Theory II

  1. what are the five steps of the dental hygiene care plan?
    • assessment
    • diagnosis
    • planning
    • implementation
    • evaluation
  2. what are the six parts of the assessment process
    • chief complaint
    • risk factors
    • pt overall health status
    • oral healthcare knwledge level of the pt
    • pt self care ability
    • documentation of assessment data
  3. ____ supersedes dh treatment
  4. what is a cheif complaint?
    reason for seeking dental or dental hygiene care
  5. what are the seven risk factors for periodontal infections?
    • behavioral factors (inadequate biofilm removal, diet, noncomplience)
    • tobacco use
    • systemic conditions (diabetes, osteoporosis, osteopenia)
    • hormonal considerations (pregancy, menopause
    • nutritional status
    • iatrogenic factors (overhangs, open contacts residual calc)
    • genetic factors
  6. t/f periodontal infection is a contributing factor to a variety of systemic conditions
  7. what are 5 systemic conditions that can be affected by periodontal disease
    • infective endocarditis
    • cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis
    • diabetes mellitus
    • respiratory disease
    • adverse pregnancy outcomes
  8. what are three risk factors for oral cancer?
    • tobacco use
    • alcohol use
    • sun exposure
  9. what are 8 risk factors for dental caries?
    • behavior factors (inadequate biofilm removal)
    • diatary factors
    • low fluoride
    • tooth morphology and position
    • xerostomia
    • personal and familiy history
    • developmental factors
    • genetic factors (immune response
  10. the patientes overall health status is determined by the pt's ______, ______ and ______ risk
    • medical
    • physical
    • psychological
  11. what are the two systems or guides used to help determine modifications necessary when providing pt care
    • ASA
    • OSCAR
  12. what modifications to treatment are needed for ASA I
    no modifications necessary
  13. what ASA class is without systemic disease a normal healthy pt with littler or no dental anxiety. Able to walk one flight of starits with no distress
    ASA I
  14. what ASA class is mild systemic disease or extreme dental anxiety, must stop after walking one flight of staris because of distress. Could be a well controlled chronic condition, upper respiratory infection or healthy pregnant woman or person with allergies
    ASA II
  15. what dh tx considerations are needed for ASA class II
    minor modifications to tx and or pt education may be necessary
  16. what ASA class is a systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitiating. Must stop en route of walking one flight of stairs, chronic caridovascular conditions, controlled insulin dependent diabetes, chronic pulmonary disease, elevated blood pressure
  17. what dh tx considerations are there for ASA III
    elective tx not contraindicated but serious condsideration of treatment and or pt/caregiver education modifications may be necessary
  18. what ASA class is incapacitiating disease that is a constant threat to life, unable to walk up one flight of stairs, unstable cardiovascular conditions, extremely elevated bood pressure, uncontrolled epilepsy, uncontrolled insulin dependent diabetes
    ASA IV
  19. what are the DH tx considerations for ASA IV
    conservative non invasive management of emergency dental conditions; more complex dental intervention may require hospitaliztion during tx, caregiver training for daily oral care may be necessary
  20. what ASA class is pt is moribund and not expected to survieve, end stage renal, hepatic, infectious disease or terminal cancer
    ASA V
  21. what is the DH tx consideration for ASA V
    only palliative tx delivered, caregiver training for dialy oral care may be necessary
  22. what are the five parts of the OSCAR planning guide?
    • oral
    • systemic
    • capability
    • autonomy
    • reality
  23. what are the factors of concern for the oral issue (OSCAR) 11
    teeth, restorations, prostheses, periodontium, pulpal status, oral mucosa, occlusion, saliva, tongue, alveolar bone
  24. what are the factors of concern with the systemic issue (OSCAR) 4
    • nomative age changes
    • medical diagnoses
    • pharmacologic agents
    • interdisciplinary communication
  25. what are the factors of concern with capability (OSCAR) 6
    functional ability, self care, caregivers, oral hygiene, transportation to appts, mobility within dental office
  26. what are the factors of concern with autonomy (OSCAR) 2
    • decision making ability
    • dependence on alternative or supplementa decision makers
  27. what are the factors of concern for reality (OSCAR) 3
    • prioritization of oral healht
    • financial ability or limitations
    • significance of anticipated life span
  28. what are the four parts for the basis for a dental hygiene diagnosis
    • pt interview data
    • physical assessment data
    • treatment or education needs
    • referalls to specialists/consultation
  29. _____ means a look ahead to an anticipated outcome or end point
  30. what are four factors determining prognoses
    • current disease status
    • risk factors
    • OHI
    • Tx Options
  31. what would the prognosis be for a pt with adequate control of etiologic factors, pt has self care ability and periodontal support
  32. what prognoses would a pt be with adequate control of etiologic factors, pt has self care ability, has less thatn 25% attachment loss and has class I or less furcation involvement
  33. what prognoses would a pt be that has greater than 50% attachemnt loss with class II furcation and pt self care is difficult due to location and depth of furcation
  34. what prognoses would a pt be with greater than 50% attachment loss with poor crown to rot ratio, poor root form, inaccessible class II furcation or Class III furcation, greater than 2+ mobility, significant root proximity
  35. what prognoses would a pt be with inadequate attachment to maintain the tooth?
    hopeless (if their teeth fold over while taking radiographs I think they could be considered hopeless, poor Molly)
  36. what is the three part care plan for expected out come?
    • gingival/periodontal
    • dental caries
    • prevention
  37. what are seven examples of expected outcome for prevention?
    • elimination of iatrogenic factors (calc, restoration overhangs)
    • increased % of biofilm free areas
    • pt demonstration of oral care procedures
    • compliance w/daily care
    • compliance with maintenance care interval
    • tobacco free
    • modification/stabilazation of systemic risk factors
  38. what are the seven examples of expected outcome for gingival/periodontal?
    • biofilm reduction
    • reduce/eliminate BOP
    • reduced probe depths
    • maintain attachment level
    • decreased/maintain mobility
    • resolve erythematous tissue
    • reduce swelling/edema
  39. what are the five examples of expected outcome for dental caries
    • no new demineralized areas
    • no new carious lesion
    • reduction of cariogenic foods
    • place sealants
    • increased fluoride use
  40. what is the purpose of tissue conditioning?
    • gingival healing
    • reduction of bacterial accumulation
    • pt education
  41. what is the procudure for tissue conditioning?
    • biofilm removal
    • antibacterial rinse
    • antibiotics
  42. what are five indications for anesthesia?
    • previous pain control experience
    • severity of infection
    • pocket depth
    • tissue sensitivity
    • calculus distribution
Card Set
Theory II
dental hygiene care plan