Simiar functions w/o close relationship
-similarity is result of convergent evolution (evolve independently of each other)
Similarity of structures due to common ancestry regardless of function
Vestigial Organs
Organs w/ no discernable function
- ex: coccyx of humans
- legs of snakes and whales
Evolutionary Anachronisms
Products of nature that can only be explained in light of evolution ("ghosts of evolution past")
ex: avacado
Adaptations that evolved originally for a different function
ex: feathers on birds (evolved as thermoregulation as opposed to flight)
- -study of organismal development
- -more closely related organisms should share more of their development
ex: we all had gills at some point and had a 2 chamber heart
Molecular Biology
Genetics = Study of heredity
-we should share more of our DNA w/ those organisms we are more closely related to
ex: chimpanzees and humans share 98% of DNA
Natural Selection = unequal reproductive success
those individuals with traits (= adaptations) best suited to the local environment will generally leave more fertile offspring
Modern Synthesis (1930's)
Merging of evolutionary and genetic research/thought
a group of individuals of the same species in the same place, at the same time
Hardy-Weinberg Formula
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Hardy-Weinberg Formula Assumptions
- 1 Extremely large population size
- 2 no mutations are occuring
- 3 no selection happening (ex: no evolution)
- 4 random mating
- 5 no gene flow
A generation-to-generation change in a populations frequency of allels
Genetic Drift
A change in the gene pool of a small population due to chance
The Bottleneck Effect
A drastic reduction in population size
-only a few survive--->therefore certain alleles are overrepresented and others are underrepresented (or lost)
ex; cheetas (10,000yrs ago & 19th century)
The Founder Effect
Only a few individuals w/ a different genetic make-up start a new population
- ex: 1814, 15 British founded a colony on Tristan de Cunha (in the middle of the atlantic ocean)
- -one had rare retinitis pigmentosa allele
- -by 1960's, of 240 descendents, 4 had the disease and 9 were known carriers
Gene Flow
- A gain/loss of alleles from a populationby the movement of individuals/gametes into or out of a population
- -if gene flow increases, it will decrease the difference among populations
The raw (original) source of genetic variation
Natural Selection
Leads to variation between population = geographic variation
- -bc environmental factors are likely to vary across the range of a species
- -the main driver of microevolution
Directional Selection
Select one phenotype over another phenotype
Disruptive Selection
Select against the most common phenotype which drives the evolution of 2 very different phenotypes
Stabilizing Selection
Select against both extremes (favor most common, intermediate phenotype)
-most common
Balancing Selection
Maintain multiple alleles, maintains 2 or more phenotypes at stable frequencies
Heterozygote Advantage
Individuals who are heterozygus for a certain trait have greater fitness than homozygus individuals
Frequency-Dependent Selection
The frequency of any 1 phenotype declines if it becomes too common
- ex: predator prey interactions
- side blotched lizards (rock, paper, scissors)
Neutral Variation
Variation that has little or no affect on reproductive success---> it is not selected for or against
-while this variation may not have any effect today, it may have an impact in the future if the environment changes
Sexual Selection
Natural selection for mating success
-can lead to sexual dimorphism
Within a sex
-competition for mates by individuals of the same se
- ex: peacocks-best plumage
- Irish elk-biggest antlers
Why sex?
- 1 production of diploid cells
- 2 meiosis-production of gametes (to eliminate errors of
- recombination)
- 3 sex is good if its optional
- 4 selection of sexiness
- 5 maintained by the good, the bad and the ugly
Maintainance of beneficial mutations
-the population can evolve faster
Weeding out the bad mutations
Avoid boom/bust cycles caused by parasites
-the Red Queen Hypothesis
The major changes in the history of life
- ex: origin of new species
- origin of biological novelties (ex: wings)
- explosive diversification
- mass extinction
What is a species?
- -produce fertile offspring
- -populations
- -behavioral interactions
- -morphological features
Biological Species Concept
A species is a population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature to produce fertile offspring
- Alternatives:
- 1 morphological - physical traits
- 2 ecological
- 3 genetic similarity
Prezygotic Reproductive Barriers
before fertilization
- a mechaanical isolation-the parts dont fit
- b behavioral isolation-ex: distinctive odors, calls, mating
- rituals
- c habitat isolation
- d temporal isolation-different breeding seasons
- e gametic isolation-no union of the male and female
- gametes
Postzygotic Reproductive Barriers
(after fertilization)
- a hybrid inviability
- b hybrid sterility
- c hybrid breakdown
Hybrid Inviability
Dies young and doesn't reach sexual maturity
Hybrid Sterility
No functional gametes produced by the hybrid
ex: mules
Hybrid Breakdown
Offspring are feeble/sterile
Allopatric Speciation
Geographic barrier that physically isolates a splinter population
- -many splinter groups don't survive
- -the splinter population MUST be reproductively isolated
Sympatric Speciation
- New species originates w/o geographic isolation w/in the parent population.
- -most common
- a polyploidy-extra set of chromosomes (common in
- plants)
- b habitat differentiation
- c sexual selection