Sensory Disorders

  1. Phoropter
    Simulates different corrective lenses
  2. Ophathalmosope
    look through pipil to see the retina and presence of tumors and condition of the optic nerve
  3. Slit Lamp
    Beam through the cornea to view the eyes anterior structure to identify abnormal conjunctive cornea iris lens and anterior vitreous
  4. Tonometer
    Indirectly measures IOP Intraoccular pressure
  5. Retinal Angiogram
    visual of blood vessels in the retina dye is used
  6. ERG = Electoretinogram
    records minute electrical impulses given by the retina when light hits it
  7. Otoscopic Exam
    Ear exam using light and magnifying lens for the inner ear tympanicmembrane and points beyond the eardrum
  8. Audiometry
    pure tone test both conductive and sensory hearing deficits- bone conduction only tests conduction loss
  9. Caloric Test/study
    Determines alteration in vestibular acoustic Nerve IV
  10. How is the Caloric test done?
    • Client seated or supine
    • Water instilled into external ear canal
    • affected side tested first
    • Normal response nystagmus nausea vomiting vertigo feeling of falling
  11. what are contraindications and nursing considerations of Caloric Test?
    • should not be conducted with a punctured eardrum
    • should not be conducted with attack of Menieres disease present
    • -may cause client to vomit keep client NPO or clear liquids
    • client unsteady gait allowed to lie down until symptoms subside ( usually no more than an hour
  12. Electronystagmography
    • electrodes are placed near the clients eyes to
    • -assess for alterations in vestibular system
    • -caloric test is performed which eye movements are recorded on a graph
  13. What is the MRI used to detect?
    Tumors of the VIII cranial nerve (acoustic)
  14. EEG is used for.....
    detecting abnormalities of nerve pathways between the VIII cranial nerve and the brain stem
  15. Enucleation
    • Removal of eye
    • care of prosthetic eye
  16. Postoperative after eye surgery
    • Teach client to avoid sneezing
    • lifting of objects over 10-120 lbs
    • sudden head movements
    • prevention of IOP stress of suture line- infection-hemmorrhage
  17. Cochlear implant
    surgically implanted device that emits auditory signal stimulating remaining auditory nerve tissue
  18. preoperative and postoperative care for ear surgery
    • teach client what to expect before and after surgery
    • client will often awaken during surgery

    use strict aseptic technique and gloves to change dressings or instill medications
  19. Nursing diagnosis for person with visual disorder
    • -risk for imbalanced nutrition
    • -social isolation
    • -deficient diversional activity
    • anxiety fear
    • risk for injury
  20. Nursing Diagnosis for hearing disorder
    • Risk for infection
    • risk for injury
    • impaired verbal communicaton
    • chronic low self esteem
    • pain
  21. blepharitis
    • inflammation of the eyelid
    • cleanse eye with mild soap and water
    • apply warm packs to eye to loosen drainage
  22. trachoma
    • caused by chamydia trachomatis also conjunctivitits
    • treat with topical and systemic antibiotics
  23. hordeolum
    • stye acute inflammation of oil or sweat gland of eyelid
    • warm compress and topical ointment antibiotic
  24. chalazion
    accumulation of lipid material form a chronically obstructed meibomian gland found on eyelid
  25. keratitis
    • inflammation of conea
    • caused by bacterial viral fungal infections
    • causes pain photophobia blurred vision purulent drainage redness of sclera
    • tx eye drops to dilate pupil
Card Set
Sensory Disorders
Eyes Ears sensory disorders