Reducing contamination-procedure for handling a microbial spill
- 1.call instructor.
- 2.Cover del spill with paper towels.
- 3.wet the towels with disinfectant and leave for 20 minutes.
- 4.Using gloves place the paper towels in a biohazard container
Contaminated lab material-biohazard waste disposal procedure.
- 1. Don't touch broken glassware with your hands, use broom and a dustpan.
- 2. Dispose of broken glassware in designated broken glass or sharps container.
- 3.Used gloves:orange-lined biohazard container.
Antiseptic vs Disinfectant
- 1.Antiseptics are for use on people
- 2.Disinfectants are for use on objects and surfaces
- Physical or chemical process that destroys vegetative pathogens but not bacteria endospores
Aseptic Technique
- 1. Hold the inoculating loop in your dominant hand & a tube of the broth culture of bacteria in the other hand.
- 2. Sterilize the loop by holding the wire, at its junction with handle, over a Bunsen burner flame. Heat it to redness and slowly move toward its tip. ( removing any organic material0.
- 3.Remove caps from liquid specimens and replace the caps of the test tubes with the same hand that holds the loop. The caps must be held during the entire procedure. Do not set the cap on the bench top. (contamination may result)
More Aseptic Technique
- 4. Hold the tube at an angel and pass the mouth of the tube through the flame a few time. ( reduce contamination)
- 5. Always hold the tube at an angle to minimize aerial dust contamination.
- 6.Allow the loop to cool for at least 7 seconds in air. Avoid touching any object wit it otherwise you will contaminate it.
- 7. Immerse the sterilized, cooled loop into the broth culture to obtain a loopful of cultures.
- 8. Remove the loop and notice a film of liquid culture in it.
More Aseptic Technique
- 9. While holding the loop, flame the mouth of the tube and recap it by slowly inserting the tube into the cap. Place the tube back into the tube rack.
- 10. Remove the cap from a tube of steril TSB, and flame the mouth of the tube.
- 11.Immerse the inoculating loop with the culture into the steril broth(dip and Swirl)
- 12.Flame the mouth of the tube, replace the cap, and retur it to the rack.
- 13. Reflame the loop until it is red and let it cool.
Nosocomial Infections
An infection not present upon admission to a hospital but incurred while being treated there.
- Inoculating loopto isolate or transfer bacteria
- bunsen burner
- laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame, which is used for heating, sterilization
A petri dish is a flat dish made of plastic or glass with a cover that is primarily used to grow bacteria
- Cotton swabs
- sample collection
Culture tube
A test tube, also known as a culture tube or sample tube, is a common piece of laboratory glassware
beakers can be used for routine mixing, measuring and boiling
flasks are used to efficiently distill small amounts of liquid.
A graduated cylinder is meant to be read with the surface of the liquid at eye level
You eye should be level with the top of the liquid and you should read the bottom of the meniscus.
A colony counter
is an instrument used to count colonies of bacteria or other microorganisms growing on an agar plate
Electronic digital balance
- A solid surface for bacteria to grow for observation
- 25 celcius Enviroment
- 37 celcius Body
- Sterilization chamber that utilizes high temperatures and pressures to destro all forms of microbial life
- Temperature 121C
- pressure: 15 psi
- times varies
A small asexual spore, as that formed by some bacteria