Beau Marriage and Family

  1. Who viewed passionate love as a kind of dangerous illness?
    Ancient Greeks and Romans
  2. Altruistic Love
  3. Friendship Love
  4. What kind of love was unreliable
  5. The Greek/Roman attitudes on love influenced _____in the middle ages.
  6. An attachement between people and is a foundation for a strong love relationship.
  7. ____ enjoy each others company and are willing to support and help each other.
  8. Love involves:
    • Emotional highs and lows
    • instability
    • passion
    • exclusiveness
    • sexual desire

  9. Intimacy with, caring for, and commitment to another person.
  10. Love arises from
    • need satisfaction
    • sexual attraction
    • personal kinship ties
  11. The meaning of love is_____. Meaning that it can vary according to time, culture, and place
  12. A person who is temperamentally suited to another.
    Soul mate
  13. ____is a human, universal, or atleast a near-universal phenomenon.
    Romantic Love
  14. As the US became more industrialized choosong a marriage partner shifted from having a ______basis to a more ____one
    • Economic
    • Emotional
  15. Love can have both a ___state and a ___state
    • Physical
    • PSychological
  16. Love's physical state
    lust or sexual arousal
  17. Love's psychological state
    sexual desire
  18. What is calmer than romantic love
    compassionate love
  19. ____emphasizes intimacy with, affection for, and commitment to another person
    Compassionate love
  20. ___ couples experience love with the same intimacy and intensity as heterosexual couples
    Same sex couples
  21. Why do same sex couples hide their true feelings?
    Public disapproval
  22. Biochemical theory
    Love is a natural high- love results from our biological, chemical, and hormonal makeup.
  23. Attachement theory
    Closeness in a survival need- our primary motivation in life is to be connected with another person for security.
  24. Wheel theory
    The four stages of love- love develops and is maintained through:

    • rapport
    • self revelation
    • mutual dependency
    • & Intimacy need fulfillment
  25. Triangular theory
    Emphasizes 3 important elements of love that interact with one another

    • Intimacy
    • Passion
    • Decision/comitment
  26. 3 ways love can go away
    • Jealousy
    • Unrequitted Love
    • Controlling
  27. Jealousy
    Feeling that something threatens your relationship.

    A negative response to either a real or imagined threat to a love relationship

    (suspicious or reactive)
  28. Unrequitted love
    • love that is not returned
    • More attractive rejects less attractive
    • Less serious rejects more serious
  29. Immature Love
    Passionate thinking, passionate feeling, and passionate behavior
  30. Mature love
    trustworthy, stable, caring, kind, and someone you actually like
  31. Lee's 6 kinds of relationships:

    Love of beauty and the physical.

    Intense emotional attachement and powerful sexual feelings
  32. Lee's 6 kinds of relationships:

    Obsessive Love

    Strong sexual attraction, emotional intensity, extreme jealousy, and mood swings between ecstasy and despair.
  33. Lee's 6 kinds of relationships:

    Playful Love

    Casual and carefree love that focuses on sex as recreational and not serious.
  34. Lee's 6 kinds of relationships:

    Compassionate Love

    Affectionate, peaceful, and compassionate kind of love.
  35. Lee's 6 kinds of relationships:

    Altruistic Love

    Unselfish, self-sacrificing Love
  36. Lee's 6 kinds of relationships:

    Practical Love

    Makes a rational assesment of the potential partners positives and negatives
  37. Men are jealous about ___, women about ____
    • Sex
    • Intimacy
  38. Jealous people are more apt to be ___ people
  39. Closed Courtship
    Neither partner sees the other until the day of their wedding
  40. Open courtship
    individual decisions are made about choosing our partners
  41. Propinquity
    filter people on the basis of their nearness to you in time and place
  42. Endogamy
    filter people on the expectaion you marry within your own social group, race, religion, and social class.
  43. Exogamy
    Filter People on their cultural expectations that you marry outside your family group to avoid incest.
  44. Courtship
    process by which a commitment to marriage is developed.
  45. Dating
    process of meeting people socially for the purpose f possibly forming an exclusive long term relationship.
  46. Recreational Dating
    Dating can be and is supposed to be fun
  47. Companionship
    Dating is a way of having friends
  48. Intimacy and sex
    many teens discover sex and sexuality in the course of dating.
  49. mate selection
    A goal for many in dating is to find a mate.
  50. Socialization
    dating helps to socialize us to get along with the opposite sex.
  51. Status achievement
    dating enhances a person's status by showing others that he/she is acceptable, desirable, and grown up.
  52. open fields
    settings in which people do not normally interact and so potential partners are no likely to be met.
  53. Closed fields
    settings in which people are likely to interact and potential partners may meet
  54. variations of dating
    Traditional courtship

    Hanging out, hooking up, joined at the hip
  55. Cohabitation
    A couple in an emotional and sexual relationship sharing living quarters without being married
  56. Reasons for cohabitating
    The linus blanket- 1 partner is insecure

    Emancipation- to express independence from parents

    Convenience- get needs fulfilled w/out marriage

    testing- trial marriage
  57. 3 stages of living together
    • blending
    • nesting
    • maintaining
  58. blending
    partners are infatuated with each other
  59. nesting
    a passion subsides, the partners emphasize other grounds for compatibility
  60. maintaining
    the partners establish patterns of stability and traditions
  61. Sexual Script
    set of expectations as to how one should behave in sexual situations
  62. Mens sexual script-
    Men are supposed to be in charge, confident, aggressive, not tender.

    Sex is for orgasm; not intimacy
  63. Women's sexual script
    women are expected to be beautiful, loving, nurturing, and accomodating. Not supposed to talk about sex.
  64. Sexual fantasy
    any mental representation of any kind of sexual activity
  65. Sexual dream
    occurs during sleep, without a person's conscious control
  66. masturbation
    self stimuation of the genitals for sexual pleasure resulting in orgasm.
  67. Celibacy
    a person who have no sex
  68. atypical sexuality
    voyeurism, fetishism, exhibitionism, sadamochism, obscene phone calls
  69. Double standard
    premarital nonmarital sex is more acceptable for men than women
  70. permissiveness with affection
    allows premarital or nonmarital sex for both men and women, provided that they have a affectionate and commited relationship
  71. Permissiveness without affection
    allows premarital or nonmarital sex for men and women regardless of the amount of affection
  72. Excitement phase
    physical reaction to erotic stimulation
  73. Plateau
    sexual excitement and muscle tension continue to build
  74. Orgasm
    the most ecstatic for those that experience it. Rythmic concentrations cause the release of neuromuscular tension and feelings of intense pleasure
  75. resolution phase
    when the body returns to its unaroused state
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Beau Marriage and Family
Test 2 Marriage and Family