excellent customer service shares what common element?
who must embrace a customer service plan?
line personnel and administration
modifying behaviors requires
and practice
reasearch reveals consumers make buyind decisions based on
90% customer service and 10% on actual product
who are the first people customers come into contact when stepping on hospital campus
security personnel
customer retention importance?
5 to 6 times less exspensive than attracting a new customer
if a previous customer is happy there likely to do what?
tell 4 or 5 other people about there positive exsperience
percent of people who stop doing business with a company ( according to a study by the american society for quality and the quality and producitivity center)
1% die
3% move away
5% are influenced by friends to leave
9% lured away by competitor
14% are disatified with product or service
68% leave beacuse of the attitude of indifference on the part of the service provider
why do people today have higher exspectation for clinical and service staff?
health consumers are better educated
more demanding
less easily satisfied than prior generations
what determines customers satisfaction
how well there needs are actually met and
how the customer percieves his or her needs are met
for a hospital to earn being part of the planetree orginization ( nationally reconized by the joint commision) they can exhibit these techniques?
decorate with soothing colors
put pictures in halls and rooms
have multi-denominational chapels
stock books, magazines, games, and movies for patients
have a garden or play area for patients of different ages
adopting a menu of comfort foods
organizing pet visitations to patients
have open visitation hours
customers include?
family members
social workers
what customers want
3 points?
reliability and competence
responsiveness and empathy
making customer feel valued
key traits security personnel should exhibit?
emotional awarness and concern
problem solving
initiative and responsibility
exsplaining and informing
training programs that boost ? and ? help build your confidence
morale and encourage positive attitudes
A book that brought customer service to a new level ( "fish Philosophy") a remarkable way to boost moral and improve results covers 4 basic points?
choose your attitude
make there day
be present, be there
defintion of play in the work setting
when people are presented with the opportunity to be pasionate about there work and exspress themself creatively
inspires innovative thinking
make there day philosophy?
creating positive memories with the people you come in contact with
reasons for communication?
gather information
solve problems to get answers
discuss events
make decisions
3 things that affect verbal communication
rate of speech
albert mehabrian's research on communication indicates that 93% of any message is communicated through what?
body language and tone of voice
only 7% of what we communicate is ?
appropriate measurment tools for customer satisfaction?
paper and telephone surveys
focus groups
performance improvement strategies
comment cards
service standards
annual evaluations
investigate customer complaints
most powerful booster of customer service improvement
following steps to resolving a customer complaint?
determine the reason for the complaint
indentify the root cause of the problem
rectify the situation (determining what you can do to solve problem)
acknowledge the problem
correct what caused the problem
Acronym HEART expresses being the best person you can be? what does HEART stand for?
managing stress?
enhancing coping skills
take steps to minimize the stress of shift work and of sleep deprivation
take periodic breaks to put things into perspective
learn to use positive self-talk to improve your attitude
participate in team building activities
show your concern for co-workers
coping strategies to reduce stress during your breaks?
go for a walk
read a magazine or book
listen to relaxing music
re-energize with a healthy
according to fish philosopher, stephen lundin sustaining change is the true test of ?