Theory II

  1. What are the 5 steps in the DH care plan?
    • assessment
    • diagnosis
    • planning
    • implementation
    • evaluation
  2. What is a subjective statement that is the pt's reason for seeking care, and pain supercedes dh tx?
    cheif complaint
  3. What are 7 risk factors for periodontal infections or poor response to periodontal therapy?
    • behavioral factors
    • tobacco use
    • systemic conditions
    • hormonal considerations
    • nutritional status
    • iatrogenic factors
    • genetic factors
  4. What are 5 risk factors for periodontal disease as a risk factor for systemic conditions?
    • infective endocarditis
    • cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis
    • diabetes mellitus
    • respiratory disease
    • adverse pregnancy outcomes
  5. What are 8 risk factors for dental caries?
    • behavioral factors
    • dietary factors
    • low fluoride
    • tooth morphology and position
    • xerostomia
    • family history of dental caries/restorative dentistry
    • developmental factors
    • genetic factors
  6. What are 3 risk factors for oral cancer?
    • tobacco use
    • alcohol use
    • sun exposure
  7. what 3 characteristics observed determine the pts overall health status?
    • medical
    • physical
    • pshychological risks
  8. The extent of the pts medical, physical, and psychological risk determines what?
    modifications necessary diring treatment
  9. without systemic disease; a normal healthy pt with little or no dental anxiety. Ableo to walk one flight of stairs with not distress. not modifications
    ASA I
  10. Mild systemic disease or extreme dental anxiety. must stop after walking one flight of stairs because of distress. minimal risk, no modifications to tretment and/or pt education may be necessry
    ASA II
  11. What are 4 conditions that would classifiy a person as ASA II?
    • well-controlled chronic conditions
    • upper respiratory infections
    • healthy pregnant women
    • allergies
  12. systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating. Must stop en route walking one flight of stairs. elective treatment is not contranidicated, but serious consideration of treatment and/or pt/care giver education modifications may be necesaary.
  13. What are 4 conditions that would classify a person as ASA III?
    • chronic cardiovascular conditions
    • controlled inusulin-dependant diabetes
    • chronic pulmonary diseases
    • elevated blood pressure
  14. incapacitating disease that is a constant threat to life. unable to walk up one flight of stairs. conservative, noninvasive management of emergency dental conditions; more complex dental intervention may require hospitalization during treatment; caregiver training for daily oral care may be necessary
    ASA IV
  15. What are 4 conditions that would classify a person as ASA IV?
    • unstable cardiovascuar conditions
    • extremely elevated blood pressure
    • uncontrolled epilepsy
    • uncontrolled insulin-dependant diabetes
  16. patient is moribund and not expected to survive. only palliative care is delivered; cargivere training for daily oral care may be necessary
    ASA V
  17. What are 4 conditions that would classify a person as ASA V?
    • end stage renal
    • end stage hepatic
    • infectious disease
    • terminal cancer
  18. What are the 5 'issues' in the treatment plan using OSCAR?
    • oral
    • systemic
    • capability
    • autonomy
    • reality
  19. which oscar factor of concern is described?
    teeth, restorations, prostheses, periodontium, pulpal status, oral mucosa, occlusion, saliva, tongue, alveolar bone
  20. which oscar factor of concern is described?
    normative age changes, medical diagnoses, pharmacologic agents, interdisciplinary communication
  21. which oscar factor of concern is described?
    functional ability, self-care, caregivers, oral hygiene, transportation to appointments, mobility within the dental office
  22. which oscar factor of concern is described?
    decision making, dependence on alternative or supplemental decision makers
  23. which oscar factor of concern is described?
    prioritization of oral health, financial ability or limitations, significance of anticipated life span
  24. Will the pt's use of tobacco affect oral status and dental hygiene treatment outcome?
  25. true or false. before planning individualized pt care, an attempt is made to assess the pts oral health knowledge level.
    • true
    • that way planned educational interventions can build on current knowledge rather than provide info too far above or below pts current understanding
  26. true or false. the pts ability to manipulate a tooth brush and floss and comply with suggested oral care regiments will determine the success of planned interventions
  27. Why is it important to have a full and complete documentation of data?
    because misunderstandings can lead to elgal involvement
  28. planning for the number and length of appoinments in a treatment sequence will be determined by what?
    the pts periodontal diagnosis
  29. What are 4 factors to consider in making the periodontal diagnosis?
    • current periodontal status
    • periodontal case type or classification
    • classification of periodontal disease
    • parameters of care
  30. What are the periodontal paramenters of care for diagnosis of periodontal disease? (4)
    • clinical diagnosis
    • therapeutic goals
    • tx considerations
    • outcomes assessment
  31. What are 6 elements to consider in making the dental hygiene diagnosis that are the basis for the diagnosis?
    • pt interview data
    • physical ssessment data
    • treatment or educational needs
    • referrals to specialists/consultation
    • diganostic statements
    • diagnostic models
  32. what provide the basis for planning interventions that are within the scope of dental hygiene practice, reflect expected outcomes of dental hygiene interventions, identify pt responses that are changeable by dental hygiene interventions, and exclude diagnoses that require treatments legally defined as dental practice
    diagnostic statements
  33. What address health functionain and behaviors and describe actual or potential health problems that dental hygienists are educated and licensed to treat, and give direction and a scientific basis from which to determine dental hygiene interventions and formulate care plans?
    diagnostic models
  34. What is the anticipated outcome, and satement of possible outcomes expected
    dental hygiene prognosis
  35. What are 4 factors the determine prognosis?
    • current disease status
    • risk factors
    • OHI
    • tx options
  36. what type of prognosis would go with the following:
    adequate control of etiologic factors pt self-care ability, and periodontal support?
  37. what type of prognosis would go with the following:
    adequate control of etiologic factors and pt self care ability, and less than 25% attachment loss
  38. what type of prognosis would go with the following:
    greater than 50% attachment loss with cl II furcation involvement, pt self care is difficult
  39. What type of prognosis would go with the following:
    greater than 50% attachment loss with poor crown-to-root ratio, poor root form, cl II or III furcation (inaccessible), and greater than class 2 mobility?
  40. what type of prognosis would go with the following:
    inadequate attachment to maintain the tooth
  41. What are 5 examples of the expected outcome for prevention?
    • eliminate iatrogenic factors
    • increase biofilm-free areas
    • pt compliance
    • tobacco free
    • modification/stabilization systemic risk factors
  42. What are 7 examples of the expected outcome for gingival/periodontal hygiene intervention plans?
    • biofilm reduction
    • reduce/eliminate BOP
    • reduce probe depths
    • maintain attachment level
    • decrease/maintain mobility
    • resolve erythematous tissue
    • reduce swelling edema
  43. What are 5 examples of the expected outcome for dental caries hygiene intervention?
    • no new demineralized areas
    • no newcarious lesions
    • reduced intake of cariogenic food
    • place sealants
    • increase fluoride use
  44. What is the pt's role in planning to provide dental hygiene care?
    the willingness and/or ability of pt to participate will be key to reaching goals set
  45. What are 4 steps in the procedure for prividing dental hygiene care?
    • pt's level of understanding of dentl diseases, risk factors, and oral health behaviors
    • pts physical ability to use oral care aids
    • pts lifestyle factors that might impact their ability to comly with recommendations
    • educating pts about their responsibilities in making it happen
  46. What are 3 purposes of tissue conditioning in preparation for scaling?
    • gingival healing
    • reduce bacteria
    • pt education
  47. What are 3 steps in the procedure for tissue conditioning?
    • biofilm removal
    • antibacterial rinse after brushing and flossing
    • antibiotics
  48. What is the purpose for pain and anxiety control in planning dental hygiene care?
    to control discomfort during treatment
  49. true or false. with quad scaling, it is important to treat pt areas of discomfort first, unless tissue conditioning is required
  50. What are 5 indications for the use of anesthesia in scaling?
    • previous pain control experience
    • severity of infection
    • pocket depths
    • tissue sensitivity
    • calculus distribution
Card Set
Theory II
week seven