuel tanks must be scheduled to be full if the aux fuel sys is to be loaded or contains fuel. T/F?
  69. Operation with assumed temperature reduced takeoff thrust is not permitted with ......... inoperative.
  70. Airplanes operating under JAA Rules: Towing operations without the use of a tow bar is restricted to tow vehicles that are designed and operated to preclude damage to the airplane steering system or which provide a reliable and unmistakable warning when damage to the steering system may have occurred. T/F?
  71. Do not apply brakes until after touchdown. T/F?
Card Set
B737NG THY LIMITATIONS by SKY (Based on FCOM 737-700/-800/-900ER Rev 8)