Spiritual Health

  1. Define Agnosticism
    Belief that God's reality is unknown and unknowable.
  2. Define Atheism
    Denial of God's existence.
  3. Define Theism
    Belief that God's reality is persnoal without a body, perfect in all thingsand creator and sustainer of the universe.
  4. Define Faith
    • More than a belief: it is the way that a person acts out beliefs in his or her life.
    • A belief in something or a relationship with a higher power.
  5. Define Spiritual well-being
    A condition marked by an affirmation of life, peace, harmony, and a sense of interconnectedness with God, self, community and environment that nurtures and celebrates wholeness.
  6. Define Spiritual need
    • Vary according to each author's belief system.
    • Represents a normal expression of a person's inner being that seeks meaning in all experience and a dynamic relationship with self, others and to the supreme other as the person defines it.
  7. Define Spiritual dimension:
    A quality that goes beyond religious affiliation, that stries for inspiration, reverence, awe, meaning and purpose, even for those who do not believe in any god.
  8. Define Spirituality.
    The quality or essence that pervades, integrates and transcends one's biopsychosocial nature.
  9. Define Holism:
    The position of viewing the universe as a system of harmonious inter-connectedness rather than a sum of isolated parts, integrates the mind and body and emphasizes spirit.
  10. Define Spiritual Care
    A mutual potentially healing or integrating process in which the client's spiritual needs are met.
  11. 5 values between nurses and clients
    • Pluralism-different beliefs and creeds
    • Fear-not being able to handle situation
    • Awareness of own spiritual quest-own life.
    • Confusion-differences
    • Basic Attitudes-relative to illness aging suffering.
  12. Subjective Data 4 areas of Normal pattern Identification:
    • Concept of God or Diety
    • Source of hope and strength
    • Religious practices and rituals
    • Relationship between spiritual beliefs and state of health.
  13. Spiritual Distress is:
    impaired ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life through the individual's connectedness with self, others, art, music, literature, nature, or power greater than oneself.
  14. Spiritual Nursing Diagnoses are;
    • Under the domain Life Principle in Taxonomy II.
    • I.Values
    • II.Beliefs.
    • IIIValues/Beliefs/Action Congruence.
  15. Cultural Competancy is:
    Nurses understand and address the entire cultural context of each client within the realm of the care they deliver.
  16. Acculturation occurs when:
    A clieth is living in a new dominate culture and adopts those patterns of behavior.
  17. Values are:
    • A set of rules by which individual in a culture live.
    • Guide decision-making and behavior
    • Develop unconsciously during childhood.
  18. Subculture is based on:
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Sexual Orientation
    • Marital Status
    • Family structure
    • Income
    • Education level
    • Religious Views
    • Life Experiences
  19. Intregal components of spirituality are:
    • Hope
    • Faith
    • Transcendence
  20. Intrapersonal spirituality is
    within one's self
  21. Interpersonal spirituality is
    With others and the environment
  22. Transpersonal spirituality is
    With an unseen higher power.
  23. Define Hope
    A concept that includes anticipation and optimism and provides comfort during times of crisis.
  24. Population demographics of culture include
    • Number of member in a practice area.
    • Average educaitonal and economic levels
    • Typical occupations
    • Commonly practiced religious spiritual beliefs
    • Prevalence of illnesses/health issues
    • Most commonly held health, wellness, illness and death beliefs.
    • Social organization
  25. Culturally sensitive means:
    Nurses are knowledgeable about the cultures prevalent in their area of practice.
  26. Culturally Appropriate means:
    Nurses apply their knowledge of a clients culture to their care of delivery.
  27. Major Characteristics of Spriituality include:
    • Sense of Wholeness
    • Harmony within one's self
    • Harmony with others
    • Harmony with God (higher power)
  28. Sociocultural background provides
    • Attitudes
    • Beliefs
    • Values
  29. Noncompliance is:
    The behavior of persons or caregiver failing to coincide with a health-promoting or therapeutic plan agreed upon by the perosn and healthcare professional
  30. Decisional Conflict is:
    Uncertainty about course of action to be taken when choice among competeing actions involves risks, loss, or challenge to perosnal life values.
Card Set
Spiritual Health
Chapter 52