Bones flash cards

  1. periosteum
    Fibrous membrane surrounding bone
  2. Articular cartilage
    Layerof hyaline cartilage found at joints covering epiphysis
  3. Epiphysis
    Found at each end of the long bones
  4. Diaphysis
    Shaft of long bones between the bone's epiphyses

    The marrow cavity is located in the hollow center
  5. Endosteum
    Membrane that lines the medullary/marrow cavity
  6. Marrow cavity
    The hollow center of the diaphysis of a long bone. It is lined with spongy bone and stores marrow
  7. Spongy bone
    Bone structure where there is not heavy stressed coming from one direction or where stresses come from many different directions
  8. Compact bones
    • AKA dense bone
    • Seals the outer surface of bones and found wherever stress on bone arrives from only one dirction
  9. Lacunae
    Sm spaces in matrix between the lamellae of an osteon

    Osteocytes are found here
  10. Osteon
    • Supportive columns within compact bone.
    • Looks like a cross cut of a tree trunk
  11. Osteocytes
    • Mature bone cells that maintain mineral and protein components of bone matrix.
    • Found within the lacunae
  12. Canaliculi
    • Small diffusion channels radiating outward from a central canal.
    • Facilitates nutrients, gas and waste exchange between the blood and bone
  13. Central canal
    • AKA Haversian Canal
    • Longitudinal canal in center of an osteon that contains blood vessels and nerves
    • Intersects with perforating canal
  14. Perforating canals
    • Canal running perpendicular to osteons and intersecting with central canals
    • Serves as a passage for nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels through the periosteum and into the bone
  15. Trabeculae
    • The lattice or meshwork of bony struts found in spongy bone. Space inbetween trabeculae house red marrow
    • Unlike compact bone - NO osteons!
  16. Circumferential lamellae
    • The ring like structures that occur underneath the periosteum and wrap around the entire bone
    • Circumferential lamellae are added as bone grows in diameter
  17. Interstitial lamellae
    Found between intact osteons and are remanents of old osteons that have been partially removed as the bone remodels
  18. Concentric lamellae
    The calcified matrix rings of an osteon
  19. Long bones
    Bones comprised of 2 epiphysis and diaphysis
  20. Short bones
    No epiphysis, bones almost as wide as they are long, boxy shaped
  21. Sesamoid bones
    • Bones that form inside of tendons
    • The largest sesamoid bone is the patella and looks like a nut
  22. Flat bones
    Thin and platelike bones but they can be shaped or curved like the skull or ribs
  23. Irregular bones
    • Bones that do not fit in the other categories
    • Examples: vertebrae
  24. Sutural bone
    Usually in skull, they occur where interlocking joints of the skull branch and isolate a small piece of bone.
  25. Process
    Any projection or bump
  26. Ramus
    Extension of a bone making an angle with the rest of the structure
  27. Trochanter
    Large, rough projection
  28. Tubercle
    Small, rounded projection
  29. Crest
    Prominent ridge
  30. Line
    Low ridge
  31. Spine
    Pointed process
  32. Head
    Expanded articular end of an epiphysis, separated from the shaft by the neck
  33. Condyle
    Smooth, rounded articular process
  34. Trochlea
    Smooth, grooved articular process shaped like a pulley
  35. Facet
    Small, flat articular surface
  36. Fossa
    Shallow depression
  37. Sulcus
    Narrow groove
  38. Foramen
    Rounded passageway for blood vessels or nerves
  39. Canal
    Passageway through the substance of a bone
  40. Fissure
    Elongated cleft
  41. Sinus or Antrum
    Chamber within a bone, normally filled with air
Card Set
Bones flash cards
structures and type