On takeoff roll, number 1 should set power to ______ torque
85% - 95%
During a wing takeoff, if number 1 aborts after brake release, number 2 should ______.
normally continue the takeoff
As number 1 of an interval takeoff, when the gear and flaps are retracted, maintain ______ KIAS until number 2 is in position.
As number 2 on an interval takeoff, delay brake release for ______ seconds after number 1 begins takeoff roll
Maintain approximately ______ wingtip spacing in fingertip
10 feet
Number 1 should initiate turns at a slow rate in order to “telegraph” to number 2 that a turn is starting T/F
Speed brakes are sometimes used in formation to control ______ and rate of descent.
During a crossunder, it is permissible to pass slightly under the number 1 aircraft T/F
A good reference to ensure proper nose-tail clearance is to have the canopy bow superimposed on the ______.
trailing edge of number 1’s elevator
The maximum bank angle for an echelon turn is approximately ______.
As number 2 in an echelon turn, use ______ to correct fore and aft position.
Route formation can be used to ______
allow number 2 to check systems
give time for number 2 to relax
perform in-flight checks
During a turn away from number 2 in route formation, number 2 should maintain the same vertical references as ______.
During normal operations, number 1 can direct a position change ______.
with the formation in wings level route formation
What requires number 2 to breakout of formation?
Unable to rejoin or remain in formation without crossing under or in front of number 1
Visual contact with number 1 is lost causing a loss of SA
As number 1, if number 2 calls breakout and you do not have them in sight, you should ______.
continue the current maneuver with the current power setting
As number 2 during taxi, accomplish checklist items ______.
only one item at a time with quick glances inside
As number 2 on a wing formation takeoff, maintain ______ position until gear and flaps are retracted
stack level
For an interval takeoff, number 1 makes a normal takeoff and then accelerates to ______ KIAS
One of the primary front cockpit references for the 30° lateral fingertip line is to superimpose ______.
number 1’s aft wingtip light on the center front edge of the engine exhaust stack opening
If you were out of position in all three axes of fingertip, the ______ correction you want to make is to close to the proper wingtip distance (10 feet).
As number 2, accomplish the crossunder from one side to the other side of number 1 by ______.
dipping your wing momentarily in the direction of the new position and then rolling wings level
As number 2, to maintain a level echelon turn, position yourself so the ______ bisects number 1’s fuselage. Additionally, you should see ______ over the aft edge of the wing.
horizon, most of number 1’s center canopy rail
In route formation, number 2 can cross to the opposite side of number 1 ______.
only when directed by number 1
As number 2 during a position change, you become the new number 1 when ______.
you acknowledge the position change with a head nod or radio call
If you break out of formation as number 2 and number 1 is not in sight, ______.
break away from number 1’s last known position or flight path