Interview Study

  1. Project Management
    § Performs duties and responsibilities consistent with understanding of client requirements and of relevant policies and regulations, and within the quality standards set by the immediate supervisor.

    § Serves as a member of the project management team for one or two projects, according to the division of labor worked out by the team(s), and under the direction of the immediate supervisor and senior vice president.

    • § Assists in support of, and communication with field teams. Ensures Chemonics’ reputation with
    • field staff by addressing their inquiries and needs promptly. Researches and recommends solutions
    • to resolve a variety of field office issues, including personnel and financial matters, as appropriate.

    • § Liaises with home-office support departments on contract-related procurements, accounting, personnel,
    • publications, travel, and other issues. Uses judgment and understanding of Chemonics policies and relevant contract and legal regulations to process expense reports, and complete required internal forms. Researches
    • relevant regulations as appropriate and obtains required approvals.

    § Establishes and maintains home-office project files and keeps filing system list updated. Copies and properly files all project correspondence and documents.

    § Interprets appropriate regulations in providing logistical support for project personnel. Ensures all such activities are done in accordance with company policy and governmental regulations. Carries out tasks in support of assigned projects, such as banking, post office deliveries or pickups, project purchases, and other miscellaneous tasks.

    § Develops and maintains budget monitoring, level of effort utilization, invoices, subcontractors’ costs, expense reports, deliverables, etc., to monitor compliance with contract and Chemonics regulations. Issues status reports as needed.

    • § Assists in recruitment of short and long term staff by identifying and recommending a short list of
    • candidates to consider for assignments.

    • § May serve as primary contact for consultants on administrative items. Ensures inquiries and needs
    • promptly addressed to continued positive relationship between consultant and Chemonics.

    § Carries out periodic project-related research as requested.

    § Maintains tracker of all consultant and project reports, providing required number of copies to the Chemonics library, USAID library and project files.

    § Performs other project management and contact administration duties as required.
  2. Technical
    § Obtains and assimilates knowledge of projects, countries, and regions relevant for work assignments.

    § Provides basic technical information to support projects, new business efforts, Chemonics’ knowledge base, practice networks, and other work products, as requested by supervisor and colleagues.

    • § Maintains knowledge in own discipline and begins to expand versatility in international development work by attending educational workshops, reviewing professional publications, establishing personal networks,
    • and participating in professional societies and Chemonics practice networks.

    § Learns to produce work products in conformance with Chemonics’ and clients’ standards.
  3. New Business Development
    § Develops a basic understanding of international development, foreign assistance programming, and Chemonics’ present and past contributions.

    • § Participates on proposal teams to provide research, writing, costing, coordination and administrative
    • support to proposals, and/or other marketing materials produced by the new business unit.

    § Learns the fundamentals of personnel recruitment, including proper communication techniques for discussing scopes of work and allowances/benefits for team members, and obtaining required documentation. Recruits and suggests candidates for a variety of positions, including highly specialized consultants and Chiefs of Party. May be asked to handle initial salary discussions with potential candidates, referring complex negotiations to supervisor.

    § Begins to develop and maintain productive relationships with clients, vendors, partners, and consultants that serve to enhance Chemonics’ reputation.
  4. Management and LeadershipCompetencies
    § Communicates information in a way that demonstrates a basic understanding of development assistance work, Chemonics’ culture, values, and practices, and the specific scope and nature of project and proposal assignments.

    § Participates in the recruitment process for new staff, including recommending promising talent and assisting in interviews and reference checks.

    § Demonstrates maturity, dependability, integrity, and initiative to learn level I competencies and skills required for job assignments.

    § Contributes positively to a work environment that emphasizes teamwork, respect for differences, accepting and giving constructive feedback.
  5. Other duties
    Performs other duties and responsibilities as required by the senior vice president that may include administrative and management tasks as well as participating on special task forces.
  6. About Us
    • Chemonics is an international development consulting company :
    • helps governments, businesses, civil society groups, and communities promote meaningful change so people can live healthier, more productive, and more independent lives.

    • We are the women and men across the globe working with our partners to make the
    • world a better place.
  7. Our Work
    We design and implement development projects in many of the world’s developing countries, working under contract

    · U.S. Agency for International Development and other foreign aid donors,
  8. In Washington, D.C., and more than 75
    countries, we offer :
    • anagement,
    • technical,
    • research,
    • training,
    • grants, and
    • communications services.
  9. Our technical practices include
    • financial services,
    • private sector development,
    • health,
    • environmental,
    • management,
    • gender,
    • crisis prevention and recovery,
    • democracy and governance, and
    • agriculture.

    We also play an important role as proponents of a strong U.S. international assistance program.

    We support coalitions to advance our views on the importance of international development and diplomacy to advance stability, security, and prosperity.
  10. Our Service
    • As a for-profit firm, we strive:
    • to provide excellence and value.
    • the highest possible performance standards
    • innovate to create efficient solutions and
    • make the best use of scarce resources.

    We understand complex environments, incorporate diverse voices, and integrate strategies from many sectors. This participatory approach has proved to be most effective in addressing and resolving deeply rooted development problems.

    We make continual operational investments and innovations to ensure responsive service.

    • ·
    • Web-based integration of all business and financial management systems;
    • greater connectivity for sharing knowledge among staff, clients, beneficiaries, and partners; and
    • consistent qualitative and quantitative measurement of results and impact.
  11. Our Results
    Every day, all over the world, we see evidence of the impact of our work.

    Foreign direct investment in Jordan rose by $34 million following customs automation and the creation of special industrial zones.

    Water utilities in Indonesia established 60,000 new connections, bringing clean, running water to 350,000 people.

    More than 1,600 kitchen gardens in Nepal planted crops rich in Vitamin A, causing night-blindness in pregnant and lactating women to fall 65 percent.

    Reconstruction of cyclone-damaged roads in Madagascar increased market access for 150,000 farmers.

    More than 600 kilometers of new farm-to-market roads and 480 kilometers of clean irrigation canals contributed to rebuild the agriculture sector in Afghanistan, generating jobs and increasing revenue across the country.

    Urban land sales in Ukraine generated $28 million per year that local governments use to fund social and economic programs.

    Bolivia has 7.5 million hectares of sustainably managed forest. Nearly 2 million hectares — one-third the world total for tropical forest — have been officially certified for good forest stewardship.
  12. Talking Points
    Responsible for the delivery, presentation, logistics, and image of the finance department and the company as a whole.

    Negotiations skills

    Want to be challenged and I feel that Chemonics is one of the best in the industry,

    Develop my leadership and project management skill

    organized, resourceful, creative and proactive

    willing to learn, open to change, those who can define themselves as self-starters and ready to take risks

    a strong interest in international development

    Previous experience in multilateral organizations
  13. Talking points
    As an finance coordinator, I am responsible for managing a process that involves a disparate team of lawyers, engineers, specialists in insurance, environmental and social matters, regional managers, and so on

    I can be heavily relied as a contribution to a team.

    My work experience in the FINCA has given me the chance to learn about various facets of development work and to apply the acquired experience in a more efficient way. It has given me a far richer view of the challenges and opportunities related to development as well as the unique role the Bank plays in this shared effort.

    Chemonics creates a unique opportunity to work in different aspects of development

    It also means an infusion of new skills, thoughts and ideas into the organization and a chance to learn from intensive cross departmental interaction.

    I come with an open mind.

    The Finance Coordinator position became what you make of it.
  14. Gender
    Because women and men often use different strategies to improve the economic and physical well-being of their families, businesses, and communities, Chemonics’ gender practice works to ensure that project activities are designed with an understanding of how and when gender-based differences may affect project impact. The practice provides tools and strategies that support our staff, clients, and partner institutions in analyzing gender-based differences that — unless recognized and mitigated — can negatively affect project outcomes. Above all, the practice strives to advance Chemonics’ efforts to improve gender equity and equality through our projects in the countries where we work.

    Gender Analysis and Assessments: We use gender analysis and assessments to examine the roles, rights, and responsibilities of men and women and the obstacles, opportunities, and choices available to them in a given society and within a given sector. We assess which donor groups, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies are working with gender issues and collaborate with them, building on their successes and identifying gender knowledgeable partners.

    Institutional Audits and Policy Reform: We work with governmental and nongovernmental institutions to audit systems and services to ensure they are sensitive to gender and issues of concern to women and girls. Our analysis aims to ensure legal, educational, political, and economic equity in these institutions. Based on the audit, we recommend policy reform and improvements.

    Integrating Gender into Broader Development Efforts: Gender is a cross-cutting variable that Chemonics takes into account in all development sectors. The gender practice designs program interventions and trainings and a maintains a reporting an communications system that disseminates lessons learned, good practices, and effective strategies to ensure that gender-based differences are considered in all types of development projects.
  15. Democracy and Governance
    Our democracy and governance practice seeks to build the legal and policy frameworks, institutions, and citizen participation that bring legitimacy and fairness into government. Our success is rooted in the promotion and application of international standards commonly understood to be the underpinnings of democracy and good governance. Chemonics offers a variety of services, from developing e-government solutions to serving in a watchdog capacity in civil society. Underlying our approaches to democracy and governance is the understanding that different situations require different solutions; yet all our solutions promote common goals. We always seek to ensure that our efforts foster a host nation environment that respects individual liberty, guarantees transparent government institutions, and gives the average individual a real voice in his or her future regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, familial origin, political affiliation, personal opinion, or economic status.

    Rule of Law and Judicial Reform: Using training, technology, and structural reforms, our programs promote the rule of law by improving the effectiveness and accessibility of justice systems. We also work with the private and nonprofit sectors to improve the education, training, and oversight of legal and judicial professionals. Recognizing that judicial systems serve as a primary bulwark against corruption, we also work to strengthen judicial and legal ethics.

    Public Administration Reform: Our programs improve the legitimacy of government by improving service delivery, providing access to information, and strengthening accountability mechanisms. Our efforts seek to streamline the laws, regulations, policies, and processes that guide interaction with government institutions and build independent oversight mechanisms.

    Civil Society and Community Development: Using a toolkit that includes grants, subcontracting, incentive programs, and competition, we ensure that community organizations receive what they need most, from initial start-up capacity building support to technology and materials for growth and innovation.

    Anticorruption: We focus on the prevention of corruption in each of our service areas. Our partners in these efforts include government, civil society, media outlets, and international organizations. Our programs support educational efforts, improvements to governmental transparency, reforms of public procurement, and the creation of effective national anticorruption strategies.
  16. Conflict and Disaster Management
    Our projects achieve impact in fragile and crisis environments by adapting traditional development programs to meet the unique needs of these dynamic and sensitive contexts. Understanding that working in high-risk or post-crisis environments requires programs and resources that are flexible and responsive to specific country circumstances, we rely on rapid-response mechanisms; multisectoral interventions; and community-based, participatory approaches to aid in rebuilding. Working across sectors such as health, agriculture, natural resource management, microfinance, gender, and democracy and governance, Chemonics aims to build strong systems and reduce fragility.

    Post-Conflict Recovery and Reconstruction: Working in post-conflict environments requires a multifaceted approach to rebuild infrastructure and mitigate the legacy of eroded governmental and social institutions. Chemonics employs solutions that support the rebuilding of physical infrastructure, help governments provide essential services, reintegrate refugees and internally displaced persons, demobilize and reintegrate combatants, and pave the way for the strengthening of essential democratic institutions.

    • Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation: Some disasters, such as famine, refuse to respect national boundaries and require a great deal of oversight and coordination among governments, donors, and implementers to avoid regional or global emergencies. Chemonics ensures early warnings of hazards, food insecurity, and vulnerability to food insecurity across the globe. Chemonics also helps increase the quantity and quality of information used to monitor food security and
    • vulnerability and assists governments in developing national and
    • regional monitoring and assessment capabilities.

    Alternative Livelihoods: The growth of illicit crops helps propagate the cycles of poverty and violence in some of the world’s poorest and most unstable places. Chemonics works with public and private sector officials to develop and increase the awareness of sustainable alternative income opportunities in the licit economy.

    Natural Disaster Recovery: Natural disasters destroy infrastructure and threaten the weak social fabric of the world’s poorest countries. Ensuring a quick recovery is essential to maintain the momentum of sustainable development and ensure societal stability. Chemonics supports disaster preparation and aids recovery by helping governments mitigate the societal and physical effects of a disaster.
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Interview Study
Interview talking points