GI Drugs

  1. Cimetidine
    • Acid reducing agent in the H2-receptor anatagonist class
    • Competitive inhibition of H2 receptors on parietal cells
    • Use for Ulcers, ZE syndrome, GERD
    • Anti-androgen side ffects--male dysfunction--gynecomastia
  2. Famotidine
    • Acid reducing agent in the H2 receptor antagonist class
    • Competitive inhibition of H2 receptors on parietal cells
    • Use for Ulcers, ZE syndrome, and GERD
    • Headaches and diarrhea
  3. Nizatidine
    • Acid reducing agent in the H2 receptor antagonist class
    • Competitive inhibition of H2 receptors on parietal cells
    • Use for ulcers, ZE syndrome, and GERD
    • Headaches, n/v
  4. Esomeprazole
    • Acid reducing agent in the PPI class
    • Irreversible inhibition of the H/KATPase transporter in gastric parietal cells (24-48 hr acid block)
    • Use for ulcers, ZE syndrome, GERD, esophagitis, and H pylori gastritis
    • No side effects
  5. Omeprazole
    • Acid reducing agent in the PPI class
    • Irreversible inhibition of the H/KATPase transporter in gastric parietal cells (24-48 hr acid block)
    • Use for ulcers, ZE syndrome, GERD, esophagitis, and H pylori gastritis
    • No side effects
  6. Lansoprazole
    • Acid reducing agent in the PPI class
    • Irreversible inhibition of the H/KATPase trasnproter in gastric parietal cells (24-48 hr acid block)
    • Use for ulcers, ZE syndrome, GERD, esophagitis, and H pylori gastritis
    • No side effects
  7. Aluminum hydroxide
    • Acid reducing agent in the antacid class
    • Neutralizes secreted gastric acid
    • Use for acute dyspepsia (heartburn)
    • Constipation, n/v
  8. Calcium carbonate
    • Acid reducing agent in the antacid class
    • Neutralizes secreted gastric acid
    • Use for acute dyspepsia
    • Constipation, belching, nausea, flatulence
  9. Magnesium hydroxide
    • Acid reducing agent in the antacid class
    • Neutralizes gastric acid
    • Use for acute dyspepsia
    • Diarrhea
  10. Misoprostol
    • Acid reducing agent in the PG E1 analog class
    • Reduces acid secretion from parietal cells and stimualtes mucin and bicarb secretion--also increases mucosal blood flow
    • Use to prevent NSAID induced ulcers
    • Diarrhea and abdominal pain; do not use in pregnancy
  11. Sucralfate
    • Acid reducing agent in the sulfated polysaccharide class
    • Forms a protective barrier on the gastric mucosa inhibiting pepsin hydrolysis of epithelium; induces PG formation
    • Use to heal duodenal ulces
    • Constipation
  12. Bismuth subsalicylate (peptobismol)
    • Locally acting acid reducing agent and anti-diarrheal agent
    • Protects gastric mucosa and decreases intestinal motility
    • Use for ulcers, dyspepsia, and traveler's diarrhea
    • Darkened tongue and stools
  13. Loperamide
    • Anti-diarrheal agent in the opioid receptor agonist class
    • Blocks ACh in ENS-->decreased peristalsis and motility causing increased GI transit time
    • Use for diarrhea
    • GI discomfort
  14. Diphenoxylate
    • Anti-diarrheal agent in the opioid receptor agonist class
    • Blocks ACh in ENS-->decreased peristalsis and motility causing increased GI transit time
    • Use for diarrhea
    • GI discomfort
  15. Kaolin-Pectin
    • Locally acting anti-diarrheal agent
    • Absorbent demulcent
    • Use for diarrhea
    • Cosntipation and dehyrdation
  16. Docusate
    • Laxative in the stool softener class
    • Reduces surface tension of oil-water interface of stool enhancing incorporation of water and fat
    • Use for constipation, prevention of straining during defecation (ie hospital patients)
    • Orally or rectally
    • GI cramping
  17. Mineral Oil
    • Laxative in the stool softener class
    • Lubricates bowel and decreases water absorption
    • Use for constipation, prevention of straining during defectation
    • Orally or rectally
    • GI cramping
  18. Glycerin
    • Laxative in the stool softener class
    • Draws fluid into colon (osmotic pressure)
    • Use for constipation, prevention of straining during defectation
    • Orally or rectally
    • GI cramping
  19. Glycerin
    • Laxative in teh bulk forming (viscous fiber) class
    • Produces viscous liquid in bowel that promotes peristalsis and reduces transit time
    • Use for constipation and prevention of straining during defecation
    • Esophageal or bowel obstruction if not given with sufficient liquid; flatulence
  20. Diphenhydramine and Meclizine
    • Anti-emetic agent in the H1 receptor antagonist class
    • Competitive inhibition of H1 receptors on effector cells in the GI tract
    • Use for motion sickness
    • Sedation (CNS effects)
  21. Ondansetron and Granisetron
    • Anti-emetic agents in the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist class
    • Blocks action of serotonin on enteric nerves and CNS preventing classic emetic response
    • Use for chemotherapy induced n/v and post-operative n/v
    • mild side effects
  22. Metoclopramide
    • Anti-emetic agent in the dopamine D2-receptor antagonsit class
    • prokinetic: stimulates antral and small bowel contractions to enhance transit
    • Use for post-operative gastroparesis
    • Mild side effects
  23. Dronabinol
    • Anti-emetic agent in the cannabinoid class
    • Unknown mechanism (receptors in CNS?)
    • Use for chemo-induced n/v and AIDS-related anorexia
    • Altered mental status
  24. Triple therapy
    • Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin, and PPI
    • Anti-microbial effects; used to treat infection with H pylori to prevent or ameliorate induced inflammatory gastritis and PUD (10-14 day treatment)
Card Set
GI Drugs
Acid reducing, anti-diarrheal, laxatives, ant-metic