major structures of brain moving rostral to caudal
- olfactory bulb
- cortex
- thalamus (dorsal)
- hypothalamus (ventral)
- tectum (dorsal)
- tegmentum (ventral)
- cerebellum (dorsal)
- pons (ventral)
- spinal cord
Decussation of Pyramids
crossover of projection fibers
right hemisphere control left side of body
Functions of the Hypothalamus
- 1. control of the autonomic nervous system
- 2. control of emotional responses
- 3. regulation of body temp
- 4. regulation of hunger and thirst
- 5. control of behavior
- 6. regulation of sleep wake cycles
- 7. control of endrocrine system
- 8. formation of memory
Autonomic nervous system
- Sympathetic- prepares body for arousal
- ex: increased breathing, increased heart rate
- axons release norepinephrine
- -fight or flight
- Parasympthetic- facilitates vegetative nonemergency responses by the body's organs
- ex:inrease digestive activty, activities opposing the sympathetic nervous system
- -consists of cranial nerves and nerves from scral spinal cord
- -relaxation and rest
- coined by Freud to describe the mechanism by which unresolved, unconscious conflict might be transformed into symbolic physical symptoms
- -body is playing out the dramas of the mind
levels of consciousness
- conscious- current awareness
- preconcious- not aware of material but its retrievable
- unconscious- not aware of material and not retrievable
psychic determinism
- nothing happens by chance or accident
- everything we do think say and feel is an expression of our mind
Defense Mechanisms
Sublimation: redirecting 'wrong' urges into socially acceptable actions.
Repression: pushing uncomfortable thoughts into the subconscious.
Denial: Blindness to uncomfortable facts; clinging to false beliefs to avoid fear/shame/arousal.
Displacement: redirecting emotions to a substitute target.
Intellectualization: taking an overly rationalistic viewpoint to deny/avoid emotions.
Projection: attributing one’s own unconscious uncomfortable feelings to others.
Rationalization: creating false but credible justifications to avoid guilt/shame.
Reaction Formation: overacting in the opposite way to an emotion in order to control it.
Regression: reverting to prior developmental states.
The 3 Harsh Taskmasters
the Id: the monster of rage, lust, hunger
the World: a dangerous place and a source of conflict
The superego: the demanding quest for perfection
Three interacting systems
determinants of mental health and psychopathology
- -Ego identity (psychology)
- -group (social)
- - Organism (biology)
- Psychological - Intrapsychic (mind):
- -components, development, and attributes of personality
- Social- Relationships (interpersonal)
- - mother and father
- -siblings and extended family
- -peers
- -community
- -humanity
Epigenetic principle
- There is a natural, predetermined order to development
- -personality growth follows a sequence of inner predetermined laws
- -each person develops through a sequence of interrelated stages that emerge in accordanec with this preset plan
each stage a person is confronted with a crisis that must be resolved
Psychosocial stages
- 1 Trust vs. Mistrust
- 2. Autonomy vs. Shame
- 3. Initiative vs. Guilt
- 4. Industry vs. Inferiority
- 5. Identity vs. Role confusion (diffusion)
- 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation
- 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation
- 8. Integrity vs. Despair
Personality Disorder
- -inflexible, maladaptive patterns of personality
- -often begins early in life
- -results in social, occupational problems or distress
- Cluster A: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
- Cluster B: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
- Cluster C: avoidant, obsessive- compulsive, depended
- Impulse Control Disorders
Causes of Antisocial PD
Genetics, birth trauma, sensation-seeking, family dynamics, modeling and media
Characteristics of the Unconscious
*the Primary Process
- -illogical
- -wish fullfillment and drive satisfaction
- -no ethical system other than pleasure seeking
- - parameters like time don't exhist
Priniciples of Personality Theory
- -fixation
- -regression
- -repetition/compulsion
- -earlier lesions are worse than later ones
- - ego defense mechanisms
- -for some nurture is more important than nature
a pleasure seeking energy
only sexual when it became genital at the conclusion of childhood