- San Pietro Basilica
- Vatican City / Rome
- 1506-1656
- Bramante, Michelangelo, della Porta, Vignola, Maderna, Bernini
- -Bronze baldacchino over St. Peter's tomb with columns from Constantine's basilica, which were from the Temple of Solomon: connection between the Holy Land and St. Peter's
- -Cathedra Petri: chair of St. Peter
- -Scala Regia: Regal stair; tapers in width from top to bottom
- -Piazza Obliqua: actually two semicircles and a square with a freestanding Tuscan colonnade
- -Piazza Retta: trapezoidal plaza; flanking colonnade gets shorter toward church to make the cathedral proper seem more vertical
- -Not facing East, as was tradition, but facing West
- -Axis lines up with the obelisk in the center of the plaza
- Il Gesu
- Rome
- 1568-75
- Vignola & della Porta
- -Created for the Jesuits: missionaries and educators
- -Transverse barrel-vaulted chapels instead of aisles with columns flanking a longitudinal barrel vaulted nave
- -strong axial emphasis and three-dimensionality of elements on the west facade
- -Classical orders replace Florentine subdivisions on the facade
- -Interior was originally plain but now decorated from 17th century endeavor
- -Wall-pillar church
- -Other side of entrance, engaged columns support a triangular pediment, which is framed by a segmental pediment supported by flanking pilasters
- San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
- Rome
- 1638-67
- Borromini
- -Built on one of the grand routes Sixtus had built for the city
- -Undulating oval in plan with a long axis leading to the main ltar
- -Curving side walls swell to form side chapels which evoke a stretched Greek-cross plan
- -Conceived from interlocking geometric figures
- -Reliance on geometry instead of Renaissance arithmetic
- -Pendentives above entablature reduce plan to an oval drum supporting an oval dome coffered with octagons, hexagons, and trinitarian crosses with an oval occulus in the cetner
- San Ivo alla Sapienza
- Rome
- 1642-1660
- Borromini
- -Lantern tower symbolic of the papal crown and a conch shell (corona papal)
- -Built under the patronage of Urban VIII, who was a member of the Barbarini family; used the shape of a flying bee in the floor plan to glorify the family symbol
- -Spatial fluidity later influenced modernism
- San Andrea al Quirinale
- Rome
- 1653-70
- Bernini
- -Small oval plan
- -Entry between corinthian pilasters supporting a pediment
- -Convex curving portico supported by ionic columns
- -Volute-like buttresses support dome on exterior
- -Architecture as theatre
- -Scenographic facade
- Vienna, AUSTRIA
- 1714 - 1723
- -Palace for the Hapsburgs
- -Variation on Baroque themes of centralization and -extension without Cartesian geometry
- -Means "Rising landscape with a view"
- -Transformation of gardens to enclosed spaces: more independent, intimate, private
- -Fusion of Gothic membrane-like walls and Italian thick walls
- -Fairy tale
- Chapel Smirice
- Bohemia (Czech Republic)
- 1700-13
- Dientzenhofer
- -Stands as a carved object instead of a built structure
- -Combines Guarini's ideas of spatial juxtaposition (San Lorenzo) with the Central European system of wall-pillars
- -Elongated octagon with internally convex sides, undulating surface as like an organism
- -First example of a reduced central church
- -Answer to desire synthesis of centralized and longitudinal space; introduction of wall-pillars
- Vierzehnheiligen
- Staffelstein
- 1743-63
- Neumann
- -Basilican ground plan transformed into circles and ovals
- -Oval overhead vaults
- -Shape of a Latin-cross
- -Infinite, luminous space with series of oval baldacchins
- -Spatial syncopation
- Die Wies
- Steingaden
- 1746-54
- Zimmerman
- -"Wies" means "meadow"
- -Wanted to try and be embedded in the landscape-----Volume of church repeats the shape of the hills and appears a humanized and spiritualized natural element
- -Walls as a light membrane; freely-shaped windows
- -Rococo architecture: lighter colors
- Church for Benedictine Convent
- Neresheim - Swabia
- 1746-1790
- Neumann
- -Large oval crossing supported by four paired columns
- -Oval transept arms (centered on long axis)
- -Nave - Two cross-axial ovals set tangent to each other
- -Width is narrowed toward the alter
- -Walls – double layered plane
- Chateau
- Vaux-le-Vicomte
- 1657-61
- Le Vau, Le Brun, Le Norte
- -Emphasis on more windows than wall
- -Main element: longitudinal axis forms the way through the gardens; infinite space
- -Chateau is a freestanding block with pavillions at each corner
- -An axial entrance across a moat to the terrance and through a triple-arched entrance leads into vestibule
- -Center oval salon opened up on all side
- -Black Gate
- Chateau et Jardin
- Versailles, France
- 1626-1710
- Le Vau, Le Brun, Le Notre, J.H. Mansart
- -Extension of an old hunting lodge on swampy land
- -1400 fountains (had to redirect river to supply water to 37000 acres of land)
- -Town and gardens arranged as if radiating from the palace
- -Hall of mirrors continuing idea of infinity found in gardens
- -Gold gate
- -Stairway to heaven
What is considered the starting event of the Baroque?
-The Counter Reformation: Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses to the door of All Saint's Church in 1517
Council of Trent
-1545, aiming to spread the prestige of the church and bring members back
Characteristics of Baroque
- Didactic, theatrical, dynamic, dramatic style
- Concave vs. convex
- Preference for axial and centralized spaces
- Ellipses and ovals
Where was Baroque prevalent?
- Italy, France, German states (Bavaria, Saxony, Franconia), Austria, Bohemia, Spain, England, and Russia
- Influence of the Jesuits in South America
"All encompassing culture" -Applied to the Baroque movement
Where were the terms Baroque, Style Classique, Late Baroque, and Rococo used?
- -Baroque: Italy, Rome and Torino
- -Style Classique: France, particularly Paris and the surrounding vicinity
- -Late Baroque: Austria, particularly Salzburg and Vienna, Bavaria, Bohemia, Franconia, Switzerland
- -Rococo: France, Bavaria
Purpose of Baroque
-To symbolize the strict organization of the system and its persuasive power; appears as a synthesis of dynamism and sysstematization
Place Royale
-Urban space centered on and developed around a statue of the sovereign
Characteristics of the Baroque in Central Europe
- -Italian influences meshed with craft-guild traditions
- -Support of the style from the church and royalty (wanted a progressive image), along with the people (deep religious beliefs)
- -Number symbolism, images of the saints as intercessors
- -Light and airy churches
- -Wandpfeiler (wall pillar, establish concept of centrality with longtitudal plans)
Characteristics of Baroque in France
- -Wall seen as a membrane instead of a thick piece as in italy
- -Sense of verticality derived from Gothic
- -Based on the idea of extension similar to that occurring at an urban level
- -France--City--House
- -Interior organization became more differentiated and comfortable (commodite)
- -Villa (chateau)
- - City Palace (hotel)
- 1) Decartes
- -discourse of method (1637)
- -world as geometric extensions
- -"mechanistic"
- -looks like cells
- 2) Leibniz
- -monanology
- -world as self-containing monads
- -"organic"
- -dots
2 Branches of Boroque
- 1)adhereing to classicism of high renaissance
- -Rome: bernini
- -France: where it was transmutated into Gallic made of severe Boroque (le vau, le notre, mansart
- -England
- -related to french gothic
- 2)combo of Bernini theatrical side and pure arch. expressionism
- -Rome: Borromini
- -Torino, Bavaria, Bohemia, Austria, (Guarini, Neumann, Von Erlach, Hildebrandt, Zimmermann)
- -Related to German Gothic