Changing perceptions
- beginning of 1900's it was condemned across the board as
- 1. Psychologically immature
- 2. physically dangerous to health
- 3. spiritually a sin
- Today-seen in a more postitive light
- 1. kinsey reported that women who masturbated in htie adolescants were more likely to be able to orgasm in their marriage
- 2. used in therapy for sexual dysfunction
- a. physical symbols are good
- b. physical expressions of love change as relationships change
- c. wise people do not get as close to their limits as possible
Oral Sex
1. Fellatio-oral stimulation of the mail genitals (both hetero and homosexual)
2. Cunnilingus- oral stimulation of the female genitals
3. "69"ing- refers to simultaneous oral sex
Oral Sex
Possible Concerns
1. In some states, Sodomy laws are so vague that they prohibit even a husband and wife from participating in oral sex
2. STDs can be transmitted thru oral sex
3. If air is blowin into the vagina, infection or worse can occur
4. During Fellatio, the gag reflex may be triggered
5. Communication is key when it comes to ejaculating into the mouth
Sexual Intercourse (coitus)
Face to Face, man above
- Benefits:
- continued kissing
- eye contact
- maximizes chances for pregnancy
- easy insertion
- problems:
- husband is not free to caress wife
- wife has less freedom to move
- less ejaculatory control
Sexual intercourse
face to face, woman above
- Benefits:
- husband has better ejaculatory control
- wife has more freedom for movement
- couple may maintain eye contact and kissing
- greater chance of female orgasm
- problems:
- insertion must be done propery
Sexual Intercourse
face to face, side by side
- benefits:
- both partners have some fcreedom of movement
- caressing is possible
- eye contact is maintained
- problems:
- rare for clitoral simulation
- must be manually stimulated
- insertion is more difficult
Sexual intercouse
rear entry
- benefits:
- manual clitoral stimulation is easy
- will stimulate g spot
- better for later stages of pregnancy
- problems:
- lose eye contact
- may be uncomfortable as animalistic
Anal Intercourse
- Issues:
- Penetration: sphyncter muscles tensing may cayse pain unpon insertion (only use water soluable lubricant)
orgasm is possible for both partners
- health issues:
- rectum contains bacteria that will wreak havic in vagina
- stds may be transferred
- tissue of rectum is fragile and slight tears occur
Male Sexual Anatomy
- Functions:
- 1. elimination of urine
- 2. sexual stimulations/pleasure
- 3. ejaculation
- elements:
- 1. 3 columns of spongy tissue
- 2. nerve endings
- 3. skin and blood vessals
- sensitivity:
- a. more in the glans than in the shaft
- b. most sensitive area is the corona and the frenum
- size and shape:
- -variety
- - flacid state: ave 2-4 inches long, 1 inch in diam.
- -erect state: ave 6 in long, 1.5 inches in diam.
Male Sexual Anatomy
Spongy Tissue
Allows for erection
- Corpus spongiosum
- 1. holds urethra
- 2. underside of penis
- 3. make up glands for the tip
- corpa cavernosa
- 1. run along top (2)
- 2. extend along shaft
Male Sexual Anatomy
removal of the skin that covers the glans
- -jews and muslims as a sign of a covenant
- -also egyptians and aboriginies in Australia
In the victorian age, it was used to deter masturbation
circumcision has no bearings on sensitivity
- Mid 1900s
- - customary
- - health benefits (to get rid of smegma)
- 1975
- - American Pediatric Association says that circumsion should be elective and choose wisely
- -may not be more healthy
- -concerns about pain
- -hospital complications
- Now
- -standard practive to use a local anesthetic
- - decent evidence about health benefits, including being less likely to experience a UTI
Male Sexual Anatomy
- 1. contains gonads/testies
- -skin is darker in color
- - wrinkly skin, sparse pubic hair
- - testies surrounded by muscles that can bring the testies closer to further from the body
Male Sexual Anatomy
Internal Structures
- Testies
- 1. light pressure may produce erotic sensitivity
- 2. production of hormones
- - like a grapfruit. Membrane between wedges produce 95% of testosterone, while the wedges represent the seminiferous tubules which produce sperm
- Epididymis
- -holds the sperm
- Vas Deferens
- -brings sperm to prostate (1% of ejaculate)
- Prostate
- -30% of ejaculate
- -valve system b/t urine and ejaculation
- -stimulation through rectum is erotic
- Seminal Vesicles
- -70% of ejaculate
Female Sexual Anatomy
External Structure
- Mons (Pubis)
- - fatty tissue
- -pubic bone
- -some free nerve endings
- Labia
- 1. Majora (outter)
- 2. Minora (inner)
- - hood for clitoris
- -engorge with blood during arousal
- -more free nerve endings
- Clitoris
- - mostly inside the body, only tip is visible
- -made up of spongy tissue that fills with blood
- -densist concetration of free nerve ending is the entire body
Female Sexual Anatomy
Female Genital Mutilation
- What is it?
- 1. Symbolic may nick the hood or clit
- 2. Infibulation
- -removal of vulva
- -all scar tissue
- - small hole for urine and mestration, and place to tear for intercourse
- why?
- 1. associated with culture as a right of passage
- 2. some claim health benefits
- 3. more attractive to husband
- -definite virginity
- -lowers likelyhood of idolatry
Female Sexual Anatomy
Variety of size and shapes
- Function:
- -production of milk
- - fre nerve endings for pleasure
Female Sexual Anatomy
Internal Structures
- Vagina
- Function:
- 1. recieved penis and ejaculate
- 2. passage for menstration
- 3. birth canal
- 4. sexual sensitivity in outter 1/3
- Grafenburg spot (g spot)
- -upper wall straight down from pubic bone
- Self cleaning organ
- -typically cleaner than the mouth