germ or bud, developing cell
Hem/o, Hemat/o
exempt or immunity
Clear water or fluid
Wartlike, thymus gland
- A tissue that is part of the cardiovascular system
- Closely associated with the lympathic system.
- Normally found only within the heart and blood vessels of the cardiovascualar system.
- Transportating red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma is its primary function.
The primary function of blood is the _______ of substances throughout the body.
The general field of medicine focusing on blood-related disease.
A physician specializing in the treatment of dieases associated with blood.
The lympathic system has dual functions: the filtering and recycling of fluid to the bloodstream and the battle against ____________.
Immunology/ Infectious Disease
The field of medicine that treats this form of disease.
Refers to the boy's ability to defend against infection and includes a variety of mechanisms.
Study of viruses
Study of bacteria
Study of toxins
Although some ____________ have been able to develop resistance to antibiotic therapy remains our most effective weapon against bacterial infections.
without or absence of
Loosen or dissolve
Abnormal reduction in numberor deficiency
Profuse bleeding, hemorrhage
- Condition of without equal cells.
- The presence of red blood cells of unequal size in a sample of blood is an abnormal finding.
- Condition of bacteria in the blood
- The presence of bacteria in a sample of blood is a sign of infection.
Used to describe an abnormally reduced number of red blood cells in a sample of blood.
- The rupture of the red blood cell membrane.
- Literally "dissolve blood."
The abnormal loss of blood from the circulation is a sign of trauma or illness.
An abnormally reduced number of white blood cells in a sample of blood is a sign of disease.
The presence of abnormally large red blood cells in a sample of blood is sign of disease.
The presence of tear-shaped red blood cells in a sample of blood.
- An abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood.
- "Condition of red cell"
- Abnormal enlargement of the spleen is a symptom of injury or infection.
- "Abnormally large spleen"
An abnormally reduced number of platelets in a sample of blood is a symptom of disease.
The presence of toxins in the bloodstream
without or absence of
Exempt or immunity
Clear water or fluid
Kernel or nucleus
putrefying; wall or partition
Wartlike, thymus gland
Pertaining to producing
-ial, -ic, -ism
pertaining to
loving or affinity for
pertaining to profuse bleeding
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
Devastating disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which disables the immune response by destroying important what blood cells known as helper T cells.
The body's immune respone to allergens, which are foreign substances that produce a reaction including immediate inflammation.
Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)
Affects the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and throat.
Allergic Dermatitis
Affects the skin where it has been in physical contact with the allergen.
An immediate reaction to a foreign substance that includes rapid inflammation, vasodilation, bronchospasms, and spasms of the GI tract.
The reduced ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to issues. It may be the result of a reduced number of normal circulating red blood cells or a reduction in the amount of the oxygen-binding protein in red blood cells called hemoglobin.
Aplastic Anemia
The red bone marrow fails to produce sufficient numbers of normal blood cells.
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Caused by a lack of available iron, resulting in the body's inability to make adequate amounts of hemoglobin.
Sickle Cell Anemia
The hemoglobin is defective within cells, resulting in misshaped red blood cells that cause obstructions in blood vessels
Pernicious Anemia
Caused by inadequate supply of folic acid usually obtained from a healthy diet.
A bacterial disease that has been threatened to be used in bioterrorism, which is the application of disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens) to cause harm to a population.
Autoimmune Disease
A disease that is caused by a person's own immune response attacking otherwise healthy tissues.
- Lethal form of food-borne illness.
- Caused by the ingestion of food contaminatd with the neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.
- Usually occurs when canned food is not prepared properly and is often fatal due to the extrem toxi nature of the botulism neurotoxin.
Communicable Disease (Contagious Disease)
- A disease that is capable of transmission from one person to another.
- It may be transmitted by direct contact with an infected peron, indirectly by way of contact with infected body fluids or other materials.
An infectious disease resulting in actue inflammation of the mucous membranes, primarily in the mouth and throat.
- "Difficult temperament"
- Any abnormal condition of the blood.
- The leakage of fluid from the bloodstream into the interstitial space between body cells cause swelling and is one aspect of inflammation.
- Swelling
A fungal infection that spreads throughout the body by way of the bloodstream.
Gas Gangrene
Infection of a wound may be caused by various anaerobic bacteria, which casue additional damage to local tissues when blood flow is reduced due to some reason, including frostbite or diabetes.
- A mass of blood outside blood vessels and confined within an organ or space within the body, usually in a clotted form.
- Commonly known as a bruise or contusion.
- A general term for a disease that affects hemoglobin within red blood cells.
- Sickle cell is a form of this
An inherited bleeding disorder that results from defective or missing blood-clotting proteins that are necessary componenets in the coagulation process.
Hemorrhagic Fever
- An infectious disease that causes internal bleeding, or internal hemorrhage, and high fevers.
- The disease is often caused by viruses, such as Ebola, and exhibits a high rate of mortality.
Hodgkin's Disease (Hodgkin's Lymphoma)
A malignant form of cancer of lymphatic tissue that is characterized by the progressive enlargement of lymph nodes, fatigue, and deficiency of the immune response.
Iatrogenic Disease
A condition that is caused by a medical treatment
Idiopathic Disease
A disease that develops without a known or apparent cause.
- A condition resulting from a defective immune response.
- It occurs when there are insufficient numbers of funcitonal white blood cells, especially lymphocytes, available to defend the body from sources of infection.
A term used to describe a patient suffering from an immunodeficiency.
A reduction of an immune repsone may be caused by disease or by the use of chemical, pharmacological, or immunologic agents.
- The combination of two blood types that result in the destruction of red blood cells.
- It may occur during a blood transfusion causing severe consequences, including the possiblity of death if the donor blood antibodies attck the recipient's red blood cells.
A multiplication of disease causing microorganism, or pathogens, in the body.
The physiological process that serves as the body's initial response to injury and many forms of illness involves the swelling of body tissue.
- A viral disease characterized by fever and an acute inflammation of respiratory mucous membranes.
- Highly contagious, and the virus is capable of mutating to escape detection by white blood cells.
- A form of cancer that literally means "condition of white blood cells."
- Originates from cells within the blood forming tissue of the red marrow.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes
A malignant tumor originating in lymphatic tissue.
A disease caused by a parasitic protozoan that infects red blood cells and the liver during different parts of it life cycle.
A viral disease characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, atypical lymphocytes, throat pain, pharyngitis, fever, and fatigue.
The death of one or more cells or a portion of a tissue or organ.
Nosocomial Infection
An infectious disease that is contracted during a hospital stay.
Any infectious disease that is widespread and causes extensive mortality
Rabies (Hydrophobia)
- A viral infection that is spread from the saliva of an infected animal, usually by way of a bite.
- "Fear of water" and refers to the panic of infected animals unable to drink water due to the progressive paralysis.
Septicemia (Sepsis)
A systemwide disease caused by the presence of bacteria and their toxins in the circulating blood.
A person suffering from septicemia
A viral disease caused by the variola virus taht was the scourge of the human population prior to its readication in 1975.
The presence of the bacterium Staphylococcus in the blood.
Staph Infection
An infection caused by Staphylococcus.
The presence of the bacterium Streptococcus in the blood.
Strep Infection
An infection caused by Streptococcus.
- A disease caused by a powerful neurotoxin released by the common bacterium Clostridium Tetani.
- "Convulsive tension"
- The toxin acts on the central nervous system to cause convulsions and spastic paralysis.
A tumor orginating in the thymus gland.
against or opposite of
exempt or immunity
Clear water or fluid
surgical excision or removal
pertaining to study
loosen or dissolve
Antibiotic Therapy
A therapeutic treatment involving the use of a substance with known toxicity to bacteria.
A chemical agent that delays or prevents the clotting process in blood.
Warfarin (Coumadin)
Most common anticoagulant
Antiretroviral Therapy
A pharmacological therapy that is useful in battling a class of viruses that tend to mutate quickly, called retroviruses.
The process in which pathogens are rendered less virulent, or infectious, prior to their incorporation into vaccine preparation.
Autologous Transfusion
- A transfusion of blood donated by a patient for their personal use.
- A common procedure before a surgery to avoid potential incompatibility or contamination of blood.
Blood Chemistry
A test or series of tests on a sample of plasma to measure the levels of its composition, includin glucose, albumin, triglycerides, pH, cholesterol, and electrolytes.
Blood Culture
- A clinical test to determine infection in the blood.
- Performed by placing a sample of blood in a nutrient-rich liquid medium in an effort to grow populations of bacteria for analysis.
Blood Transfusions
The introduction of blood, blood products, or a blood subsitute into a patient's circulation to restore blood volume to nomral lelvels.
Two Main Types of Blood Transfusions
- Autologous Transfusion
- Homologous Transfusion
Coagulation Time
A timed blood test to determine the time required for a blood clot to form.
Prothrombin Time (PT)
A form of a coagulation time, which measures the time required for prothrombin, a precursor protein, to form thrombin.
Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
Another type of coagulation time, which is used to evaluate clotting ability.
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- A common lab test that evaluates a sample of blood to provide diagnositic information about a patient's general health.
- Includes several more specific test, including hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood count, white blood count, and sometimes a platelet count (PLT)
Differential Count
A microscopic count of the number of each type of white blood cell in a sample of blood.
Hematocrit (HCT or Hct)
- A procedure included in a CBC that measures the precentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood.
- Is obtained by centrifuging a sample of blood to separate the cells from plasma in the centrifuge tube.
The general field of medicine focusing on blood-related disease.
Hemoglobin (HGB or Hbg)
A procedure included in a CBC that measures the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells (in grams).
- The stoppage of bleeding is a physiological process.
- "Standing still blood"
Homologous Transfusion
Transfusion of blood that is voluntarily donated by another person.
A treatment that establishes immunity against a particular foreign substance that may otherwise cause disease.
The study concerned with immunity and allergy
The treatment of infectious disease by the administration of pharmacological agents, such as serum, gamma globulin, treated antibodies, and suppressive drugs.
The surgical removal of one or more lymph nodes.
Platelet Count
A lab procedure that calculates the number of platelets in a known volume of blood.
Any treatment that tends to prevent the onset of an infection or other type of disease.
Red Blood Count (RBC)
A lab test included in a CBC that measure the number of red blood cells within a given volume of blood.
The surgical removal of the spleen is often necessery if it has ruptured, which may occur during a physical injury to the left side of the trunk.
A treatment that is performed to dissolve an unwanted blood clot.
The inoculation of a foreign substance that has reduced virulence, or a reduced ability to cause infection, as a means of providing a cure or prophylaxis.
A preparation that is used to activate an immune response to provide acquired immunity against an infectious agent.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Human immunodeficiency virus
Partial thromboplastin time
Red blood cell or red blood count
White blood cell or white blood count
Crown or circle, heart
little blood vessel
Little belly, ventricle
Bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult
Rhythm/o, Rrhythm/o
-algia, -dynia
condition of pain
pertaing to producing, formation
sudden involuntary muscle contraction
Angina Pectoris
The primary symptom of an insufficient of oxygen to the heart.
Blood vessel disorders may include abnormal muscular contractions, or spasms, of the smooth muscles forming the vessel walls.
Narrowing of a blood vessel is a sign of cardiovascular disease, causing a reduction of blood flow to the part of the body at the receiving end of the narrowed vessel.
- Loss of the normal rhythm of the heart.
- "Condition of without rhythm"
An abnormally slow heart rate.
Cardiodynia (Cardialgia)
Symptom of pain associated with the heart.
A symptom or sign that originates from a condition of the heart.
A sign in which the heart has become paralyzed.
- A symptom in which a blue tine is seen in the skin and mucous membranes.
- Caused by oxygen deficiency in tissues and is a common sign of respiratory failure often caused by cardiovascular disease.
A symptom of pounding, racing, or skipping of the heartbeat.
- Rapid heart beat.
- Exceeds 100 beats per minute at rest.
An abnormal bulging of an arterial wall.
Inflammation of the heart and blood vessels
A tumor arising from a blood vessel.
A benign clump of endothelium forming a mass.
Aortic Insufficiency (AI)
The aortic valve is the semilunar valve located at the base of the aorta, which normally prevents blood from returning to the left ventricle. If it fails to close completely during ventricular diastole, blood may return to the left ventricular, causing the left ventricular to work harder.
Congestive Heart Failure
A chronic condition of the heart, caused by AI
Aortic Stenosis
A narrowing of the aorata that reduces the flow of blood through this large vessel, which causes the left ventricle to work harder than normal.
Inflammtion of the aorta
A general term for a disease of an artery
When an artery wall becomes thickened and loses it elasticity, resulting in a reduced flow of blood tissues.
Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease (ASHD)
A condition where the coronary arteries supplying the heart are damaged by arteriosclerosis.
A term defining a specific form of arteriosclerosis, in which one or more fatty plaques form along the inner walls of arteries.
Atrial Septal Defect
A congenital condition characterized by a failure of the foramen ovale to close a birth, producing an opening in the septum that separates the right and left atria.
- The atria have become abnormally enlarged or dilated, reducing their ability to push blood into the ventricles.
- It is a form of cardiomegaly
Atrioventricular Block (AV Block)
An injury to the atrioventricular node (AV node), which normally recieves impluses from the sinoatrial node (SA node) and transmits them to the ventricles to stimulate ventricular systole.
Cardiac Arrest
The cessation of heart activity
Cardiac Tamponade
- Acute compression of the heart due to the accumulation of fluid within the pericardial cavity.
- A complication of an inflammatory disease of the pericardium known as pericarditis.
- The abnomral enlargement of the hear.
- Occurs when the heart must work harder than normal to meet the oxygen demands of body cells.
A general term for a disease of the myocardium of the heart.
An inflammation of the valves of the heart.
Heart Murmur
A gurgling sound in the heart detected during auscultation.
A congenital defect characterized by aortic stenosis that is present at birth.
Coarctation of the Aorta
Causes reduced systemic circulation of blood and accumulation of fluid in the lungs and requires surgical repair.
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
- A chronic form of heart disease characterized by the failure of the left ventricle to pump enough blood to supply systemic tissues and longs.
- a.k.a left ventricular failure
Cor Pulmonale (Right Ventricular Failure)
A chronic enlargement of the right ventricle resulting from congestion of the pulmonary circulation.
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
A general term for a disease that afflicts the coronary arteries supplying the heart.
Coronary Occlusion
A blockage within a coronary artery, resulting in a reduced blood flow to an area of the heart muscle.
A blockage or occulsion that forms when a blood clot or other foreign moves through the circulation.
- Inflammation of the endocardium, the thin membrane lining the inside walls of the heart chambers.
- It is an acute disease.
A condition of uncoordinated, rapid contractions of the muscle forming the ventricles or atia.
Atrial Fibrillation
leads to a reduction of blood expelled from the atria and is usually not fatal.
Ventricular Fibrillation
results in circulatory collapse due to the failure of the ventricles to expel blood.
Heart Block
- A block or delay of the normal electricl conduction of the heart.
- It is often the result of a myocardial infarction that damages the SA node or AV node.
The presence of dilated, or varicose, veins in the anal region. It produces symptoms of local pain and itching.
Persistently high blood pressure
Essential Hypertension
The condition is not traceable to a single cause.
Secondary Hypertension
In which the high blood pressure is caused by the effect of another disease, such as atherosclerosis.
A condition of abnormally low blood pressure.
An abnormally low flow of blood to tissues
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
- Death of a portion of the myocardium.
- Common name for a heart attack
- Inflammation of the myocardium of the heart.
- Often caused by bacterial infection, it is a form of cardiomyopathy.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- A congenital condition characterized by an opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta at birth due to a failure of the fetal vessel.
- Permits the flow of blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta, which bypasses the pulmonary circulation.
Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart.
- Inflammation of a vein.
- Related to thrombophlebitis.
The inflammation of the vein includes an obstruction by a blood clot.
Simultaneous inflammation of many arteries
A bacterial infection of the bloodstreem.
Tetralogy of Fallot
A severe congenital disease in which four defects associated with the heart are present at birth.
The Four Defects of Tetralogy of Fallot
- Pulmonary Stenosis (narrowing of the pulmonary artery)
- Ventricular Septal Defect
- Incorrect position of the aorta
- Right ventricular hypertrophy
The presence of stationary blood clots within one or more blood vessels.
An abnormallly dilated vein.
Ventricular Septal Defect
A congenital disease in which an opening in the septum separating the right and left ventricles is present at birth.
Crown or circle, heart
surgical excision or removal
recording process
pertaining to loosen or dissolve
process of measuring
process of viewing
surgical creation of an opening
A diagnostic procedure that includes X-ray photography, MRI, or CAT scan images of a blood vessel injection of a contrast medium.
The image resulting from an angiography
Cardiac or Coronary Angiography
When an angiography is focused on the heart.
- The surgical repair of a blood vessel.
- It includes procedures to reopen blocked vessels, such as ballon angioplasty and laser anigoplasty.
Balloon Angioplasty
When an inflatable balloon is inserted into a blocked vessel and inflated.
Laser Angioplasty
Which uses a laser beam to open a blocked artery.
The use of a flexible fiber-optic instrument, or endoscope, to observe a diseased blood vessel and to assess any lesions is a procedure.
The surgical procedure that involves the creation of an opening into a blood vessel, usually for the insertion of a catheter.
The surgical incision into a blood vessel.
A proceudre that obtains an X-ray image, MRI, or CAT scan image of the aorta.
A procedure that obtains an image of an artery.
An incision into an artery.
A part of a physical examination that involves listening to internal sounds using a stethoscope.
Cardiac Catheterization
Insertion of a narrow flexible tube, called a catheter, through a blood vessel leading into the heart.
Cardiac Pacemaker
A battery-powered device that is implanted under the skin and wired to the SA node in the heart. It produces timed electric pulses that replace the function of the SA node as a treatment for a heart block and certain other arrhythmias.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Artificial respiration that is used to restore breathing by applying a combination of chest compression and artificial ventilation at intervals.
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
A surgical procedure that involves removing a blood vessel from another part of the body and inserting it into the coronary circulation.
Coronary Stent
- An artificial, usually plastic, scaffold that is used to anchor a surgical implant, or graft.
- May also be used to prevent closure of a coronary artery after angioplasty.
An electrical charge to the chest wall to stop the heart conduction system momentarily, then restart it with a more normal heart rhythm.
Doppler Sonography
- An unltrasound procedure that evaluates blood flow in an effort to determine the cause of a localized reduction in circulation.
- It is often performed on the heart to evaluate coronary circulation in a noninvasive manner and may also be used to monitor pulse rate from peripheral arteries.
Echocardiography (Cardiac Ultrasonography)
An ultrasound procedure that directs sound waves through the heart to observe heart structures in an effort to evaluate heart function.
Procedure where electrodes are pasted on the skin of the chest to detect and record the electrical events of the heart conduction system.
The surgical removal of a floating blood clot, or embolus.
The removal of the inner lining of an artery to remove a fatty plaque.
Holter Monitor
A portable electrocardiograph may be worn by the patient to monitor electrical activity of the heart over 24-hour periods.
A drug that is commonly used as an emergency vasodilator as a treatment for severe angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.
A procedure invovling the surgical removal of a vein.
A puncture into a vein to remove blood for sampling or donation.
A healthcare professional who performs a venipuncture.
Positron Emission Tomography Scan (PET Scan)
A noninvasive procedure that provides blood flow images using positron emission tomography techniques combined with radioactive isotope labeling may be used to produce images of the heart to reveal functional defects.
A common procedure taht measures arterial blood pressure.
A device which consists of an arm cuff and air pressure pump with a mercury pressure gauge.
Thrombolytic Therapy
Treatments to dissolve unwanted blood clots are often necessary after surgery to prevent the development of emboli. It is also performed soon after a myocardial infarction to minimize damage to the heart and is credite with saving many lives.
Treadmill Stress Test
If a heart condition is suspected, a cardiologist will often require the patient to undergo exercise during echocardiography or electrocardiography (or both) in an effort to examine heart function under stress.
The surgical repair of a heart valve.
Atherosclerotic heart disease
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Coronary artery disease
Congestive Heart Failure
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
positron emission tomography