- Saint Mathew (Lindisfarne Gospels)
- Medieval Art (Europe)
- Hiberno-Saxon
- 700 CE
- vellum
- Vishvanatha Temple
- Hindu Art (India)
- 1000 CE
- dedicated to Shiva
- Muqarnas Dome (Hall of Two Sisters)
- Islamic Art
- 1300 CE
- Kroisos
- Greek Art
- Archaic
- 550 BCE
- less stylized
- Capitoline Wolf
- Etruscan Art
- 500 BCE
- bronze
- Santa Costanza
- Early Christian Art
- 4th c. CE
- central plan
- ambulatory
- The Birth of the Virgin
- A: P. Lorenzetti
- Late Gothic Art (Italy)
- Siena
- 14th c. CE
- tempra on wood
- transition: space
- Stonehenge
- Prehistoric Art
- Neolithic
- 2000 BCE
- megalith
- Khafre
- Ancient Egypt Art
- Old Kingdom
- 2500 bce
- diorite
- Peplos Kore
- Greek art
- Archaic
- 550 bce
- Temple of Fortuna Virilis
- Roman
- Republic
- 100 bce
- The Parting of Lot and Abraham
- Early Christian art
- 5th c
- Rome
- mosaic
- narrative
- iconography
- Chi-rho-iota page, Book of Kells
- Migratory and N. European art
- Hoberno-Saxon
- 800 ce
- Rose Window (Chartres Cathedral)
- Gothic art (France)
- high gothic
- 1200 ce
- color symbolism
- Effects of Good and Bad Government (City)
- A: A. Lorenzetti
- Late Gothic art (Italy)
- Siena
- 14th c. ce
- fresco
- propaganda
- Mosque of Selim II
- A: Sinan
- Islamic art
- 1550 ce
- Turkey
- central plan
- Shiva as Nataraja (Dancing Shiva)
- Hindu art
- 1000 ce
- bronze
- power/authority
- Giovanni Arnolfini and Bride
- A: Van Eyck
- 15th c. N. European Art
- oil on wood
- Saint Mark
- A: Donatello
- Early Florentine Renaissance
- 15th c. ce
- marble
- Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and Infant Saint John
- A: Da Vinci
- High Renaissnace (Italy)
- 16th c. ce
- charcoal on brown paper
- Pieta
- A: Michelangelo
- High Renaissance (Italy)
- 15th c.
- marble
- Santa Susanna
- A: Maderno
- Southern Baroque
- 15th c ce
- Italy
- Hotel de Soubise
- A: Boffrand
- Rococo
- 18th c ce
- undulation
- interior decoration
- Cornelia Presenting Her Children as Her Treasures
- A: Kauffmann
- Neoclassical art
- 1750 ce
- France
- oil on canvas
- female artist
- classical setting
- The Stone Breakers
- A: Courbet
- Late 19th c art
- Realism
- oil on canvas
- Seated Scribe
- Ancient Egypt art
- Old Kingdom
- 2500 bce
- Saqqara, Egypt
- Achilles and Ajax Playing a dice Game
- Greek art
- Archaic
- 550 bce
- Italy
- Head of a Roman Patrician
- Roman art
- Republican Rome
- 80 bce
- marble
- Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
- Early Christian art
- 5th c