CMST Chapter 6

  1. argument by generalization
    specific examples are translated into more general principles (ues similies metaphores and comparisons)
  2. Argument by analogy
    alternate experience to prove what is true in 1 case is true in the other
  3. Argument by cause
    establish a cause and effect relationship between 2 events
  4. argument by sign
    1 variable is used as proof of another, thigns present or not present is a sound that/of something else red band by black ok jack
  5. argument by authority
    relies on testimony and reasoning of a crediable source
  6. argument by principle
    the character of a pratice object event or proc is based on a universible or falls within the deffinition of some larger category
  7. Logos
    refers to the use of rational arguments and evidence to persuade an audience of the reasonableness of one's position. it is based on teh belief that human beings are rational beings with the potential to make decisions based on logic principles and evidence
  8. Logical reasoning
    the first kind of reasoning which is the use of inferences and proofs to establish relationships among propositions which warrent specific conclusion
  9. grounds
    are the supporting evidence for the claim
  10. warrent
    the inferential leap thata connects the claim with the ground, usually embodied in a principle, provision or chian of reasoning. usually left unstated
  11. backing
    is a reason used to justify the warrent
  12. rebuttal
    acknowledges the conditon where the claim might not hold
  13. qualification
    admits to the degree of certanity or confidence that the speaker has in the claim
  14. generalization
    warrents draweing a ageneral conclusion about a class of people events objects or processes based on specific examples drawn from experience
  15. anology warrents
    the comparison of two things that might not otherwise go together for the purposes of drawing a conclusion based on their sharing a vitial similarity. the purposes is to help understand a confused or problematic situation by drawing paralles with another more familar one.
  16. sign warrents
    the diagnosis of some underlying conditions based on the apperance of external clues or indicators
  17. fallacies
    represent not only the failure for a warrent to succesfully bridge the claim and the grounds but a failure of construction so egregious that the whole argument tumbles into the abyss
  18. either/or
    the most powerful of fallancies, presents audience with a stark choice by presenint two clear but competely opposite and incompatible alternatives based on excessive exaggeration of good and bad qualites.
  19. slippery slope fallancy
    which exaggerates the series of inevitiable and terrible concequences that will follow from perfoming some action
  20. bandwagon fallacy
    a forme of argument that encourages an audience to do somethign simply because majority of other people is doing it.
  21. ad hominem
    an argumative strategy that underminds an opposing position by attacking the personal character of its advocates rather than the position itself
  22. fallacy of false cause
    represents a strategy of attributing causes of effects based on one's immediate desires or fears rather than an objective study of the process
  23. scapegoating fallacy
    occurs when the cause of undersired effects is attributed falsely to a marginalized group of people who are generally powerless to defend themselfs
  24. red herring
    is an attempt by a rhtor to distract attention from an issues unplesasent by focusing attention on somethign unrealated more sensational and more beneficitial to ones self intrest
  25. non sequitur
    is a statment that has no apparent connection with the statments that came before or come after it
  26. narrative
    a dramatic story that creates a desire in an audience and then fulfills that desire by describing the interaction among agent, scene, at purpose and agency.
  27. narrative fidelity
    refers to how accurately a narrative represents accepted facts
  28. narrative probability
    referst to the coherences of the narrative as a story apart from the actual facts
  29. ideology
    a coherent and interlocking system of beliefs that is used ot decribe the pratical world of rthe sake of guiding action
  30. myth
    by contrast is a timeless story that accounts for the orgins struggles and destines of a people throught the actions of exceptional people in the past
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CMST Chapter 6
chapter 6