Juvenile Delinquency

  1. THREE primary methods of data collection
  2. Official statistics
    • Self report data
    • Victim data
  3. Official Statistics:
    Stats acquired from official sources.

    Can also be used because they show trends

    Tell us that more crimes occurs in inner city with minority population
  4. Uniform crime reports:
    Official Statistics:

    acquired from local police department around country. FBI acquires and publishes VCR yearly. Tally number of arrests made, the type of crimes and number of crimes. Also, break down crimes by age and sex.

    17% arrests involve a person under 18;

    • 28% of index arrest involve people
    • less than 18

    70% of all arrests occur in people under the age of 18

    20% of index crimes occur in people under age 18

    People under age of 18 = 8% of population
  5. Index Crimes:
    most serious crimes that are reported
  6. Part Two Crimes:
    less serious crimes
  7. Official Statistics CONCULSION
    Juveniles commit the most crimes according to uniform crimes report
  8. THREE Flaws of official statistics:
    Unreported crimes are not being reported. Known as Dark Figured Data

    Dark Figured Data: crime that is not reported

    If no arrest is made there is no information on the criminal (80% of reported crimes do not lead to an arrest)

    Not all crimes are enforced…police do not have the resources
  9. Self-Report Data
    Questions (Interviews, survey about crimes)
  10. Benefits of Self-Report Data
    They are cross-sectional: can compare crimes from criminal groups and non-criminal groups.

    You get more in-depth personal information on the perpetrator (can ask questions about any part of their life that is relevant)
  11. Negatives of Self-Report Data
    The questioner decides what they subjectively believe is a good question (The researchers bias takes away the objectivity)
  12. **Self Report Studies tell us…
    Consistently show that number of crimes is equal everywhere and is not a higher rate in inner cities

    Prove the dark figure problem of official studies
  13. Problems with self report
    Kids may not know it’s a crime

    People may not answer questions honestly
  14. Victim Data
    Questions victim
  15. National crime victims survey
    Asks how many crimes committed in household, analyses characteristics of victims and observable characteristics of perpetrator
  16. Problems with Victim Data
    Honesty, bias of researcher
  17. What does Victim Data tell us
    Show us that 50% of violent crimes are not reported **

    The statistical likelihood of being victimized declines with a decrease in age**

    Statistically males are the most victimized compared to women (boys are aggressive get involved in crimes)**

    Statistically people are victimized more by people they know**

    • Statistically people have higher chance of victimization during the day**
    • More crimes are committed by younger people**

    Number of crimes are inversely proportionate to the age crime is being committed

    • Most people age-out of committing crimes
    • EXCEPTION: Chronic consistent adult offender
  18. Chronic consistent adult offender
    commit crime their whole life

    The younger they are the higher chance they have of being a chronic consistent adult offender
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Juvenile Delinquency
Data collection