Bio Midterm Review

  1. Define: Biology
    The study of interactions between living organisms and their environment
  2. Define: Homeostasis
    The ability ofnan organism to mainntain internal stability
  3. Define:
    the sum of all chemical reactions that occur within the cells of an organism
  4. Organic Molecules contain both ___(1)___ and ___(2)___.
    • 1. Carbon
    • 2. Hydrogen
  5. Is water organic? Why (not)?
    • NO
    • It does not contain Carbon
  6. Define: Organelle
    structures within a cell that carries out life functions/processes.
  7. Level of Order (Small to Large)
    • Organelle
    • Cell
    • Tissue
    • Organs
    • Organ Systems
    • Organism
  8. Fill in Blanks:

    1. Life Function:
    2. Definition:
    3. Organ:
    4. Organ System:
    5. Plant or Animal:
    • 1. Digestion/Excretion
    • 2. Fluid filled sacs that store food, water, and wastes
    • 3. ??
    • 4. Digestive, Excretory
    • 5. Both
  9. Fill in Blanks:
    1. Life Function:
    2. Definition:
    3. Organ:
    4. Organ System:
    5. Plant or Animal:
    • 1. ??
    • 2. center of cell; controls cell's actions
    • 3. ALL
    • 4. Nervous
    • 5. Both
  10. Label:
    Image Upload 2
    • 1. Nucleus
    • 2. Chromosome
    • 3. Vacuole
    • 4. Cytoplasm
    • 5. Cell Membrane
    • 6. Mitochondria
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Bio Midterm Review
Bio Midterm Review: 3/3/11