Ece 326 Exam2.txt

  1. 1. Project success or failure often depends upon the contributions of all of the following except:

    E. Competitors
  2. 2. Project leadership is about coping with:

    A. Change
  3. 3. In conducting meetings an effective project manager will take the role of a:

    E. Conductor
  4. 4. Groups such as human resources, information systems, purchasing agents, and maintenance are
    typically classified as:

    A. Administrative support
  5. 5. The old-fashion view of managing projects emphasized which of the following?

    D. Both B and C are correct
  6. 6. The new perspective of project management emphasizes which of the following?

    B. Managing project stakeholders
  7. 7. In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, vision, excellence, and ethical correctness are
    part of ______ related currencies.

    C. Inspiration
  8. In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, resources, assistance, cooperation, and
    information are part of ______ related currencies.

    B. Task
  9. In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, acceptance, personal support, and
    understanding are part of _______ related currencies.

    E. Relationship
  10. In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, advancement, recognition, visibility, and
    networks are part of ______ related currencies.

    B. Position
  11. In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, learning, ownership, and gratitude are part of
    ______ related currencies.

    C. Personal
  12. Which of the following is not one of the aspects of
    leading by example?

    a. Priorities

    b. Ethics

    c. Urgency

    d. Cooperation

    e. Power

    E. Power
  13. 13. The traits of successful project managers include all of
    the following except:

    a. Pessimist

    b. Proactive

    c. Skillful politician

    d. Effective time management

    e. Personal integrity

    a. Pessimist
  14. Unlike project leadership, project management is about
    coping with:

    a. Change

    b. Aligning people to any new directions

    c. Monitoring results against plans

    d. Recognizing the need to alter plans

    e. All of these are part of project management

    C. Monitoring results against plans
  15. The key to exercising influence is:

    a. To make few mistakes

    b. To build trust

    c. To build a network of top level people

    d. To understand the political connections within the

    e. To make friends with everyone

    B. To build trust
  16. The
    higher the degree of uncertainty encountered on a project, the more management
    is required.

  17. Successful
    project managers tend to adopt a hands-on approach to managing projects

  18. One of the things that distinguish project management from
    regular management is the sheer breadth and complexity of the relationships
    that need to be managed.

  19. In
    some projects subcontractors may do all the work with the project team merely
    coordinating their contributions.

  20. The first step to building a social network is identifying
    those on whom the project depends for

  21. When
    giving a status report to superiors, project managers must present the most
    positive image possible including, if necessary, stretching the truth.

  22. To
    be effective, project managers must "walk the talk", i.e.; lead by

  23. In
    the planned style of managing product development, the project manager provides
    focus and structure, striving to direct team efforts and link project and
    organizational goals.

  24. "Managing
    a project and leading a project is essentially the same thing." Agree or
    disagree and support your conclusion.
    • Disagree, they are very different. Managing is associated

    • with the structure of the project (planning, organizing, controlling, and
    • corrective action) where leading is needed when the objectives of the project require
    • changing to meet outside demands.
  25. What
    is "management by wandering around" and why would it be useful to
    project managers?
    • MBWA
    • is the spending of time outside the office and making contact with key players
    • to keep abreast of developments, anticipate potential problems, provide
    • encouragement, and reinforce the objectives and vision of the project.
  26. Identify
    five of the six aspects of leading by example.
    • 1. standards of performance, 2. ethics, 3. urgency, 4.

    • problem solving, 5. priorities, and 6. cooperation.
  27. "All
    the eight traits of being a good project manager can be trained." Agree or
    Disagree and support your conclusion.
    • Some can be trained or acquired but items such as being an

    • optimist, personal integrity, and being proactive are not easily developed
    • unless there is a predisposition to display them.
  28. Which of the following is commonly associated with
    high-performing project teams?

    a. Risk taking is controlled and not allowed to jeopardize
    the overall project

    b. Roles and specific responsibilities are well-defined

    c. A degree of competition among team members is encouraged

    d. Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning

    e. All of these are associated with high-performing teams

    D. Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning
  29. Experience and research indicate that high-performance
    project teams are much more likely to develop under all the following
    conditions except:

    a. Members are assigned to the project full time

    b. Members report solely to the project manager

    c. There are 10 or fewer members per team

    d. Team members are selected by their managers
    e. The project involves a compelling objective

    D. Team members are selected by their managers
  30. Which of the following are considered very important in the
    recruiting of project members?

    a. The budget available

    b. The importance of the project

    c. The management structure for the project team

    d. Both B and C are correct

    e. A, B, and C are all correct

    D. Both B and C are correct
  31. Which of the following is not one of the considerations that
    need to be factored into the project team recruitment process?

    a. Political connections

    b. Problem-solving ability

    c. Ambition, initiative, and energy

    d. High degree of technological expertise

    e. Availability

    D. High degree of technological expertise
  32. Which of the following is not one of the major issues that
    successful project managers must address in the early stages of a project?

    a. Relationship Decisions

    b. Managing Change Decisions

    c. Tracking Decisions

    d. Planning Decisions

    e. All of these need to be addressed

    E. All of these need to be addressed
  33. All of the following have been found to be good for running
    effective project meetings except:

    a. Start meetings on time regardless of whether everyone is

    b. Identify an adjournment time

    c. Thoroughly document all decisions

    d. Prepare and distribute an agenda prior to the meeting
    All of these are good for effective meetings

    E. All of these are good for effective meetings
  34. The essential qualities of an effective vision include all
    of the following except:

    a. All team members have the same vision

    b. The vision should be communicated to all

    c. The vision has to make strategic sense

    d. The project manager has to believe in the vision

    e. The vision should be a source of inspiration to others

    A. All team members have the same vision
  35. The first step in facilitating group decision making is

    a. Call a meeting to discuss the problem

    b. Identify the problem

    c. Agree that there is a problem

    d. Quantify the problem

    e. Generate alternatives

    B. Identify the problem
  36. Which of the following is not one of the steps in
    facilitating group decision making?

    a. Identifying the problem

    b. Analyzing the situation

    c. Generating alternatives

    d. Reaching a decision
    e. Follow-up

    B. Analyzing the situation
  37. During the last two phases of a project's life cycle, the
    most significant source of conflict is:

    a. Schedules

    b. Priorities

    c. Technical

    d. Procedures
    e. Costs

    A. Schedules
  38. Two of the biggest challenges involved in managing a virtual
    project team are:

    a. The language barriers and time management

    b. Time management and developing trust

    c. The language barriers and developing effective patterns
    of communication

    d. Developing trust and effective patterns of

    e. Time management and developing effective patterns of

    D. Developing trust and effective patterns of communication
  39. Which of the following is not one of the tips for
    alleviating communication problems of virtual teams?

    a. Include face-to-face time if at all possible

    b. Keep team members informed on how well the overall
    project is going

    c. Share the pain

    d. Establish clear norms and protocols for surfacing
    assumptions and conflicts

    e. Establish a code of conduct to avoid delays

    A. Include face-to-face time if at all possible
  40. A
    project manager should always look for people with good problem-solving

  41. A
    project manager should be wary of people who know too much about a specific

  42. A
    project vision is an image a project team holds in common about how the project
    will look upon completion, how they will work together, and how customers will
    accept the project.

  43. Group decision making should be used when strong commitment
    to the decision is needed and there is a low probability of acceptance if only
    one person makes the decision.

  44. A
    project manager should identify a problem in terms of its alternate solutions
    so that team members can more easily reach a decision on how to solve the

  45. Team
    members can be upset and dissatisfied with conflict, but as long as the
    disagreement furthers the objectives of the project, then the conflict is

  46. Two
    of the biggest challenges involved in managing a virtual project team are
    developing trust and effective patterns of communication.

  47. Identify
    the four major areas for establishing ground rules on how the project team will
    • 1.
    • Planning decisions, 2. Tracking decisions, 3. Managing change decisions, and 4.
    • Relationship decisions
  48. Identify
    and briefly discuss the four major steps in facilitating the group decision
    making process.
    • 1.
    • Problem identification, 2. Generate alternatives, 3. Reach a decision, and 4.
    • Follow-up
  49. Identify
    the five strategies to manage conflict.
    • 1. Mediate the conflict, 2. Arbitrate the conflict, 3.

    • Control the conflict, 4. Accept the conflict, and 5. Eliminate the conflict
  50. Identify
    and briefly describe the four common pitfalls that project teams may be
    subjected to.
    • 1.
    • groupthink, 2. bureaucratic bypass syndrome, 3. team infatuation, and 4. going
    • native
  51. The driving motive for increasing the use of outsourcing on
    projects was:

    a. Reducing the trade deficit

    b. Reducing costs

    c. Improving international sales

    d. Making products more international in design
    e. Securing technology that was not available

    B. Reducing costs
  52. Key practices in partnering relationships include:

    a. Single project contracting

    b. Goals and objectives are similar

    c. Access to each other's organizational resources

    d. Both B and C are correct
    e. A, B, and C are all correct

    C. Access to each other's organizational resources
  53. Which of the following is not a key to successful partnering

    a. Mutual trust

    b. Jointly shared risk

    c. Total company involvement

    d. Independent project teams
    e. Long-term commitment

    D. Independent project teams
  54. The traditional project process includes all of the
    following except:

    a. Independent project teams

    b. Shared goals and objectives

    c. Single project teams

    d. Risk is transferred to the other party
    e. Limited objectivity

    B. Shared goals and objectives
  55. Best practices in outsourcing project work include all the
    following except:

    a. Well defined requirements and procedures

    b. Training and teambuilding activities

    c. Well established conflict management processes

    d. Frequent reviews and status updates
    All of these are best practices

    E. All of these are best practices
  56. To make sure that an outsourcer thoroughly understands your
    requirements you should:

    a. Document your conversations in writing

    b. Insist that the outsourcer write the requirements in
    their own words

    c. Request they build a prototype

    d. Both A and C are correct
    A, B, and C are all correct

    E. A, B, and C are all correct
  57. To avoid problems with schedules and deadlines you should:

    a. Develop detailed schedules

    b. Hold frequent status reviews

    c. Add a penalty clause to the contract

    d. Hold frequent conversations with the outsourcer
    e. Build extra time into the schedules that the
    outsourcer is not aware of

    C. Add a penalty clause to the contract
  58. Long-term partnerships will provide all the following

    a. Improved communication

    b. More efficient utilization of resources

    c. Reduced need for total number of partnerships

    d. Lower administrative costs
    e. Improved innovation

    B. More efficient utilization of resources
  59. Which of the following would be included in best practices
    in outsourcing project work?

    a. Establishing long-term relationships

    b. Include financial incentives

    c. Reduce costs by using tried and true methods

    d. A and B are both correct
    e. A, B, and C are all correct

    D. A and B are both correct
  60. Which of the following is not one of the key points of principled

    a. Use objective criteria when possible

    b. Be honest and forthright

    c. Focus on interests, not positions

    d. Separate the people from the problem
    e. Invent options for mutual gain

    B. Be honest and forthright
  61. Customer satisfaction can be quantitified by:

    a. Perceived performance divided by actual performance

    b. Actual performance divided by expected performance

    c. Perceived performance divided by expected

    d. Actual performance divided by perceived performance
    e. Expected performance divided by actual

    C. Perceived performance divided by expected performance
  62. Regarding customer relations, advice passed on by veteran
    project managers includes:

    a. Speak with one voice

    b. Speak in precise terms

    c. Speak the language of the customer

    d. Both A and B are correct
    Both A and C are correct

    E. Both A and C are correct
  63. Which of the following is reflected in the saying "Seek
    first to understand, then to be understood"?

    a. Separate people from the problem

    b. Be honest

    c. Focus on interests, not positions

    d. Invent options for mutual gain
    e. When possible, use objective criteria

    C. Focus on interests, not positions
  64. Increased
    conflict and loss of coordination are typical disadvantages of outsourcing
    project work.

  65. Trust
    can be difficult to forge when interactions are limited and people come from
    different organizations.

  66. In
    some countries, laws are considered to be guidelines that are not necessarily

  67. For
    people in some countries, a written, signed contract is merely a suggestion.

  68. A
    prime consideration in choosing outsourcing vendors is to assess the fit with
    their project management system
  69. Team-building
    workshops with outsourcing vendors is usually led by an outside consultant who
    is an expert in designing and facilitating such workshops.

  70. Principled
    Negotiation emphasizes developing win/win solutions while protecting yourself
    against those who would take advantage of your forthrightness.

  71. What
    is partnering and why has it become popular for managing projects?
    • Partnering
    • is a method of transforming contractual relationships into a cohesive,
    • cooperative project team with a single set of goals and established procedures
    • for resolving disputes in a timely manner. It is popular because the old way,
    • built on an adversarial premise, was not working.
  72. Identify
    the four strategies offered by Dr. Adam Kolawa for overcoming poor
    communication with outsourcers.
    • 1.
    • recognize cultural differences, 2. choose the right words, 3. confirm your
    • requirements, and 4. Set deadlines
  73. Identify
    the three steps you should take to confirm that the outsourcer thoroughly
    understands your requirements.
    • 1.
    • document your requirements, 2. insist that the outsourcer re-document your
    • requirements, and 3. request a prototype
  74. What
    is principled negotiation and what are the four key points it is based upon?
    • Principled negotiation is an approach to negotiation that emphasizes developing win/win solutions while protecting yourself against those who would take advantage of your forthrightness.

    • 1. separate the people from the problem, 2. focus on interests, not positions, 3. invent options for mutual gain, and 4. When possible use objective criteria

  75. A typical project progress report would contain all of the
    following sections except:

    a. Progress since last report

    b. Problems and issues since last report

    c. Current status of project

    d. Corrective action planned

    e. All of these are typical sections

    E. All of these are typical sections
  76. The first step in the project control process of the
    measurement and evaluation of project performance is to

    a. Set a baseline plan

    b. Determine the project objectives

    c. Determine the project deliverables

    d. Analyze the project budget

    e. Review the project priority matrix

    A. Set a baseline plan
  77. The second step in the project control process of the
    measurement and evaluation of project performance is to:

    a. Review the baseline plan with top management

    b. Analyze inputs to control system

    c. Compare plan against actual

    d. Measure progress and performance

    e. Review spending with team members

    D. Measure progress and performance
  78. The third step in the project control process of the
    measurement and evaluation of project performance is to:

    a. Review the baseline plan with top management

    b. Analyze inputs to the control system

    c. Compare the plan against actual performance

    d. Measure both progress and performance

    e. Review spending with team members

    C. Compare the plan against actual performance
  79. The last step in the project control process of the
    measurement and evaluation of project performance is to:

    a. Take appropriate action

    b. Prepare a report to top management

    c. Follow up on corrective action

    d. Measure progress and performance

    e. Review spending with team members

    A. Take appropriate action
  80. In monitoring project time (schedule) performance actual
    performance should be compared to:

    a. Budgets for the current year

    b. Top management's targets

    c. Project network schedule derived from the WBS/OBS

    d. Progress on similar past projects
    e. Previous status reports

    C. Project network schedule derived from the WBS/OBS
  81. A tool used to monitor past project schedule performance,
    current performance, and to estimate future schedule trends is a simple line
    chart known as a:

    a. Project schedule control chart

    b. Gantt chart

    c. PERT chart

    d. Network diagram

    e. Milestone chart

    A. Project schedule control chart
  82. The earned value of a project is the:

    a. Project cost to date adjusted for project scope changes

    b. Total project cost to date

    c. Cost incurred minus the planned cost

    d. Percent of the original budget that has been
    earned by actual work

    e. None of these are correct

    D. Percent of the original budget that has been earned by actual work
  83. Baseline project budgets are derived from:

    a. The organization's overall budget

    b. Time-phasing the work packages

    c. Top management directions

    d. Both A and C are correct
    e. A, B, and C are all correct

    B. Time-phasing the work packages
  84. Of the following costs, which are not included in baseline?

    a. Materials

    b. Equipment

    c. Labor

    d. A and C but not B
    All of these are usually included

    E. All of these are usually included
  85. Generally the method for measuring accomplishments centers
    on comparing

    a. Earned value with the expected schedule value

    b. Earned value with the actual costs

    c. Actual costs with budgeted costs

    d. Both A and B are correct
    e. A, B, and C are all correct

    D. Both A and B are correct
  86. An index value less than one indicates that the project is

    a. Under cost or behind schedule

    b. Over cost or ahead of schedule

    c. Under cost or ahead of schedule

    d. Over cost or behind schedule
    e. On cost or on schedule

    C. Under cost or ahead of schedule
  87. Project managers should allow scope changes only if

    a. The project will fail without the change

    b. The project will be improved significantly with the

    c. The customer wants the change and will pay for it

    d. Both A and B are correct
    A, B, and C are all correct

    E. A, B, and C are all correct
  88. Small refinements that eventually build to be major changes
    are known as:

    a. Project erosion

    b. Scope creep

    c. Specification adjustments

    d. Specification refinements

    e. Continuous improvements

    B. Scope creep
  89. The baseline is derived from merging information from the work packages with the
    project network.

  90. Milestones are significant project events that mark major accomplishments.
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Ece 326 Exam2.txt
Exam 2 quesions for Ece326