
  1. What are the fundamentals of security? (MOPP-P)
    • Maintain threat contact
    • Orient on the force or facility to be secured
    • Provide early and accurate warning
    • Provide reaction time and maneuvering space
    • Perform continuous recon
  2. What is the criteria for selecting an Attack by Fire/ Support by Fire/ Battle Position? (NORMA)
    • Nature of the target
    • Obstacles
    • Range to target
    • Multiple firing positions/lanes
    • Area to maneuver
  3. What is the selection criteria for a firing position?
    • Concealment
    • Altitude of target
    • Range
    • Background
    • Sun or full moon
    • Maneuver area
    • Shadows
    • Rotor wash
    • Fields of fire
  4. What must be considered when conducting a VMC approach to a confined area? (SS-BATT)
    • Size of landing area
    • Suitability
    • Barriers
    • Approach direction
    • Touchdown point
    • Takeoff direction
  5. What must be considered when conducting a terrain flight approach? (T-SLOW)
    • Tactical situation
    • Size and suitability
    • Long axis of area
    • Obstacles
    • Wind direction
  6. What are the key tasks for aerial observation? (DILR)
    • Detection
    • Identification
    • Location
    • Report
  7. What factors can effect aerial observation? (WAATCH)
    • Weather
    • Altitude
    • Airspeed
    • Terrain
    • Cues
    • Human
  8. What are 7 visual cues that can indicate enemy activity? (MCLOSSTT)
    • Movement
    • Color
    • Light
    • Obvious sightings
    • Smoke and dust
    • Shapes and shadows
    • Texture
    • Terrain
  9. Describe actions on contact. (DCR/DCR)
    • Deploy to cover
    • Continue to observe
    • Report
    • Develop the situation
    • Choose a course of action
    • Report COA to commander
  10. What must be considered when selecting a holding area? (A-SOCK)
    • Avenues of approach and departure
    • Security
    • Obstacles within holding area
    • Cover and concealment
    • Key terrain
  11. What are the 4 categories of hazards to terrain flight?
    • Physical (natural or man-made)
    • Meteorological
    • Human
    • Other (maintenance)
  12. What are the six types of wires?
    • Powerlines
    • Commo wires
    • Booby-traps
    • Guy wires
    • Fencing
    • Tow wires
  13. What are the fundamentals of reconnaissance?(GORRDEE)
    • Gain and maintain enemy contact
    • Orient on the objective
    • Report information rapidly and accurately
    • Retain freedom of movement
    • Develop the situation rapidly
    • Ensure maximum recon forces forward
    • Ensure continuous recon
  14. What are the technical characteristics of an LZ/PZ that must be considered? (LONGLASSV)
    • Landing formation
    • Obstacles
    • Number of aircraft
    • Ground slope of landing area
    • Load suitability
    • Approach or departure direction
    • Size of landing zone
    • Surface condition
    • Vulnerability
  15. What are the meteorological considerations when doing reconnaissance for an LZ/PZ?
    • Ceiling
    • Visibility
    • Winds
    • Density altitude
  16. What are the tactical considerations for a landing zone / pick-up zone?
    • Mission
    • Security
    • Location
  17. What 4 elements make up an attack briefing? (TPMR)
    • Technique (running fire, diving fire, or hovering fire)
    • Pattern
    • Munitions
    • Range for engagement
  18. What are the 9 steps to terrain flight mission planning?
    • Analyze the mission using METT-TC
    • Analyze the map and photo recon
    • Select the mode of terrain flight for each leg
    • Select primary and alternate routes
    • Determine the time, distance, heading, and altitude for each leg
    • Determine the fuel required + 25lbs
    • Get weather brief
    • Do a risk assessment
    • Conduct a crew briefing
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