13 ANS drugs

  1. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) function:
    • Governs involuntary actions
    • Sympathetic
    • Parasympathetic
    • Neurotransmitters
  2. Sympathetic
    Fight or Flight
  3. parasympathetic
    rest and digest
  4. Drugs that affect ANS
    • 1.Adrenergics (sympathomimetics)
    • 2.Adrenergic blockers (alpha and beta blockers)
    • 3.Cholinergics (parasympathomimetics)
    • 4.Cholinergic blockers (anticholinergics)
  5. Adrenergics

    Fright, fight, and flight
    Sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
  6. Neurotransmitters – catecholamines
    • •Epinephrine (adrenaline)
    • •Norepinephrine
    • •Dopamine
  7. True or false

    adrenergics mimic actions of the SNS
  8. Adrenergic Uses
    • 1.Restoring rhythm in cardiac arrest
    • 2. Elevating blood pressure in shock
    • 3.Constricting capillaries
    • 4.Dilating bronchioles in acute asthmatic
    • attacks, bronchospasm, or anaphylactic reactions
    • 5.Performing ophthalmic procedures
  9. adrenergic side effects
    Palpitations, nervousness/tremors, tachycardia, arrhythmias, hyperglycemia, hypertension, HA/insomnia, tissue necrosis*, anginal pain
  10. Adgrenerics Contraindications or extreme caution
    angina, coronary insufficiency, HTN, arrhythmias, angle closure glaucoma, organic brain damage, hyperthyroidism
  11. adgrenergics caution
    Carefully check dose (small amounts only), Give SubQ, IM (deltoid), or IV.
  12. adgrenergic administration
    • SubQ
    • IM (deltoid)
    • IV
  13. CNS drugs, beta- adrenergic blockers, alpha adrenergic blockers are all examples of interactions for _______?
  14. Block action of SNS, Alpha-adrenergic blockers, Beta-blockers, Propranolol (Inderal) are all actions of _______?
    adgrenergic blockers
  15. Uses of beta-blockers
    • –Hypertension
    • –Cardiac arrhythmias
    • –Angina pectoris
    • –Migraine headache
  16. Side effects of Adgrenergic blockers
    Hypotension, bradycardia, fatigue or lethargy, N/V, hypoglycemia, confusion.
  17. slow heart rate is a side effect of
    adgrenergic blockers
  18. true or false

    patients should rise slowly to avoid postural hypotension
  19. cholenergics are used for:
    Parasympathetic nervous system
  20. Acetylcholine is a type of
    - neurotransmitter
  21. drugs that mimic the PNS
    • –Bethanechol
    • –Neostigmine
    • –Pilocarpine
  22. these actions such as

    –Increased GI peristalsis
    –Increased contraction of urinary bladder
    –Increased secretions (sweat, saliva, gastric juices)
    –Increased skeletal muscle strength

    are all examples of
    cholinergic actions
  23. these actions (Decreased intraocular pressure, Constriction of pupils, Slowing of heart)

    are examples of
    cholinergic actions
  24. examples of cholinergic uses
    • –Non-obstructive urinary retention
    • –Non-obstructive abdominal distention
    • –Myasthenia gravis – neuromuscular disorder,
    • muscle weakness (activity).
    • –Open-angle glaucoma
  25. a cholinergic antidote
    atropine sulfate IV
  26. N/V/DContraindications or ex, muscle cramps/weakness, slow pulse/BP, sweating, respiratory depression, bronchospasm are all examples of ________?
    cholinergic side effects
  27. what type medicatons should cholinergics not be used with?
    antibiotics and heart meds
  28. actions such as these are examples of

    –Drying (All secretions decreased)
    –Decreased GI and genitourinary (GU) motility
    –Dilation of pupils
    cholinergic blockers
  29. •Uses:
    –Antispasmodic and antisecretory for GI or GU
    –Preoperative and preanesthetic application
    –Neuromuscular block and other spastic
    –Antidote for insecticide poisoning,
    cholinergic crisis, or mushroom poisoning
    cholinergic blocker
  30. Antidote for insecticide poisoning,
    cholinergic crisis, or mushroom poisoning
    cholinergic blocker
  31. used for preoperative and preanesthetic application
    cholinergic blocker
  32. used in emergency treatment of bradycardia and atrioventricular heart block with hypotension
    cholinergic blocker
  33. dilation of pupils
  34. Patient education for ______

    Awareness of possible side
    effects, dry mouth, blurred vision.
    cholinergic blocker
  35. Contraindications or extreme caution for _______

    (w/use of atropine) Asthma, COPD, angle-closure, GI or GU obstruction, arrhythmias, HTN, hypothyroidism, hepatic or renal disease.
    cholinergic blocker
  36. Side effects of ______

    dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, confusion tachycardia. blurred vision
    cholinergic blocker
  37. anticholinergic drug
  38. _____ increase gastrointestinal peristalsis and contractions of the urinary bladder
  39. cardiac arrythimias, angina, and migraines can be treated with _______
    adrenergic blockers
  40. neostigmine a cholinergic is used to treat what neuromuscular disease
    myasthenia gravis
  41. clients taking beta blockers should be instructed to ________ to avoid postural hypotension
    arise slowly from a reclining position
  42. how can the bodys sympathetic nervous system best be described
    the emergency system
  43. how can the parasympathetic nervous system best be described
    resting and digesting system
  44. epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine can all examples of
  45. which colinergic blocker is used to prevent motion sickness
    • Scopalamine
    • (ship = motion sickness)
  46. ____ nerve conducts impulses in the thigh and lower leg
  47. the major nerve in the PNS
    • vagus
    • (veggies= rest and digest)
  48. preoperative medication to dry secretions and reduce gastric activity are all uses for
    cholinergic blockers
  49. a cholinergic drug used to treat urinary retention not associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy
  50. drugs that mimic parasympathetic responses
  51. drugs that mimic the parasympathetic actions
  52. mediator liberated and synthesized by parasympathetic nerve fibers
  53. cholinergic used to lower intraocular pressure in glaucoma
  54. ____ dilate to allow a greater oxygen supply
  55. adrenergic administered for severe shock
  56. classic example of a cholinergic blocker
  57. adrenergic blocker used for anginas, arrythmias, and migraines
  58. most commonly used adrenergic blockers are known as _____ and ______
    alpha and beta
Card Set
13 ANS drugs
autonomic nervous system drugs