Chapter 3/4

  1. Theory
    an explanation.
  2. cultural ecology
    the analysis of the relationship between a culture and its enviornment
  3. ethnography
    a desccription of a society's customary behaviors and ideas
  4. participant observation
    living amon the people being studied. obseving and questioning people
  5. within culture comparisons
    testing a theory wthin a sociey if they decide to compare individuals, families, households, communities or districts.
  6. regional controlled comparisons
    the anthropologist compares ethrographic info obtained from societies found in a particular reason.
  7. cross culture research
    look for the differences between those societies having and those lacking a particular charactaristic. to test explanations
  8. tsembaga
    horticulures.have pigs to clean up. but where there is too many of them, they kill them all and have a pig feast
  9. political economy
    assumes that external forces explain the way a society changes and adapts.
  10. clifford girtz
    culture is like text that can be analyzed for meaning while the ethnographer interprits it. a ethnographer is a kind of selective intercultural translator.
  11. 2 kinds of explanations
    association of relationships and theories
  12. falsification
    • shows that a theory seems to be wrong.
    • main way theories are judged.
  13. diffusion
    the borrowing by one society of a cultural trait beloning to another society as the result of contact between two societies.
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Chapter 3/4
test 1